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Posts posted by BTIZZLE

  1. I agree. The Cardinals, Seahawks, Jags, Panthers, Bucs, Bengals, and the Saints all have rebounded. These teams kept key players and/or coaches. They drafted well with their high picks. Even the Chiefs and Texans are looking good these days.


    The Bills have had a new coaching staff and roster every 2-4 years. No consistent culture. They have also let so many free agents go. I understand you can't keep everyone. But it is amazing to see how many successful players started in Buffalo. And most of them are not over-paid. They are earning what they deserve.


    I am not sure Chan is the right coach, but I do believe if he is, let him build his team. Letting him stay for 3 years and canning him because the Bills miss the playoffs (Mularkey, Williams, Jaroun) will do little good. A head coach has to be trusted to stay for the long haul. Look at Fisher, Del Rio, Belicheat, ect...... Just think of how many different coaches and QB's the Belichick lead Pats have faced. That is terrible. Question is................


    Do you trust Chan?

  2. I am not one of these fans that sits in a room bashing the quarterback. I realize that removing the starter is not always the answer, sometimes the change accomplishes very little and the team can become divided over who should start the following week.


    I have to tell you, I was sure Gailey needed to do something to spark the team and I thought for sure Edwards would not start the 2nd half.


    How about you?


    Trent is the best we have. Let him play. Benching him won't help. He needs to go next year and we need to beef up the O-line. I am not a trent supporter but come on, he has NO protection. And....when he does have time, he is too nervous that pressure might be coming.

  3. The disrespect for the Bills is getting out of control... they admittingly aren't paying attention during our highlights (1:20 in), and the only reason we scored was busted coverage (2:40)? Right or wrong, these guys are not professional and I hope we can stick it to them... a lot of work to do I know. Does any other bad team get talked about like this?







    Dude, what the hell do you want them to say about the Bills. I am sitting here watching highlights and I don't want to hear about the Bucs. No non-Bills fan cares about the Bills.

  4. And while we (OK, I) are in a bitching mood, why in Gods name are people who pay for the Sunday ticket in Rochester and Syracuse blacked out for non sold out games???? They pay their money, and a big piece of that goes to the NFL. I'm not talking about this game in particular, just "real" home games. Greed knows no limit in the NFL.



    I live in Boston and the Pats are never blacked out these days. I am shocked that this is true?

  5. I'm sure you all already know that the game will not be televised in the Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo markets by Time Warner. I called Time Warner last night and they informed me the NFL Network has exclusive rights to the game. This means it doesn't matter if you are in the primary or secondary market, & if you do not have a cable provider that has the NFL network you will not see this game. THIS SUCKS AND I DON'T KNOW WHO TO BLAME, THE NFL OR TIME WARNER!!!!!



    I hate to say it..... just cough up the extra dough for Direct TV. Screw TW

  6. It's early for this, I know. And I know people on the board are pretty divided about how they really feel about TO wearing a buffalo on his helmet. However, I'm curious what people think TO would need to do in order for the Bills to make a (serious) offer to retain TO in '10, or what the Bills need to do in order for TO to want to come back.


    My (worthless) two cents on the situation:


    Yes, TO drops balls. But he also gets open more than any WR we've had on this roster since Andre Reed retired. I personally think that TO has gotten a bad wrap as far as his on and off the field blowups have gone -- yes, some of them have been his own doing but others have been the media spinning things in a negative way (especially in Dallas and since he's been here in Buffalo). It's a shame that the Bills have not had a good enough O-Line or consistent enough play from their QBs to get him the ball more this year. I think during the past two games TO has shown he has gas in the tank and would be a valuable weapon to have on this team in '10 -- especially if the Bills do go out and get a rookie/franchise-type QB to groom for the future. I believe the Bills absolutely should make a play to retain him in '10.


    From the Bills' perspective, I think they will make an offer to retain him. It makes sense when you look at how the WR corps will shake out in the off season. Josh Reed will be a UFA, and the Bills have banished Johnson and Hardy to the inactive list so much this season that it's really impossible to tell what, if anything, they can offer in '10 as far as being the number 2 guy behind Lee -- or the number 3 guy in the slot. They have too many holes to address in the draft to warrant using a high draft pick on another WR. So that leaves FA. And personally, I think TO will once again be the best available WR on the Free Agent market ... though admittedly, I'm not too familiar with who will be available from other teams. Considering all those factors, I think the Bills will make an offer to keep him -- but I'm not certain it will be enough to convince him to stay.


    From TO's perspective, I always felt he was going to use his time in Buffalo to audition for a 3-4 year deal from a contending club. I think he's tired of being in Buffalo -- not as far as the city or fans go, but he wants to play for a winning club. The only way I think he will consider coming back to the Bills is if they make a serious commitment to a top coach and QB in the off season. There's a chance that if they keep Perry (doubtful) and get a great GM in here to make personnel moves he could be convinced to stay, but at the very least it's going to take a 4 year deal worth 30 million. And that might be low.


    If TO leaves, and I feel it's a highly likely he will (call it 85%), the Bills will have to scramble to fill yet another hole when frankly, they should be focusing on the OL, DL, LB, QB spots instead.


    So what say the folks here on TSW? What do you think it will take, from the Bills perspective and from TO's perspective to keep him in the fold? Or do you think the Bills would be better served letting him go elsewhere?



    0% I wish I thought there was a chance he would stay. The Bills will make an offer and he will decline. I just hope he gets out of the AFC

  7. Dudes a linebacker, looks like a high school kid lining up at DE.


    At this point, we wait and see what a new coaching staff and GM have in mind for him. Not to mention give him an off-season with NFL trainers to see if he can bulk up.


    We all knew he was not going to be a star this season. He didn't even start for 2 years at PSU. I will be the first to call him a bust this time next year if we see no development. But until then....... keep your pants on people.

  8. though he'll never be Ed Reed, he is an above average saftey, and has great football instincts. his biggest weakness is he is short and slow. yea, kind of like most of the bills. that said, he's a solid player and is best when he is moved around a ton, which fewell is doing more of.



    im OK with Perry at HC and AVP as OC as long as 1.) we get a real talent evaluator in here (say gabriel from the bears) 2.) get a real QB unless Fitz shows he can stop throwing INTs (for his career he is in the red, and this year is no different) 3.) trade Marshawn/roscoe for whatever we can get



    Agree on everything but the Marshawn trade. NFL teams need 2-3 goods backs. Keep Lynch


    Go Bills

  9. Come on guys, you know you want to show Donte some lovin. He played a solid, all around game - got pressure on the QB, stopped some runs, covered slot receivers, got a good interception.


    The defense is better when he's on the field.


    The problem is, he was not drafted to be solid. He was drafted to be a star on the D. I have not given up on him but he needs to play solid every week.


    I also don't blame him for Ricky's first half. These LB's are over matched. It must be hard to be the run stuffing saftey we need when the LB's can't stop the run.


    Overall you are right. Good game Donte!!


    Go Bills

  10. We'll have to see what happens from here on out, but today had a MUCH different feel. Not just winning, but the attitude the team took into this game. They were bringing pressure, playing aggressive... taking the game to Miami. When Fitzpatrick launched that bomb to T.O. and essentially sealed the deal, I had to say to myself... "Ye Ole'... I think Buffalo Bills football has returned..."



    Nice to cheer for the Bills today with my 2 year old. He was almost confused to why we kept playing the shout song on the stereo!! Nice win.


    O-line was still rough. Fitzy will need some treatment by the trainers tonight!! Hope they can hold up Vs the Blitz happy rex ryan D on a short week of rest.

  11. If Dungy has been such a great influence on Vick, I say we bring them both in. I trust Vick, as far has off the field issues if Dungy is with him. It solves the QB situation, coaching/GM situation, and the future draft picks direction.


    I also believe while he is not a great pocket passer, he is a great football player. He would be a good fit and we would not waste a first round pick on a QB we have no clue about their ability to be an NFL player. Vick is a proven player. Plus we have that cat Brohm on the bench to try to develop. Use your first day picks on building strength in the trenches. O Line depth is still a problem. Would be nice to get a big run stuffer too on the D line. Not to mention a few LB's that weigh over 200 pounds. Poz is out there by himself!!


    Please don't use this strain to complain about dog fighting. That is over!!! Get over it people. Lets debate the value of Vick as a football player and the options that could be available if he and Dungy are here together.

  12. He looked like a 400lb pig out there chasing down Chris Johnson. In addition he repeatedly took bad angles to end up 5 yards behind the play chasing it down. How about when he blitzed and got through the line, he was so shocked, he decided to play pass defense instead of going for a sack, ended up giving up a 12 yard run to vince young.


    This whole team is a joke.


    props to Bryan Scott



    Props to Scott?? And you are going to bash Poz? Poz was out there playing LB by himself

  13. I can lay a p.o.s. in my toilet and declare my loyalty to it- but it's still a p.o.s.


    I am not saying this team is not a p.o.s I hope Ralph is on the horn with DICK right now. I hope we get a real football GM. I hope we get a real QB. I hope we get a real O-line.


    But in the meantime...... I will rock my Bills hat, share my love for the team with my kids, and yes.... dare I say, go to the game Turkey day weekend when I am visiting the fam.


    Go Bills

  14. Not trying to beat a dead horse but anyone else think we should have accepted that holding penalty late in the game when the Titans kicked the field goal? I know we were giving up big chunks of yards on those screen plays on 3rd and long but that late in the game when it is still a one possession ball game I think it's smarter to take the chance, knock them out of field goal range, and try to force the punt on the next play instead of setting a good kicker up to make it a two-possession game. If they convert on the 3rd downl, again, they make it a two-possession ball game either way. At least we would have had a chance to force the punt and get the ball back with the game still at one possession. Maybe then we could have moved the ball without having to force it and throw those two late pick sixes.



    They were converting 3rd and longs all day with screens. Hind sight is 20 20 but I don't have a huge problem with it. It is not as bad as the Jets game last year with the end of game management.

  15. if you people stopped buying the gear, stopped buying the tickets we would see a better product. if you keep rewarding ralphie poo with sell outs and merchandise sales he will have no incentive to do something to improve the team. and don't give me that crap about ralph moving the team. you know he won't move it until he dies. until then he and his family laugh to the bank with your money.


    you cry in your beer.



    10 years of fan support, 10 years of failure.





    will you ever learn?


    We love to follow sports because we are loyal to our teams. You just don't stop supporting because your team is lousy. You root like hell and when/if it does turn for the better, victory is that much sweeter.


    You must be a bandwagon fan. Let me guess.... You like the Yanks, Lakers, Steelers, and whoever wins this year.


    Loyalty is what counts to me.


    Go Bills

  16. :oops: enough already. The guy obviously doesn't give a :censored: . Two passes thrown his way in the 4th on the sames series. First one, over his head, OK. Next one a little behind, but for :wallbash: sakes, look like you care and try to get the ball. Why even bother trying to throw to the guy. I realize he is probably frustrated, but why the heck did he even come to Buffalo. He knew the team :w00t: sucked. What did he expect?




    Don't believe the hype. Rich Gannon's comments about TO's body language at the end of the game were stupid. The dude is open!! Lee Evans is open! Nelson gets open. Reed gets open. Captain Checkdown won't/can't get them the ball.


    I would be pissed too if I were TO.


    I really feel bad for Evans. He will waste his career here. Just like Eric Moulds.

  17. If you live in Buffalo go to the games. Its a good chance that the Bills will move and the opportunity to see the Bills in Buffalo will be gone forever. Stop pretending a boycott will have any effect much less one with positive results. Strong fan support and attendance is one of the only things that will keep the Bills in Buffalo when new ownership arrives.



    Some folks just enjoy going. I am proud that Bills fans are loyal. I was at that Pats/Bills game last month and you should have seen all those :w00t::bag: Pats fans leaving with 5 minutes left.


    With that being said, I hope there are changes soon and the Bills become Dick-less



  18. As a Bills fan I don't care about bringing the AFL and NFL together (to line his pockets), nor do I care that he loaned Al Davis money to keep the Raiders franchise (and the AFL afloat), all I care about is what has he done for the people who support the Buffalo Bills. And from what I can tell, he's given us a team with a losing record. When you produce a substandard product for 50 years running you are not a success.



    I agree. I could careless about his role in the merger.


    But, he went into the HOF for the merger deal. Not his success on the football field.


    That will be his legacy to most



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