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Booker Edgrson

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Posts posted by Booker Edgrson

  1. You can't think and act scared if you want to have a serious team. If you have a conviction that one of these qbs are capable of being franchise qbs, (as I do), then you have to pull the trigger. The Bills are drafting from a very high position. Why not take advantage of that position and solidify it with a legitimate talent at the qb spot and then go on to rebuild your hollow franchise?


    AMEN AMEN AMEN I'll say it again if he meets the requirments and meets the team expectations then YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE QB!! People want to hang "Character" issues give me a break... Does Nick Saban's character or Mark Richt's character or Doug Gotlieb's character or Tressel's character come into play when those employers wanted to give them a job?


    Yes but a small bit Coaches lie cheat and steal on the reg sign contracts bolt in the middle of the season Bobby Petrino recruit kids leave and the kid can't transfer. So ALL you character guys take a look in the mirror as tax season comes about and report all your gambling winnings, yes the three card parlay,the NCAA pool you won last year,your fantasy FB league GET real!! Character counts but..........Get me a SB and it counts very little!


    Want real character go to Disneyland they only charge children $28.00 to get in. Since most of you are over 18 on this board be prepared to shell out over $40 bucks to get in then you can have character

  2. It's all gimmick bullsht. Theres a reason why all successful NFL teams have pocket passers.


    I still don't understand why people think that college success will always carry over to the NFL level? [because on the Average it DOES!!![/[/color]color]I've already proven that the best NFL QBs didn't accomplish sht in the NFL. Overhyped QBs will almost always fail. Newton will be just another example.


    Gimmick? Count the number of teams that do not use the shotgun formation or a three four or five reciever set? Gimmick? reverses wildcat west coast offense gimmick ? ever see the eagles play? What about Pittsburgh how about hte Packers?

    There was not a QB in the league who was exclusivley under the center. About 55% of NFL passes came out of the shotgun formation so NFL coaches use gimmicks and trickeration on the reg.


    As college programs continue to use the spread and the NFL continues to use "college" players guess what happens..... This is not MAdden You get players who make plays and put them into a position to make them!!


    See NE with the no name reciever corps.. See GB with James Starks as a RB and no name WR how long did Aaron Rodgers sit? Get A QB who makes plays and put his skill set to work for you OPTION WING T TRADITIONAL SPREAD SHOT GUN... hell for that matter if you MR Right All the time" can make plays then put your dumb Arse In

  3. 1) Who cares what he did in college? I wish people would stop bringing up his college and be more afraid of. Vince Young, Tim Tebow, or Vick in his Atlanta years at the 5 yd line. Or Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, or Drew Brees? I'd be more worried about the guys that can actually THROW the ball.


    Get a clue. :rolleyes:


    Let's see since we are talking College which "All" future players come from. Cam Newton played in the TOUGHEST conference and dominated that conference! Has a skill set that translated well on the college level. Clearly the most dominate "college" player against the toughest dvision with the BEST coaches and they did not have an answer for him. 30 tds 20 rusheing TD's then I would like my chances with this guy.


    Who by the way does not have to play right away, yet still could have a set number of series to run ie (inside the red zone 2nd and 7 give him) a specific read if it is not there then get the first down (keep the chains moving) RUN.


    Work with Chan & Fitz learn how to be a NFLer and take this team to the next level in year two 1/2 and beyond!! Come on people GET REAL Draft the QB that was dominate in the BEST CONFERENCE on EARTH!!!! Yes we CAM!!

  4. Having great mechanics and great throwing arm are not representative of being a good QB.


    Was the Auburn offense representative of Newton limits as a QB? Can he handle more responsabilities as a signal caller? If the answer is yes, why didn't they ask more from him, and if the answer is no, do you want that guy as the leader of your team?


    When you'RE WINNING (C Sheeen) you don't need to do much else! Undefeated...... However, when he was called to do more he did......uh WINNER!!!

  5. :unsure:

    What does that have to do with whether or not the Bills should draft Juice Newton?

    Simply put everyone who speaks about character in the world we live in should take a 30,000 foot view and think about the character flaws in the world we live in and get off the character issue of a FOOTBALL player that is what it has to do with drafting CAM.


    We can give a "character guy" like Kelsay $$$$ who don't have "SKILLS" to make a difference then I'll take a difference maker like Cam with "character issues" Now do you follow me.....


  6. Welcome to the board.

    Been reading for awhile sooo Now I'm in


    Booker, you should bold your response to make it easier to see but I agree with your post. Newton did some stupid, immature things when he was a t Florida. But on the big scale of things, they are very juvenile offenses.


    As for the taking money issue, I say good for his family. Auburn has made millions of Newton and selling his #2 jerseys that he doesn't get a cent of. If he blew out his knee, do you think the school is really going to help him out? Whether people want to admit it or not, this type of thing is going on all the time in big time college sports. The only difference is MSU was bitter that Newton didn't go there and blew the whistle.



  7. Without coming out and saying it, you're implying that racial discrimination has something to do with people discounting and doubting Cam Newton. But you are wrong.


    There are legitimate concerns about Cam Newton's character.


    These concerns stem from his father (supposedly without Cam's knowledge) asking for a play for pay fee from schools attempting to recruit him.


    These concerns also stem from the circumstances of him leaving Florida amidst a grading scandal in which he allegedly stole a paper from a classmate and put his name on it. He allegedly subsequently bought a paper online and submitted it as his own work. Some claim that he was to be expelled before he voluntarily left Florida.


    So there are legitimate concerns about his character.


    There were zero concerns about James Harris' character. Harris simply came along at a time when there was strong institutionalized prejudice against blacks playing quarterback in the NFL.


    The two cases couldn't be more different.

    Ok Let's be Real Here, If we are going to be moral police let us all look in the mirror. We want football players Not Ministers, rabbis and choir boys! Charcter is a old phrase that has merit but on the football field, weighs about 10 lbs in a 100 pound bag of @#$^.


    So mix it in with the other stuff and the smell is not as strong. Give me the Ray Lewis's and the Big Ben's and Jared Allens and Dare I say Bret Favres (Prescrptions, Sextinget,et al,)Reggie Bushes, Chris Carters, Romonowskis and let's get a efnn championship!


    Do I have to remind you of the GREAT Jim Kelley parties during the Bills Reign. How much character was consider during those parties? I say again You don't pass on a Franchise QB's if he is what you need & is available can get him GET HIM ask the Jets, Falcons, Ravens & RAMS YES WE CAM!!!

  8. Listen i have seen Cam play in Altanta since High school. The kid is a legit player period! Most Major Programs Ga, Fla, Bama TEN Auburn Wanted him ALL except GA wanted him as a QB. Don't forget OKLA wanted him too. I have been a Bills Fan since the ol War Memorial days when I walked to the games from Glenwood Ave (East Side Baby) The Bills need players and play makers and if Cam is around when we can pull the card the we IMHO should jump at the chance. A year under and Chan/Fitz barring an injury add some special wrinkles to our O,

    then get it done.


    If not he will end up in Baltimore or Pittsburgh via a trade or DC Git it done

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