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Fred Smerlas's Moustache

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Posts posted by Fred Smerlas's Moustache

  1. The Miami/Ohio Taint game will be an early litmus test. We'll see where the bear **** in the buckwheat regarding Harris and Pryor early on.


    As for FSU, I think they're underrated, and will surprise after cutting a metric ton of dead weight from their coaching staff. That said, Ponder ain't winning the Hypesman unless they're in the title hunt in late November, which I think to be highly unlikely.

  2. Warrick Dunn is this guy's mentor. You honestly could not pick a better human being to guide your NFL career.


    Couldn't agree more. Nevermind the amazing things Dunn accomplished on the field at his size. He is an exemplary human being.


    And this is coming from a die hard Miami Hurricane fan and alumnus.

  3. same thing happens here in Atlanta downtown. actually, most major cities have financial/business districts downtown that become ghost towns at 5:30pm. if you, or the bartender, wanted action you should have hit the Elmwood strip where there are always plenty of people out and about.


    as for the game attendance, even the Braves dont pack the seats for a Tuesday night game (probably not even half full). are you surprised that a mid-week AAA game is empty?


    what a bush league tourist...


    Atlanta's problem is just like South Florida's/Charlotte's/Jacksonville's. Everybody's from somewhere else, so unless they're playing the Yankmees, only so many people show. Buffalo may have deteriorated in many ways into a 'bush league' city, but insulting its' sports fans is just dumb, even from a canadian. Nobody gives a sh1t about minor league baseball anywhere.

  4. There is no law in this country against owning pit bulls. If his neighbors are allowed to own animals and he is not, that is flat out discrimination. You can't stop somebody from doing a lawful act like owning a pet, becasue you "think he might train them to be aggressive" or you are being "proactive" That is completely ignorant and wrong if that is in fact how that scenario went down.


    True there is no law in this country, but counties/municipalities have passed those laws. It's illegal to own a pit bull in Miami-Dade county. I love dogs, and know a ton of folks with great pit bulls. I've met many more good pit bulls than I've met good homeowner association members.

  5. I applaud the HOA. It would be crazy for them to allow someone as immature and with the kind of track record as Lynch to be able to train and keep pit bulls.


    Appropos for nothing, in Pittsburgh, Joey Porter's pit bulls "escaped" and killed a freakin' horse.


    Great. Now he's "training" pit bulls.

  6. it almost sounds like lynch has been "scarred straight" by the blatant racists of buffalo.


    The article certainly paints an ugly picture for the city.


    It does sound like he has learned his lesson and has decided to rededicate himself to the game, which is what we all wanted to hear. If he can get back to form we will have a ridiculously good running game


    I totally agree with this as well. Whenever I go back home (I live in Florida), I can't get over the level of racism. I think Marshawn is overreacting, and certainly hasn't helped himself with his conduct, but it's tough to excuse that bigot cop or the scumbag drunk throwing a beer at his car.


    Everyone was calling McGahee a thug too, and he didn't get so much as a parking ticket. He got sent to the anus of the universe (Baltimore), and was elated to go there rather than Buffalo.

  7. I'm rooting for him to tear it up. That said, I'd suggest Marshawn read Travis Henry's wikipedia page and use it as a cautionary tale.


    Hey, I grew up in Rochester, and agree with him that the area's not for everybody. That's why I moved. Then again, I wasn't getting paid millions to play a kids game. Grow up, dude. Put down the Wii bowling and hit the weights, so you don't show up to training camp looking like one of the O' Jays, like you did last year.

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