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Posts posted by BillsFan68

  1. I saw a highlight film of Spiller that showed him blocking very well. He picked up the blitzer early and was effective. He didn't get brushed aside or sacrifice himself for just a split second of extra time. He reminded me very much of Thurman Thomas, who was a very underrated blocker.


    I think it came from a South Carolina news outlet. I tried to find the link but couldn't retrace my steps to it. Sorry. I think I was led to it from ESPN if you want to have a go.

  2. I would agree. There is too much need for top talent/youth on the OL, LB, and at NT. I think they may grab an underachieving vet QB in FA (Derek Anderson is rumored to become available (per NFL Total Access)). And then focus on OL and LB. I think this will be their strategy.


    However, if Bradford or Clausen is available, I think they pick one of those. Then they would focus on OT. Not saying I agree with this strategy, just what I expect them to do.

  3. With much hesitation, I would have to say 'Yes'. But not because I think he is a "franchise' quarterback. I think he will be a good QB, solid starter.


    I say trade up for the following reason: If the team actually progresses this year, as expected, then that means our draft position will drop as well. The end result will mean we will not be in drafting range of a solid QB.


    I personally believe this is the reason the 80s Broncos and Dolphins struggled to put a top team on the field. Elway and Marino always won enough games for their team so that they always drafted mid to late round.


    Not meaning to be insulting, but I think there's an influence within us, as fans, of being amateur GMs (ala Madden Football)(I am too). I think, in the real world, it' harder to be trading up/trading down. For the most part, you can't just wheel and deal. It costs too much and has too much risk. So many college players are busts (and not just in Buffalo).



  4. Just my 2 cents: If "facts" are facts, concerning the discussions, perhaps it's about Jimbo being appointed president. RW has stated so many times that he is not selling any piece of the franchise, I have to believe him. But, now, perhaps he's feeling his age and knows he's not up to managing the franchise. He wants to turn the control over to someone he knows has the best interests of the franchise at heart. Jimbo would then hire the football people to operate the franchise. Anyone with info as to whether this is even a possibility?

  5. Just some thoughts... I think Kelly was referring to no Cali QBs "For Buffalo".


    There are plenty of Cali QBs who have had much success. As was rightly pointed out, Aikman is a good example. But look closely at that example - Aikman played high school in CA, went to UCLA, then played in Dallas. His experience made him suited to play in Dallas. Think of Rob Johnson - HS in CA, USC then success in Jacksonville. Then he stunk in Buffalo. Kelly himself played college ball at Miami. But, Kelly had a strong arm, a tight spiral, and developed that in HS in PA. And I think that is the key... somewhere the QB has to have played in cold weather whether that's in HS or college. Tom Brady played at Michigan. As anybody who has frozen their rear end off at RW stadium, it's tough to play there with the swirling winds and bitter cold.

  6. I was so hoping Buffalo would pick Orakpo. He should have been the pick, he was ready to play right now and that's what Buffalo needed.


    I was a little disappointed but OK with Maybin but he was not my first choice. Then I found out his mentor was Arrington. You know, the Malcontent. Then I knew we were going to rue the day. But what else do you expect with this Front Office.



  7. Agree with most of the comments reflecting the decline in quality of the NFL. I don't think even the best teams are as good as in the recent past.


    I'll toss this out for consideration: Since the new CBA went into effect, many NFL teams have turned to new, young, first time head coaches( i.e. cheaper). Admittedly, some coaches have succeeded, moderately, short term. But with so many established, knowledgeable coaches out of the game, I think player quality and discipline has declined. Further, because of the reduction in cash, owners have slashed scouting departments in favor of databases, info pooled together. I think this has an impact after the Draft. Players not ready for their high draft status are being forced into action before they are ready because of their high draft spot.



  8. All this losing, in such comical, disgusting fashion, is DRIVING ME CRAZY!


    Proof: Is Ralph Wilson purposely running this team into the dirt, to lessen the hassle of the Bills leaving Buffalo when RW passes? The Bills as an organization are terrible in every department but Marketing. And RW doesn't want to make any changes!


    Another Proof: I'm actually serious about this question.


    They are an absurd excuse for a football team.

  9. I think Schottenheimer would be perfect in Buffalo. I think he would have the Bills in the playoffs in 2 years. I think there is talent on the team but seriously underperforming due to the coaching. Marty ball perfectly suits Buffalo - when the weather turns, you must run, predominantly. FYI - during the Super years and the K-Gun attack, Buffalo led the League (or AFC, not sure) in rushing most of those years. Remember when Thurman set the playoff rushing record against the Fins?

  10. Whine away! I fully agree with you! I've been whining for years. http://www.stadiumwall.com/style_images/bi...icons/icon1.gif


    I've been a Bills fan since '68 and the Bills have always seemed to struggle to collect and put top talent on the field, with the exception of the Super years. I think in the end, the problem is Ralph. I appreciate that RW has kept the Bills in Buffalo, but he almost never has invested very much money in the team.


    Since Wade Phillips and John Butler left, RW has not invested in proven or talented coaches and staff. Also, since Tom Donahoe, RW has not brought in any Football Management people. GM types. Instead, he's running the team fractured, by committee. Another legacy from Donahoe - too much power in one man's hands, so diffuse the power structure of the team. Just my 2 cents, some thoughts for further expansion for anyone else.

  11. I think that the idea of a stadium in Niagara Falls makes tremendous sense on so many levels - except one. And it's the type that can kill a deal. Niagara County doesn't have the tax base to support the construction of a stadium and the infrastructure improvements needed. There was a well-written news article that analyzed the subject. I think it was linked to a previous thread here. I'm sorry but I just don't remember where.

  12. I would think that the only regular season game more important, would be a Home division game.


    Anyone else get the idea that Buffalo is getting shafted by the league? What more could the league want than for Tom Brady to get a win in his "triumphant return"? Tom Brady's return. Patriots home opener. Monday night football. A key game (a division opponent). Everything is set up for the Patriots to win. I only hope that Buffalo puts up a fight.

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