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Posts posted by bubba

  1. He's also a smarmy, snobbish, self-centered POS rolling in dough thanks to the leg up given to him by his family show-biz connections, who never misses an opportunity to lift his self-important leg on large numbers of his fellow citizens.


    Even when he's not reposing in his Gulfstream V and jetting to Biarritz or Zermatt and yapping about poverty and inequality....


    How's that? :rolleyes:



    Bubba say... word.

  2. Guess What? I told you so. Screw Jerry Sullivan, Screw Bob DiCesare and screw all of you who listen to GR all week and whine about Ralph Wilson not caring about winning and Edwards being incompetent (he played one hell of a football game and if you don't think so, then you don't know anything about football) because they didn't play well in the preseason and because that's what your sweatpants-wearing, artery-clogging-food-eating, parent's-basement-dwelling breathren were saying on the radio for the last two months. Ya know what? Usually it's Bills vs. Pats- Bills Nation vs. Pats Nation and this time around it felt like the Bills vs. the Pats, their fans and 95% of Bills fans. Hats off to the Bills for a valiant effort, hopefully Posluszny isn't out too long and I can't wait for Sunday! Peace I'm outta here.


    A loss is a loss. The Bills gave the game away, and you're gloating that they beat the spread?


    I don't give a flying sh-- who predicted what, I'm disgusted.

  3. It died when the Rigases killed Adelphia with their shenanigans. I doubt WNY will see another regional network in the near future. It's not even possible until the Sabres contract comes up for bid again.


    I have to say it irks the hell out of me watching a Sabres game on MSG and enduring the NYC commercials as though anyone in WNY gives a good god damn about the Legends of Madison Square Garden. They have to run a show about the legends because nobody worth a damn plays there now!



    Dude... I'm so slow :devil:

  4. What ever happened to the Empire Sports Network. I really miss Howard, Vic, Larry, And Art Wander. Will They ever get a similar network back on the SAT TV. I hate all these FOX Sports channels. They are all the same.


    They were operated by Adelphia, yes?... part of the shenanigans that the Rigas's were pulling... Empire was given Sabres broadcasts as a loss, if I recall correctly. They never could have justified themselves financially otherwise. When the Rigas's lost the Sabres, Empire had lost it's only revenue source.


    I'm sure someone with better memory can correct me or clarify.

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