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Posts posted by tjprime

  1. Maybe the OP is reading a little too much into the Gailey comment. I however remember when he was coaching at GT. living in Atlanta and having some close friends who are majorly tied into the program at GT they said Gailey did not belong in college. Gailey cared more about XO's then about building a personal relationship with his players or fan base. In college you as a HC are helping mold the players into adults, whether you like it or not. Marcell is still a pretty young guy. Maybe Gailey is not a HC at all, maybe he spends all his time and energy on the offensive scheme, he has little left to be a motivator or build a relationship with his players.


    Agree with most of your post but my question about this is was Gailey posting W or L at the time. I know a few boosters for college programs and it's amazing how their tune changes with the results of the games. Win and you're great, lose and you're a bum kind of thing, so the not relatable to his players thing strikes me as a comment after a L

  2. Quote from the linked article. “I really don’t know anymore,” Dareus said last week, when asked whether he thought his play had been affected by the circumstances in his personal life. “It’s life. I really don’t want to speak on that.


    “It’s just how things are right now. I still love football. Love everything about it. Love the people, love my teammates. It’s just … I don’t know.”



    Marcell is having issues right now. His production isn't going to be great when he has his brothers MURDER on his mind (and deservedly so). If he doesn't want to talk about it then he doesn't want to talk about it. The time will come when he will open up more, but it takes time. Also, when it comes to the murder of a close family member there is NO time frame on mental recovery. It could, and probably will bother him for the rest of his life. Marcell has to work through this. He has to be the one to take the step to get help dealing with it. It's up to him, not Gailey. So when Chan says that "you need to talk to the player" that doesn't mean that he doesn't know. Gailey does, he is just doing his part to help the kid heal. For that, I give Gailey props for taking the heat off of the kid.


    Exactly, plpus one, full agreement

  3. I think you're reading to much into that quote. We have no idea what's happened behind closed doors. If you remember Easley last year they kept trying to get a quote or some info out of Gailey and he kept telling them to talk to the player about it, regarding his heart issue and being put on IR. I think this is a similiar situation where Gailey, being somewhat old school, doesn't feel right talking to the media about a players personal issue(grieving over his half brother's death), and he usually doesn't throw a player under the bus anyway. You can see that further in the quote when he talks about how they could all play better, and tries to get the focus off Dareus.


    You can see what I'm talking about a bit when the media presses Gailey about Williams and he tells them to talk to the player. He's hesitant to give out to much info and is choosing to let the player speak for themselves. But behind closed doors I'm thinking the Bills medical staff is giving him a very clear picture of what Williams wrist is and isn't doing

  4. I'm thinking keep FJax around in a 3rd down back role, similiar to what the Patriots did for years with Kevin Faulk, or what Buffalo had years ago with Davis backing up Thurman.


    A guy that can step in as number one, but when put in fresh on 3rd down is practically unstoppable.

  5. I think the other issue to go with the fact the second string was in for the fourth was the vanilla play calling on O and probably went prevent on D.


    I've got no problems with getting the back-ups playing time, but they still have to make KC earn it, rather than Chan being a gentleman and not running the score up.

    Hopefully Chan changed his mind about that with what Crennel did at the end. The game is 60 minutes, you play for 60.

    Hate to quote him, but it goes with what Belichek said a few years back when the Pats went 18-1 and were running up the score.

    You want us to stop scoring then you have to stop us.

  6. Still trying to figure out WHY some people thing it's a given that HAGAN makes the team. He's had his struggles the same as Martin and Easley. And usually at the depth spots you look for talent to develop/special teamers. All 3 (Hagan, Easley, Martin) play special teams with the edge going to Martin, he's an excellent gunner. But in the talent to develop I think Easley has more room to develop than either of the 7 year pros.


    Saturday's game should give us a better idea though, with the extra game planning we should see who is where when they go 5 wide.

  7. 1 catch - 12 yards? Whoa!!


    I'll be very surprised if Easley makes the 53 man roster.


    And what did the 7 year vet(Hagan) alot of people are placing ahead of Easley have? He didn't even show up on the stat sheet while Easley had A run, A catch and A KO return, which is 3 more items Easley had on the stat sheet than Hagan. Not saying Easley is the next coming of Reed, but if you want to bust a guy on production you might want to look a little harder

  8. Are you really trying to equate Mohr and Moorman?


    Not so much as players, but as the current storyline goes, Yes. Buffalo was seen to be fine at punter with an aging Mohr who was replaced with a young gun in Moorman, a move that at the time many seemed to think was a mistake.

    The question now is it Moorman's turn to be replaced. And for the record I believe Mohr was 34 when Moorman was brought in.


    and thanks San Jose.

  9. Seems to me this thread mirrors one from a different Bills Board about 11 years ago when Tom Donahue brought in an NFL Europe scrub that had failed to make Seattle's team 2 years running to challenge Chris Mohr.

    At the end of camp Mohr was sent packing for this scrub named Brian Moorman in a decision many said the Bills would regret. 11 years later I doubt they regret it.

  10. Dorin Dickerson was only 6-2 230 in college in 2009. He would have been smarter to trim down a little more than bulk up to possibly gain some speed at compete at WR. He is a good sized WR in the NFL, there is no way he is going to play TE in today's NFL.


    He had a great combine in 2009, for a TE. My guess is Wanstache knew the kid and convinced Chan into giving him a shot.


    The only way Dickerson makes the roster is if he can compete for that #2 WR spot or depth behind SJ13, and if he plays well on special teams.


    At Pitt he had 50 catches for 500 yards and 10TDs his last year.


    Don't sell Lee Smith's hands short. He has hands.

    Apparently according to the link he run's (or ran) a 4.4 and houston tried to make him a WR, but he didn't have a catch in multiple games. Spent last year on IR, where Nix has shown n ability to find some talent

  11. I was looking around the CBS sports website for Draft analysis opinions from the draft last weekend. I came across a mock draft they published today for 2013 already.


    I don't know whats worse, the fact "experts" are putting together mock drafts this early, or that CBS has the Bills selecting #2 overall in next years draft. Have they paid attention to the offseason?


    Link: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/mock


    As pointed out they have the Bills trading up but they also say they're using the draft order from 2012 to make the picks.

  12. No, Buddy was hired as a scout under Modrak in early 2009. He had been with the Bills for a year before being named GM. I don't think he can be held responsible whatsoever for the 2009 draft, but he was the one making the picks in the 2010 draft, even though Modrak was still the Head of Scouting for the team. And it's not as though the team did not have scouts all over the south. It was Nix's draft and he had all the tools, with the notable exception that he hadn't had time yet to revamp the scouting department, lose Modrak, and bring it a couple of his own guys.

    this +1.

    I will add though, buddy was still relying on Modrak's assembled talent for that draft and was given reports based off what Modrak told them to look for. Don't forget that shortly after the 2010 draft Nix fired BOTH Modrak and John Guy and brought in Whaley and more scouts. So while 2010 was Nix's draft, it still had Modrak's fingerprints on it.

  13. J. White barely saw any playing time at his RB position; whereas, Searcy started several games when Wilson went down, handle and showed he could play, despite rookie mistakes. Hairston, Searcy, and Rogers had to play because of injuries and I'd say they all showed they could play in the NFL, despite making rookie mistakes. J.White couldn't beat out the late season pick up of T. Choice for playing time after FJ's injury.


    If I remember right that wasn't really White's fault, he was nicked up as well, a concussion according to the injury report.

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