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Posts posted by jamadd

  1. Lost in the dust surrounding Leodis McKelvin’s on-field decisions, his coach’s mind-boggling support of those decisions, and the asinine, class-less, and cowardly acts perpetrated by some low life pond scum in the 716 is the fact that he should have been coached/ordered to take a knee on both of those last two kickoffs (given that they made it to the endzone). Put it on April or Jauron, or suspend McKelvin for insubordination, but leading by 11 points in that situation, with the ‘hands team’ in front of him, LM needs to be a TEAM player and preserve the win. End of conversation. It makes no difference that he is a gifted and threatening returner, or that he felt a need to atone for an earlier fumble. Those are selfish motivations.

    If the Pats had been leading 24-13 with just over five minutes to play, we would see a lot of time consuming running plays, not Brady to Moss on deep post routes every play, despite the fact that that combination is just as likely to produce a successful outcome as a gifted return man is to take it the distance. Brady’s having thrown a pick to a DE for a TD earlier in the game would not have factored in to the equation. One has to be disturbed by the coach’s (public) take on this. True, you want to protect your players when they screw up, but to suggest that you tell your return man to just rely on his instincts in critical situations is disturbing. You don’t think they would tell Trent “just go out there and run whatever feels right and we’ve got your back no matter what happens.” Very disturbing indeed. Bills need to have an exit strategy for DJ and that should not include April as interim.

  2. really a 2nd in 2010 is equivalent to a 1st in 2011


    Hell they could have Schoebel, Kelsey, and Denny....and Roscoe. The cream of our second round draft picks for the past 7 years.


    The point is, any of those DEs would be valuable to Oakland, and Roscoe would give them the punt returner they haven't had since Tim Brown.


    As for his willingness to play for the Bills...3 words: Long Term Deal

    He'd play here and he would love to stick it to grey hoodie. Besides, he knows all their plays/signals. Mauron wouldn't even need to videotape the Pats' sideline.

  3. Given the Raiders' predicament, perhaps they might listen to offers for Seymour.


    Schoebel, Roscoe, 4th rounder


    Seymour gets a slightly less bleak situation, and the chance to wreak some havoc on Dr. Evil twice (if he hurries up) this year. I would rather see the Bills invest in LT deal with a proven pro bowler, albeit on the wrong side of 30, than the $$ that must be thrown at unproven rookies.

  4. so you call Buffalo getting one of the top 2 C's, top 2 OG's a reach?...can't agree or argue with Maybin...Chris Brown said that Fewell stated don't be surprised if they take a situational DE at #11...I almost puked with Byrd pick, till I heard they plan on putting him at FS...I think so far, besides losing the 3rd pick, this is one of the best drafts theyve had in the past 5 years or more.


    Seriously, look at the schedule. The Bills history of trading up for talent is horrendous...Losman, McCargo, Whitner (jury still out)....

    If we are 2-6 at the bye DJ will be gone, TO will explode, and we'll be zeroed in on another high pick. They need to make some trades (Henderson, TE, etc) to salvage any hope of respectability. And by the way, who's our backup QB when Trent goes down?

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