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Posts posted by jscap

  1. After Byrd was benched Sunday, Wilson came in and made a huge play in the endzone. George Wilson is like the defenses Fitzpatrick: Not a high draft pick, maybe not the most athlectic, but always seems to make some big plays. So going into the Steelers game is Wilson the starter? Byrd seems like he's a step behind and seems to be out of position on a lot of plays.

  2. I stood the entire second half yesterday. No one said a word to me. Our section tends to stand a lot anyway so no one would complain. I really wanna rush the field someday like the old days. I think a victory over the Pats on Dec. 26th might warrant that. I wonder... if a few people go over the wall will that open the flood gates for everyone else? we'll see.

  3. I was lucky enough to have a few drinks with Ruben last year and he was one of the coolest, down to earth athletes i've ever met. After playing in Chicago he returned to Buffalo and maintains a residence here and it goes to show that WNY isn't such a bad place to live after all. For all the national ridicule this area takes, be it weather, or theres nothing to do, or it's just not "hip" enough for todays athlete, it's nice when former players embrace the area and make it a home. I get sick of hearing that Buffalo is a terrible place to play, and not because of the record but because people think this is just a terrible place to live. Ok i'm done with my rant. Congrats Ruben, Go Bills, Go Buffalo

  4. Been on youtube watching some videos of the good ol' days and after seeing the fans pour onto the field and take down the goalposts, it got me thinking. What would it take for that to happen again? Beating the Patriots? Winning AFC East? Someday it might happen...i'm keeping faith.

  5. I think i'm in the minority, wait I know i'm in the minority when I say that this extention really left me with no reaction at all. The value of the contract means squat since they could cut him next year if a more servicable LB is signed or drafted. He could very well be a backup next season (if there is one) making $6M a year, there is no salary cap as it stands and I can't see one returning anytime soon. People act like the 24 mil is coming out of their own pocket. CONTRACTS ARE NOT GURANTEED IN THE NFL!! The Bills will not end up paying him more than 12 mil and if they do....then he will have become a solid OLB and warrants not being cut.

  6. I was having this conversation in a bar and most people didn't seem to hate the idea ........would you trade Lee Evans for at least a second round pick ( Preferably a 1st ) , re-sign T.O. and let the young guys battle for the second spot? I like Stevie Johnson and I think Easley can be a good reciever. Hardy...the jury is still out. I know it will never happen but it wouldn't be a bad move imo. Que haters in 5-4-3-2-1

  7. I like many can't tolerate the afternoon show on 550. Brad Riter has a show on 1230 at the same time and honestly it is like a breath of fresh air. He has guests and actually talks sports not about movies or music or playing silly games. I listen to Simon in the morning and thats not a bad show but Dope and the Bulldog is intolerable. :thumbsup:

  8. Does anyone else feel as though it doesn't matter who they hire? If the drafts and free agent pickups don't improve it really doesn't matter who is coaching. With the right talent in place any coach can be sucessful aka Norv Turner. This guy was "awful" in Washinton and Oakland, all of a sudden he has a solid team in SD and he's a good coach. If Buddy can draft half as well as he did in SD ( and yes many SD fans feel that AJ Smith was riding the coat tails of his asst GM Buddy Nix ) then the Bills will have a competetive team no matter who the coach is.

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