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Posts posted by ACerr22

  1. Yuck! where is the red? :thumbdown:


    Uhh...in the shoes, belt, stripes on the pants and jerseys...were you expecting red jerseys? They said they're using parts of the Bills "storied past." The only red in the Bills storied past has always been the red stripe in the charging buffalo logo or the standing buffalo. I LOVE these concepts, hopefully theyre the real deal.


    LOVE the blue facemasks too!

  2. When was the last time you saw this happen? Teams (other than the Bills) keep these guys. They don't trade them or let them walk; it doesn't happen.


    The UFA OT they shoud focus on imo is Jeremy Trueblood to play RT.


    Well since they haven't been extended or resigned yet, I would think they're going to FA. It's not that the Bills aren't capable of getting a guy, it's just that they've make the wrong choices...I just don't like the idea of having a rookie LT and rookie QB, unless the LT is a guaranteed stud; but there's never a guarantee with NFL players, it's only projections and assumptions. I'd rather have my QB of the future being protected by a veteran LT.

  3. It seems to me that everyone on here wants to draft a LT. Is there no one here who is interested in acquiring one through FA??? There's a few available; Marcus McNeill from San Diego (Buddy Nix connection?), Jermon Bushrod in NO is a RFA, but from what I've read, he's young, cheap and has done a pretty good job protecting Drew Brees....Just throwing ideas out there. I'd personally like to get a LT in FA and draft McClain, a DT like McCoy or *flame suit on* Sam Bradford if his shoulder checks out and is available. But in all honesty, none of us know who the Bills will choose, and I'm hoping this draft is even better than last years. MINUS the Maybin pick. Blah.

  4. Cribbs wants out of Cleveland a he believes they view him as only a kick returner...I think he was severely underutilized. Parrish will likely not "fit" into anyone's, who comes here, scheme and Josh Reed will likely not get a new contract. Cribbs could fill a void, both returning, and on O...just sayn' :D


    "Cocaine's a helluva drug!"

  5. I have been reading through these posts and scratching my head a bit......


    - With the exception of Bill Cowher who was smart enough to retire while he was on top every single on of these coaches will either be a. An unproven coordinator or b. A coach that was fired for some reason or another


    ......ever single one of them



    - In this thread we are talking about Billick.......who has a winning record as a HC.....has been to a Super Bowl......and has the intensity and fire that most of us like in a coach. It amazes me that we are so quick to tear down a coach who has the credentials we have not had since Marv Levy.


    - Are peopel forgetting what we are moving on from? To people realize that we haven't even SEEN the playoffs in ten years......do people realize that Billick has been there....done that.....and knows how to pick coordinators?


    I am not saying that Billick is my number one choice........but I will tell you this......if they name him head coach I will be extremely pleased......EXTREMELY pleased.


    Now you would have a real football guy as GM....AND.....a HC who at the very least knows how to pick his assistant coaches.



    ALL of this is a step up in what we have seen in YEARS with this team.


    AGREED, 110%! Billick would bring in the right OC and if the organization drafts a proper FRANCHISE QB, I think we'll improve greatly next season.

  6. Depending on who the new GM of the team is, and if we're going to switch to the 3-4, there are a few DE's out there. One of them possibly being Osi Umenyiora...





    Others being Aaron Kampman, Julius Peppers, Elvis Dumervil, Kyle Vanden Bosch; I would seriously consider just about any of these guys.

  7. Unless the next coach of the Bills thinks they can resurrect Trent Edwards, or Brohm is the steal of the century, I don't think the Bills next great QB is on this roster. I really like Fitzgerald as a back-up, because he is a good athlete, seems relatively calm under pressure, and does some things well. He makes some dumb decisions, but at least he isn't afraid to be decisive. His cut block on Marshawns' 47 yard run was probably the highlight of the game for me... but do I want to go into the 2010 season knowing that he is the starter? Absolutely not...




  8. Yeah, not to mention Bruce! The guy never came to camp, but went out onto that field every Sunday KNOWING he was the best, and produced...what do all these DIVAS have in common? They WON lots and lots of games. I remember my father telling me stories of how the Bills would just PUMMEL teams on MNF in the early 90's. Probably similiar to the way the Pats did it in their 18-1 season...Teams don't win Super Bowls without superstars. Without T.O., the Bills have ZERO superstar power.

  9. I can't access the video. Where does he think he'll end up next year?



    He never says where he thinks he'll end up next year. Just says "...where I can help a team win a championship." Pretty much rules out Buffalo. Unless they throw some crazy contract $$$ @ him, I don't see him staying. I hope the new regime re-signs him though.

  10. I have season tickets. I go to every home game (minus the Toronto games). I go rain or shine. I go because the tailgating experience is one of the best in the NFL. I am a Bills fan. I used to let this team get under my skin, and I don't mean just mad. A bad loss seemed like the end of the world! This year I'm taking an indifferent approach to the Bills. When they win, my week might be a little more cheery than it normally would've been. But now I don't let these unbillievable losses get to me. I don't let it bother me. Why should I? What have they done for us, as fans, lately? I have to admit I was yelling at the tv like a lot of you on Sunday afternoon, but that was the extent of it. When the game was done, I was done caring about it. But I will be there, bright and early on Sunday morning, enjoying the company of friends and family gearing up for another Bills game. Go Bills!

  11. I'm with you cousin!!!!! Go Bills, blitz the sh@# out of them


    "They spent their own dough to get here, and they came here to see us! All right, let's show 'em what we got, guys! Get out there on the --- field and let 'em know you're there. Get that f@#$in' stick in their side. Let 'em know you're there! Get that lumber in his teeth. Let 'em know you're there!"


    "Bleed all over 'em. Let 'em know you're there."


    LOVE the Slapshot line!...I just want us to roll into NE and give those fans, Brady and Belichick a solid punch in the beak they won't soon forget! C'MON! ONE TIME!!!

  12. no steve johnson?


    I also noticed that there's no Steve Johnson. Also, every time I started a franchise (sim the pre-season) by the MNF game vs the Pats, Trent Edwards, T.O., and Maybin were injured and out for 5-6 weeks on average. Also, apparently the CPU decided to sign Gus Frerotte and Levi Jones in 4 of the 5 seasons I started. (I didn't want to start a season with Trent, T.O. and Maybin out!) Other than those little things, I love the game.

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