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Posts posted by AlaskaDarin_Has_AIDS

    • Talked with Steve Johnson for a while. Very stand up guy and can't wait to see him get an opportunity this year!
      Poz is looking absolutely HUGE, I told him to step in the weight room...needless to say it wasn't as funny a joke as it was in my head.
      Fred Jackson was a very nice guy, took a pic with him. My mom was with me and she says, "What about a pic with momma?" Fred says, "Hell yeah, come in here momma!"
      Talked with Leodis a little while, he said he might be growing out some dreads...interesting.
      Didn't get a chance to talk with TO and Lynch wasn't there.
      Donte Whitner was a usual fan-friendly self giving a lot of autographs and talking with us all.


    Overall a really fun experience at St. John Fisher 10th anniversary dinner. The team looked great in practice and I really think we have a shot this year. Partly because I'm a hopeless Bills Fan, but also because we looked very sharp and its only day 1! Take it easy guys and GO BILLS!!!




    What did they eat?

  1. Can someone explain to me how police behavior isn't going to trend in general towards profiling when the following conditions exist...and demonstrate the way things ARE, not the way they SHOULD be, or the way we WISH they were?


    Blacks Murder rate 7 time higher than Whites.

    Blacks will go to prison 5 time more often, and Hispanics will go 3 times more often than whites




    I'm glad that you had the courage to point out the 600 pound gorilla in the room. Now await your evisceration by the libs!

  2. Your in a community populated by people who are harsh to each other in argument, but have some standards. When the molson_goldens, Rich in Ohios, and others post garbage and add nothing to the place, they sometimes get the boot. Sounds like you've been put on notice. That's all.




    If you've become a expert in a message board's lore it's probably time for you to turn off the computer and go get some fresh air.

  3. While I don't see you citing articles from someone like DailyKos, I see the most powerful man in the world has them on speed dial and is in such deep schiit over trying to force a health care bill he hasn't even read down the throats of America, that he actually NEEDS DailyKos to get his message out, regardless of the other messages that "hack of a site" also delivers.


    So I guess it's safe to say that DailyKos and its ilk are no longer jackass websites, but rather credible vessels for delivering the message of the POTUS.




    Thank God someone else besides me understands this.

  4. Anyone know who the Bills have and haven't signed out of their rookie collection? With camp opening in three days, I'm gearing for the usual last-second blitz.




    Wood, Maybin, Byrd, Levitre, and Nelson are all unsigned. I think only Harris and maybe Lankster signed.

  5. Nice news source, btw, you lemming! Way to avoid partisan publications and keep an open mind...


    Some other selected headlines from WorldNetDaily (http://www.wnd.com):



    WorldNetDaily Exclusive

    Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?

    White House refuses to release president's law school records



    AP poll: Country now on wrong track

    Doubts grow about whether Obama can succeed at biggest items on to-do list

    --Associated Press


    Obama less popular than Carter after 6 months

    President's disapproval rate has jumped 16 points to 41%

    --USA Today



    WorldNetDaily Exclusive

    Where's Obama leading? Mark Levin knows

    Behind the captivating rhetoric, a revolutionary agenda unfolds




    WorldNetDaily Exclusive

    Obama's online 'birth cert' misses 'proving' eligibility

    'There are some documents that say things that aren't true'



    WorldNetDaily Exclusive

    Limbaugh: 'Obama has yet to prove he's a citizen'

    Radio giant blasts president's refusal to show long-form birth certificate





    When all else fails blame the messenger, right?

  6. Ah. Because he made a hypothetical suggestion of forced abortions in response to a hypothetical problem of runaway over-population thirty years ago. Thus, he's an "ultra-abortionist", as labelled by a board member who is the friggin' poster child for forced abortion. Gotcha.




    Hypothetical, yeah, okay. Whatever you say Double Chins Tom.

  7. Ok, it sounds extreme. It also sounds like more of a thought experiment than anything else. The obvious reaction is to cast stones. The more interesting discussion involves performing the thought experiment yourself. What methods do you think would be necessary to control a runaway population count? Is it somehow more ethical to let some of the population starve to death for lack of food? Seriously, if you had to find a solution to the problem, what methods would you employ? Or don't - it's far easier to spin something like this for the sake of partisan rhetoric.




    John Malthus



    Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist-check


    Radical Anti-Semitic Black Preacher-check


    Viciously Anti-American Wife-check


    Ultra-Abortionist masquerading as a Scientist-check



    “Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are.” - Miguel de Cervantes

  9. Believe it or not, there actually is a little bit of truth behind this comment. There is definitely a reason why we havn't been challenged in the air, and that is because of our superiority in the sky. The logic is that if we stay so dominant in the air, no one will challenge us, hence the lack of need there has been to demonstrate this superiority. If other countries play catch up, and then let's say sell those planes to other countries, then we may one day have to be tested in the air again.




    Stop making so much sense!

  10. CHECK IT


    It's good to see that these guys are getting some recognition.




    Mr. Riddle -- rapper name "Stiltz" because he is 6 feet 9 inches -- says he and Mr. Rufful are outnumbered "about nine to one" by liberals at Dartmouth. The duo met at prep school two years ago, and both play basketball for Dartmouth. They thought it would be fun to make an ironic rap song about conservatism to show that it can be cool, Mr. Riddle says.


    "Conservatives are usually portrayed as old, rich guys," says Mr. Riddle, a 20-year-old Denver native. "We're just trying to fight the stereotype. I feel a lot of people our age are not interested in politics, and when they are, it is on the liberal side."


    Actually, Dartmouth has a tradition as a place for vocal young conservative rebels. The conservative, independent campus newspaper the Dartmouth Review, was founded in 1980 by disenchanted staff members of the school-sponsored newspaper. Radio host Laura Ingraham and authors Dinesh D'Souza and Ben Hart all worked there while at school in the 1980s.

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