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Guava Kai Buffalo Soljahs

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Posts posted by Guava Kai Buffalo Soljahs

  1. So is that loser Eric Wood. He can't even play a full season and will likely miss all off season activities. We need to get rid of locker room cancers like this!!!! See...I can make up BS too and present it like it's a forgone conclusion.


    Wow are you serious? He broke his leg on a play that could have happened to anybody. He was the best and hardest worker through all of camp among all of the rookies. He worked as hard as he could all year and he has only played one year. I'm embarassed to root for the same team that you do, please become a fan of another team. A cancer? We have had players that were a cancer before in buffalo but to say eric wood is is probably the most retarded statement I have heard on this forum in a long time. Please just dont say anything anymore.

  2. No Collins jersey, but I do have a #80 Billy Brooks jersey...that didn't get much use.


    Obviously he was horrible while he was here but he's become a pretty serviceable backup, he's been around the league a while. I'd rather have him than Fitzpatrick.


    Actually I would rather have fitzy. Todd Collins had less than 5 good games throughout his career and has a ridiculous amount of experience in the league. I am willing to bet that by the time fitzy has as many years as todd collins under his belt, he will have a least 5 good games. No way on Todd Collins, its time to forget about bringing in quarterbacks that are a work in progress and that is giving todd more credit than he deserves, we need a franchise quarterback.

  3. I don't need to know how to cook to know that the fish on my plate is rotten


    This probably the worst analogy ever. Quarterback is the hardest position to evaluate in terms of the transition from the college game to the pros. I'm not saying that he will be a great quarterback in the nfl but it is asinine to say that he will be terrible. He has all the intangibles of being a competitor, willingness to work hard, and has played in big games throughout his college career in the hardest division in college. Not only that, you claim you wont put any money toward the organization if they make this move is retarded. You obviously continued to use your cash when the bills made terrible picks in the past like J.P. Losman. How can picking Tebow be worse than how the J.P. Losman pick turned out?

  4. Can't stand trent edwards' play right now. For such a smart guy, i have seen little progression from when he first came in. I hadn't really thought about it til now but consider the abilities that trent came into the league with and think about what he has improved in since he has played his first game. At first, it was a relief to see someone let go of the ball and not run around nonsensically like J.P. but that is just because as fans we were used to terrible quarterback play. So trent came in and was able to hit all his checkdowns and get rid of the ball quickly. One problem, that is the same thing he does now. Its so aggravating as a fan to see trent let go of the ball within 2 seconds of the snap everytime, not giving t.o. or evans a chance to even get into their route. To me, trent is a pretty boy cali kid from a gated community that I am having a hard time routing for anymore....we need some change in buffalo.

  5. The weakness in the cover 2 is up the seams, right where Watson ran twice. Shame on us for calling the same defense over and over and over.

    As someone pointed out earlier, Watson can straight out fly and any mike in the league would have a hard time defending either of those two touchdowns if they were in our defense at the time.



    exactly, if you look at the replay on the second touchdown you can hear brady call out ellison's number (56) in an audible. He might have been picking on ellison but my bet is that he figured we were playing a cover 2 and switched to a play or called a hot route that would exploit the middle. He had one of his best games as a bill though so I can't get upset that he couldn't defend that. Our defensive scheme and fewell's play-calling was the problem, kind of convinced too that it would have been better with poz in there reading the field (might have even audibled our d into a better play).


    well next week looks better, GO BILLS

  6. Who cares if Mitchell wrote that message with grammatical errors. I am utterly speechless in hearing that one of the players houses got vandalized. It is hard enough that we lost a tough one yesterday but to me, the thought of a players house getting vandalized because of it is much harder to stomach. I do hope they catch the guy but it still wont take away what happened. And to the guy who did it, thanks for giving the rest of the league another reason to look down at our organization

  7. I have no idea what to think about this decision. I am glad that schonert is no longer here but to replace him with avp just shows how the front office is unwilling to bring in a decent coach. I have always liked avp and he may have some hidden potential but this is a disaster waiting to happen. We have no idea what this offense is going to look like week 1. Ah well, GO BILLS!

  8. I have been a trent edwards supporter for a couple of years now but even my patience is running thin. The biggest thing that bothers me is that he is not able to forget what happened the play before. Many announcers say all great/good quarterbacks are able to forget the play before and push through adversity. Now I think we can all agree that Edwards is not one of these guys. Also, Edward firing back at sully is another sign of how he is easily flustered. To me, he seems like a rich California kid who gets all butt-hurt when someone says something bad about him. Dont get me wrong, I still want him to succeed but the same can be said about rob johnson, and jp losman, and we all know how that went. It should be mentioned that Jim Kelly called trent edwards out too, saying that a few times when he was watching trent, he wouldn't look down the field and just opted for a checkdown throw. Pretty much the same thing that sully is saying.


    Trent just grow a pair and lets wreak some havoc this year.



  9. His lateral movement is eh.


    I think the pick was a mistake, but there is no denying his explosiveness. Even if he turns into a 3rd down specialist, he can't hurt at this point.



    He has an explosive first step and he is only 21. I think he should at least be able to step on the field in a bills uniform until you pass judgment. If anything, you have to love his haircut, showing some buffalo pride in his press conference on nfl.com

  10. I hear ya, but this is becoming less and less true. With Marques Colston, Eddie Royal and Desean Jackson the last few years, the good one's can definately play right away.


    You bring up a good point except there is one thing that most fail to realize.... they all have really good quarterbacks (brees, cutler (had), mcnabb). A better quarterback will make any wide receiver look better. This is jmo but we shall see how eddie royal does this year with a mediocre quarterback. And as for the original writer of this post, wtf????? It sucks cause I'm sure you consider yourself a bills fan, making nonsensical comments all over the place.

  11. You honestly feel that Maybin will outplay Kelsay? What are the parameters you are considering.....how fast he will run upfield?


    I think he can outplay Kelsay. Kelsay is a decent end but to say that he is in the middle of the pack for starting DEs in the NFL would even be a stretch. Not only that, Kelsay gets beat so much by play action and couter moves that it leaves our defense in vulnerable positions, that is the most disheartening thing about Kelsay. Sadly, intelligence is hard to teach so it seems like Kelsay might have already hit his ceiling on playing potential. I'm pretty sure that Maybin is a smarter player than kelsay (or god help us), so the sooner he is acclimated to the nfl game, the sooner he will be better than kelsay......so yeah he can outplay Kelsay but keep in mind, that's not saying much

  12. I didn't mind having dustin fox on the roster mainly because he was neither a stand out or a bonehead. I do know that he was a big part of the special teams and that is probably the only area of the bills that I feel comfortable with, so I usually have nothing to argue about in April's methods. But this year, there are so many cornerbacks on the roster that someone who has plenty of potential to be good, will be cut. The abundance of cornerbacks is not really what upsets me the most about this though. Its that the front office (or DJ himself) wasting draft picks that could have be used for other positions. When you consider Fox and Youboty, these are third round draft picks that could have been used on a quality player at our many positions of mediocrity. Still love the Bills though, and I know this is not the biggest of our problems but I want W's......... GO BILLS

  13. I believe it comes down to whomever has the most questions unanswered for the upcoming season. Other than special teams, the Bills aren't set anywhere on the football field. Without even taking count, I know the Bills have the most questionable roster in the AFC East, by far.


    Let's take a look.




    1. Can Trent take the next step?

    2. Can the offensive line gel in time for the start of regular season?

    3. Can T.O. perform well at the age of 36 and will he behave?

    4. Is Schouman/Nelson ready to start at TE?

    5. Will Maybin be NFL ready as a rook?

    6. Will Schobel regain his old form?

    7. Can Pos take his game to the next level?

    8. Will anyone emerge as a viable starter at Ellison's OLB position?

    9. Now that McKelvin is a full time starter, will he be an upgrade over Greer?

    10. Are we finally set at safety after having drafted Byrd to play FS?

    11. Can Trent stay healthy?

    12. How will the Bills perform without Lynch the first three weeks?


    That makes 12 questions the Bills need answered on the football field. Too many, if you ask me. A team needs to have some certainty to be able to compete in a division as tough as ours....


    You do make some valuable points but in what sense is it true that having more questions than answers in the offseason is a legitimate gauge on what a teams record will be the upcoming year. Every team has to prove themselves again this year from 0-0. The dolphins were terrible two years ago to go onto the playoffs in '08. The NFC south has had a team that is terrible the year before, go onto be the top two teams in the division the year after, several times in the last five years (atlanta, new orleans, and carolina). I can't say that you wouldn't be wrong that the bills are worse off then the Jets and the Dolphins but you can't claim that you are right either.

  14. We didn't sign him to block really; we signed him to tackle guys. He's supposed to be a special teams demon.


    Finally someone brings up the most valid point of all. I was waiting to see if anyone realized that he is a special teams guru. And I will agree with many that there are multiple things that we can complain about as bills fans but our current special teams is not one of them. Leave the ST corps alone

  15. I think there were to many DE/OLB Hybrids in this draft...and thats why Buffalo went with Maybin and are ok with useing him as a situational DE...I'm hopeing next year more pure DE's come out and Buffalo can grab Schobels replacement then...till then I'm happy with Maybin...as a matter of fact I think this years draft was full of tweeners at all spots...thats probably why no drafties really stould out like last year...maybe next year we grab someone like:


    Greg Hardy, Ole Miss

    Height: 6-5. Weight: 260


    Greg Romeus*, Pittsburgh

    Height: 6-5. Weight: 265.


    Carlos Dunlap*, Florida

    Height: 6-6. Weight: 290.


    Everson Griffen*, USC

    Height: 6-3. Weight: 265


    I generally agree with what you say except I am hoping that schobel returns to form. Kelsay is the one who needs to take a backseat. He consistently gets fooled on playaction and doesn't learn from it. We need someone who gets better and I don't see kelsay doin that

  16. Said Bills G.M. Russ Brandon, “Anytime you try to pigeonhole certain areas, that’s where you have a tendency to get in trouble. Were going to be true to our board. Were going to do the best job we can do to add quality football players to our team.”-PFT


    Sounds like we should b ready for a Donte Whitner type pick at #11. I say this because history shows our board seems to be far different from the other 31 teams. Just to throw a name out there-Larry English.



    Actually that isn't true at all considering that Donte was supposed to go much later in the draft and we took him at pick #11....c'mon, let's not start complaining/worrying before the draft even begins. Just wait a little bit, I'm sure there will be something to talk about by the end of the day

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