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joe w bags

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Posts posted by joe w bags

  1. Pacman Will not be joining Blue Bombers


    In a surprising about face, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers have announced that Adam 'Pacman' Jones will not be joining the team.


    "It is unfortunate that this situation became public however our position has remained consistent. We will pursue athletes that we believe will contribute to our organization on and off the field" said Blue Bombers' Head Coach Mike Kelly in a statement.


    “We have completed our assessment and due diligence and at this time we will not be pursuing the services of Adam Jones".

  2. The Perfect Human


    Cool story, his twelve points ones to ponder.

    DEAN KARNAZES WAS SLOBBERING DRUNK. IT WAS HIS 30TH BIRTHDAY, and he'd started with beer and moved on to tequila shots at a bar near his home in San Francisco. Now, after midnight, an attractive young woman – not his wife – was hitting on him. This was not the life he'd imagined for himself. He was a corporate hack desperately running the rat race. The company had just bought him a new Lexus. He wanted to vomit. Karnazes resisted the urge and, instead, slipped out the bar's back door and walked the few blocks to his house. On the back porch, he found an old pair of sneakers. He stripped down to his T-shirt and underwear, laced up the shoes, and started running. It seemed like a good idea at the time. He sobered up in Daly City, about 15 miles south. It was nearly four in the morning. The air was cool, slightly damp from the fog, and Karnazes was in a residential neighborhood, burping tequila, with no pants on. He felt ridiculous, but it brought a smile to his face. He hadn't had this much fun in a long time. So he decided to keep running.When the sun came up, Karnazes was trotting south along Route 1, heading toward Santa Cruz.



    He had covered 30 miles. In the process, he'd had a blinding realization: There were untapped reservoirs within him. It was like a religious conversion. He had been born again as a long-distance runner. More than anything else now, he wanted to find out how far he could go. But at that exact moment, what he really needed to do was stop. He called his wife from a pay phone, and an hour later she found him in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven. He passed out in the car on the way home.


    That was August 1992. Over the next 14 years, Karnazes challenged almost every known endurance running limit. He covered 350 miles without sleeping. (It took more than three days.) He ran the first and only marathon to the South Pole (finishing second), and a few months ago, at age 44, he completed 50 marathons in 50 consecutive days, one in each of the 50 states. (The last one was in New York City. After that, he decided to run home to San Francisco.) Karnazes' transformation from a tequila-sodden party animal into an international symbol of human achievement is as educational as it is inspirational. Here's his advice for pushing athletic performance from the unthinkable to the untouchable.

  3. Enjoy Sumatra as well. Grind fresh, use french press to brew. Interesting the variables in making a good cup of coffee. Love the smell of the local shop where they roast and sell the beans. Big large roaster in middle of room.

  4. Slumdog Millionaire Father Arrested



    THE poverty-stricken father of Slumdog Millionaire child star Rubina Ali plans to become a millionaire himself-by SELLING his nine-year-old daughter.

    In a bid to escape India's real-life slums, Rafiq Qureshi put angel-faced darling of the Oscars Rubina up for adoption, demanding millions of rupees worth £200,000.


    As he offered the shocking deal to the News of the World's undercover fake sheik this week, Rafiq declared: "I have to consider what's best for me, my family and Rubina's future."






    -scary, unfortunate, sad...... yikes

  5. Attend Church regularly. Twice on Sunday once on Wednesday evening. Church and family come well before entertainment. Attend Church on Sunday, have dinner with family , then providing all is clear follow the Bills. Consider myself a follower of the Bills not a fanatic in the terms of what a "fan" is called these days. Never have like the term of "fan" . To me its condescending.

  6. Superbowl Online


    NBC is working hard to make it as difficult as possible for you to watch the Olympics online, even when its own experience showed that online viewers didn't cannibalize TV viewers -- in fact the opposite happened. People who watched online watched more TV. So why are they trying to make it so hard to watch online?


    Meanwhile, CBS, which had tremendous success webcasting the NCAA's March Madness basketball tournament is now working to see if it can get the permission to broadcast the Super Bowl online as well (thanks to MattP for sending this in), knowing that it will likely bring in a larger audience, and increase the opportunities for everyone.

  7. Another Boston Marathon. This year some 26000+ are participating. Have you ever entered this Marathon, plan to work out one day to achieve this, or at least dream of doing so? Once upon a time, did run 10 k five times a week, ran in a few marathons and finished but never Boston. Am old now but dream one day of getting in shape and doing this. Would be a very cool achievement.

  8. whew, seen you responding to my post and thought you would be coming after me.... I may be new around here , but know of your reputation. :wallbash:


    According to the draft value chart, Edwards will be entering his rookie season this year so I'm sure that many will give him a pass.


    Others will be unrealistically hard on him.


    Personally, for someone who will be enterig his 6th season in September, I think Trtent has to show something. All that he has shown so far in his "career" is that he is a glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos. That doesn't cut it in the NFL. With the OL he has been behind, he should have thrown the ball downfield more but he was scared. With a lesser OL this year he will have the chance to be a leader. He will probably squander it, but it is a good opportunity for him. I say Go Trent.

  9. With the trade of Peters and changes in personal, the offensive line will be a work in progress this coming season. For many Edwards has a target on his back that this coming season is /was to be a make it or break it year for him. People have grown weary if being patient. Will you give Trent Edwards some slack this coming season, or he in spite of offensive line must rise above problems and find ways to succeed.

    In my opinion , I don't see how he can, believe the changes put his development back a year at least. Worse yet potentially ruin his career.

  10. You are correct. But adding 35% to current prices would put Bills average at $70 which would be based on 2008 prices even with San Francisco at 14 th in league or in middle. The 28th team Seattle averaged at $61.25



    We are not last by "$20-$30". Not even close. In 2008 the bottom 5 teams in price were within 10 bucks of eachother----completely insignificant difference if you are committing yourself to a day at the stadium.


    LA has had many years to "throw billions around" to get a team. Now they are broke. California is a fiscal mess. Ditto Vegas: the economy there is in a freefall as new projects are losing financing, buyers are pulling out of condo contracts, malls are defaulting on their loans and casinos are offering $40 dollar rooms.

  11. thank you for your response, my question was not to be wise , :lol:



    Jacksonville = growing area

    Buffalo = stagnant area.


    That said, these would be my arguements for keeping the Bills in Buffalo:

    >Enourmous regional market when including So. Ontario.

    >Well-supported heritage franchise.

    >Adequate debt-free facility

    >Untapped revenue potential in Canada

    >We have our own movies (Buffalo 66, Second String)

    >America loves an underdog...and we are the mangiest dogs around! :thumbdown:



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