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James Kelly

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Posts posted by James Kelly

  1. As a huge Fredex fan, it was an ok read. Not a GREAT READ. Im sure most of you that have left home for College or University have been through the same thing.( without the millions ) Fred Jackson is a class act and loved Buffalo. Whaley is doing a great job other than a few misses. This was a miss just like the Rex hiring,



    Go BIlls!


    Miss you Fred.


    You're comparing going to college leaving your brothers/sisters/parents behind for a party/college to a grown man leaving his kids 3,000 miles away?!?! I'm assuming you don't have children... I have a hard time leaving my daughter when I go to work every day... I'm not much for posting but I've been reading this site daily for years!... you're ignorance about what he's saying kinda pisses me off... an ok read???? This guy just poured his heart out online and you can't appreciate that? I really hope you don't have children

  2. 0.1 BN / 1.4 BN = 7% is a little low, but for a relatively safe investment, it's not a terrible ROI.

    typically though, you are correct, if it was just about the money they'd likely have looked for something closer to 15%.



    That's more of a cash flow calculation at 7%... If the team appreciates in value they would also get a major return on the sale of the team at one point... Over a 22 year span the average nfl franchise has gone from a 279 million dollar valuation to a 1.022 billion dollar valuation...

  3. Hey all.... I'm a long time follower of twobillsdrive but don't post too often really.


    I own a sportsbar/family restaurant in St. Catharines, Ontario (Boston Pizza @ Pen Centre Shopping Mall) and I've just applied to be an official bills backer bar to make our Sunday's hopefully more eventful and fun for everyone. I'm hoping to get a bit of support from the forum in case any of you readers are in the Niagara Region and want to start coming out. The more people we get out the better I can do with specials and such... I created a FB page so if you're in the area please go on there and 'like' it so that we can hopefully build a better following.




    Furthermore... With all the issues surrounding Canada and the Bills I just want to point out that we are BUFFALO BILLS' fans. In no way support Bon Jovi or his BS...


    Also... Hope you like the feature wall in my bar. Figured it's only fitting now that Reed is now a HOFer....



  4. Show me one time he's talked down to someone about his religion. Even once.


    Pro tip: You can't. Anti-Tebowers (the guys that don't like him personally, not his QB critics) come up with the narrative that he's a media whore who uses his religion to make money or something, he doesn't. He didn't get paid in college and he acted the exact same.


    I don't know if it's the atheist crowd that dislikes him or what. I think he's a good kid who the media harps on until everyone hates him.


    Nobody dislikes him. He's just a crappy quarterback.

  5. I went to the pro bowl a few years back... the nice thing about the pro bowl is that the bars in hawaii are busy every night and they have meet and greet with the players at the bars throughout the week. I'm sure you could check which ones online before you go. And from what I hear most of the players stay at the hilton so if you're in to getting autographs or something maybe bring a football to get signed. I met warren moon at duke's on the beach one night and got a picture with him. It's definitely a good time to go to hawaii. not much happens at the bars when the pro bowl isn't on.

  6. I had seasons tickets in the rockpile for a few years... I'm currently on the 35 yard line below the kelly club and they're both decent tickets.


    I must say though.... I sat in the first couple rows of the 300 level at the 50 yard line for a couple games over the past few years and I absolutely love those seats! The view is incredible!

  7. for real... comments like these are stupid. It's easy to sit here and criticize everyone after the fact. but you were probably all the same people who were pumped we picked hardy when we did. You know there were hundreds of players taken after hardy and I'm sure a bunch of them would have been better picks... matt forte, eddie royal, ray rice, limus sweed, steve johnson... seventh round


    the point is... you're all a bunch of whiners... why don't you jump ship to the newest greatest team that makes all the right draft picks... because I'm sure new england or pittsburgh have never made a mistake in the draft. or.... you can be good fans and be excited to have a former 2nd round draft pick back in the lineup and hopefully eat your words when he does something good.


    I don't know... but I've always thought of the glass half full...


    losers look at it half empty.... it's the power of persuasion... billieve in the loss and it will be yours....

  8. I agree.... I would just like to note that as I was driving home from work I started thinking about how pettigrew is the perfect pick for the bills at this point. They've struggled to get a solid tight end and are in need of some serious blocking help on the line. Pettigrew is the perfect pick and I think he's definitely going to have a solid career.... and if he doesn't work out we can always convert him to a pro bowl left tackle. after all... we managed to do it with that other bum!

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