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Posts posted by noplayoffsagain

  1. They've sucked with Lee Evans for how many years? I'm open to something different. I support Nix in doing this and look forward to watching some hungry young wr's


    right..play more rookies...thats how you win in the NFL.

    Team is a freakin joke...

    They are about as irrelevant as it gets in the league, mine as well take away the best offensive player they have on a team ranked near the bottom in all offensive categories.


    I wish they would just leave town....

  2. I know that he's not huge signing but how do the Eagles keep signing people?!


    very simple....they have an owner who wants to win and is willing to spend money to do so, unlike who we have here in Buffalo...Looks like the Sabres are gonna end up spending more in payroll than the Bills. Im not saying spending equals success all the time, but there were impact players available at positions we needed this year...


    When was the last time the Bills had a legitimate NFL tight end..Zach Miller or even Greg Olsen would have been a huge upgrade at the position. And tackle, obviously Clabo has been mentioned over and over. But thats another need position that the Bills cheaped out on. I know, I know, they like their guys...Heard it over and over again..Maybe they will get 50 catches total out of all their TE's combined.

  3. Okay, so we didn't sign our guy. Hard to do when you're competing against a Super Bowl contender. But we still have lots of cash to spend on several positions. I for one would like to see an effort made for Jared Gaither. I think he's equally as gifted, but may be cheaper due to past injuries and some alleged attitude problems.


    Another possibility is we go after another big guy like Zach Miller.Prove to your fan base that the Clabo pursuit was no fluke. maybe a bit of a pip dream, but one can hope.


    Or you can go after a boarder line pro bowler in Stephen Tulloch. Tackle machine, run stuffer, may be a little expensive but again, show your willingness to win.


    And of course there are other guys out there like Burnett, Barnett, Boss, Colombo and several other guys we wouldn't necessarily have to break the bank for. As disappointed as I am in regards to Clabo, there is still hope. Lot of money to be spent, and I for one am willing to move on from this mess.



    ahhh.the eternal Bills optomist.....News flash,they never get their guy....Who wants to come here...Anytime the money is anywhere close they will lose out on a player..They will eventually get a "B" player and overpay, or give the "B" players they have like Kelsay extensions to use up the cap space and at least get to the cap floor...team is a joke.

  4. Good move ... because we don't have enough WRs or returners. Can he block, stop the run or rush the passer? Guess Chan wants more toys to not use *cough*spiller*cough*


    my thoughts exactly...well said

    How about you go get a guy that can tackle someone or stop the other team from scoring instead of doing these "cute" little moves...Getting Spiller or a Brad Smith are moves that good teams can do to make themsleves elite, not for bad teams trying to become relevant in the league

  5. I don't understand why there is so much negativity and pessimism about this team. We had a bad year last year. We had 20 guys on IR, including a bunch of quality starters (db's, lb's, most of the OL, qb, etc) and a first round pick who was playing out of position.


    We had a coach who in perhaps the worst move in the history of the team, decided to go with a no-huddle offense that accomplished absolutely nothing. He fired the OC a week before the season and cut the LT. His strength and conditioning coach was a disaster.


    That regime is gone.


    I believe that Trent Edwards can be coached back into the player we once trusted...the guy who was 4-0 two years ago, and the guy who had New England on the ropes in the opener last year. That guy is in dire need of a coach with a plan, and now he has one.


    We drafted the most explosive player in quite some time, and we also got a bunch of players who will help to make the 3-4 a tough scheme to run against. We already have a great defensive backfield. Now we will have a better defense that you cannot run against.


    We played just about everybody tough last year, including New England twice. We beat the Jets. Despite having all those injuries and a coach with no direction, we still managed to have some quality performances on the field.


    This will be a playoff team.

    are you freakin kidding me? why is there so much negativity? were you asleep the past decade? bad year last year, how about bad decade.....


    we will have a better defense that you cant run against....c'mon man...wake up. how can you even believe what you are writing. Poz, Mitchell and ? at LB, that sure puts fear into the NFL. And our DT will be a rookie, and our ends suck......Jauron sucked, i agree...But all we got is a retread that couldnt catch on as an NFL head coach in a decade.


    playoffs? maybe in about 5 years.....right now you can just enjoy seeing everyday how they have signed another 3 undrafted FA's while the Jets are adding Cromartie/Holmes and LT and the Dolphins are adding Dansby/Marshall and the Pats are the Pats and wonder how they will compete.....

  6. I actually laughed at this :rolleyes:



    we beat the jets last year with our crappy coach,oline and qbs. we should have beat new england that first game. we could do it again. you have NO idea if our coach is good,great or bad yet. he could very well be awesome. And lastly, this team has plenty of talent to be good this year. I think you are just way too negative. I totally disagree with lots you say here but especially that gailey wont be a massive upgrade over jauron. ANYBODY,would be an upgrade over him. cant you guys just support our new team and coaches. they all want the same thing we do. Don't you think they deserve at least a year to see what they do and how they coach. the off season is not even over yet. we still may get more free agents,someone for the lt. to be so frickin down on the team in April is just so pathetic to me. why even bother watching the games if were going to be that horrible?

    You know how many times we "should have beat NE" the past decade...amazing how we never do, right...


    I hated Jauron as a coach...he was the definition of mediocrity...However, i have no faith that Gailey is the upgrade you say he is..and neither have any other NFL teams the past decade, or he would have had a head coachng job within that time. How many GM's or team presidents have passed on him as a coach that know a lot more about football than you or i do. How can you call him a massive upgrade? what are you basing it on?


    Im sorry but i dont support this team blindly any more. That time has run its course. They have had 10+ yrs to get it right and have failed miserably. You people with your rose colored glases kill me

  7. Oh really? What division do they play in this year?


    Is it a different one from the one they've played in the last 4 years when they went 7-9, 7-9, 7-9, 6-10 coached by that "winning is hard" defeatist Dick Jauron, and with 1/4 of the roster on IR every year?


    So why in heck would they suddenly drop to 4-12 with an easier schedule???


    There's no logic to that at all - no doubt you too are of the Dick Jauron school of thought. You too think winning is hard - somehow missing the point that half the teams seem, to win each week.


    In fact, come clean - is your name Dick Jauron??


    I say even if none of the new players has a big impact, they still improve tgo 9-7 based on the easier schedule and the massive upgrade in coaching attitude.

    Look man,

    The Division they play in is the AFC East....You know... with the JETS, who are probably one of the top 3 teams in the league. And the Patriots are still the Patriots, they stilll have Brady, and they still have Belichick who always out coaches any guy the Bills have...thats 0-4 and its not even close...if you think they are taking 1 of those games you are nuts. Miami, maybe a split at best. All 3 teams have made significant improvements to their team and have owners and management who are accountable, willing to spend what it takes to win, and have far superior coaching.


    As far as no logic, look around you....Where is the talent on this team. You looking forward to another year of Trent at QB? is that progress for the team? do they even have a real NFL 2nd WR on their roster. They had the worst OL in the league by a mile and they did what to help it? Add another Raider cast off and what? get real man. we all want them to win but it aint happening now or any time soon.


    And as far as easier schedule, i just dont see it......after the 6 divison games i see clear losses vs Pitt/GB/Balt/CincyMinn....Cleveland beats us every year. I love what Detroit has done this off season/draft. KC is always tough to play at, etc....


    And massive upgrade at coaching? Who is their D Coord? a college guy, just like the head coach...the same head coach who's hasnt been an NFL head coach in over a decade, a guy who had 1 job and had to go to college to get another HC gig. just because we all hated Dick jauron and wanted him gone doesnt make Gailey a massive upgrade at HC....it makes him next in line of below avg head coaches the bills have had since Levy left town....


    like i said 4-10 or 5-11, im sure you wont look me up in January when it comes to be...

  8. MIA @ BUF W

    BUF @ GB L

    BUF @ NE L

    NYJ @ BUF W

    JAC @ BUF W

    BUF @ BAL L

    BUF @ KC W

    CHI @ BUF W

    DET @ BUF W

    BUF @ CIN W

    PIT @ BUF W

    BUF @ MIN L

    CLE @ BUF W

    BUF @ MIA W

    NE @ BUF W

    BUF @ NYJ L


    I predict 11-5 for the year and a wild card berth. The Jets will win the AFC East.



    You cant be serious....I guess we are all Bills fans, but 11-5.....with that team? have you seen the roster? and the division they play in? mark me down for 4-12, possibly 5-11 with an 0-6 record in the East. No way im drinking that kool aid any more. Show me who's QBing the team. Tell me who is stopping the run on that team. Show me that they will have a legitimate NFL player playing either tackle position on the OL. The team is a joke in the NFL. Kind of sad that their 2 best players are probably both going to be RB's.

  9. We haven't been a good team for 15 years...what else is new? The Buffalo Bills are a joke. I now follow this team as an odd curiosity, but I'm not the fan I once was (for most of my life). Thasnk God I don't live in Buffalo.


    Oh well...



    Wow, i couldnt have said it better myself....except i do live in western NY.

    I love the "odd curiosity" term....This team was a great passion of mine for many years, now i feel like i only watch and follow them due to some obligation because i live here. They have ripped out of me all the love i had for the team. Sad

  10. Personally, I'm not worried that the Bills did not make this trade. The Bills need to focus on developing a high character team. There is a lot of movement for players with character problems. Any of the players are not going to improve this team, just look at what TO did, and he is a high character guy compared to some of these guys. The Bills need to develop the core of the team which means they need to find a franchise quarterback and build up the offensive and defensive lines.



    High character guys? Who cares, as long as they win. Do you want a 4th place team in the East full of nice guys or a winning team with some character issues...And i got news for all you Bills fans that feel that way, as long as we got guys like Lynch, Whitner, etc on this team, we dont have a bunch of Boy Scouts either


    Look, the Bills are a joke, and they are falling farther and farther behind the rest of the AFC East every day.. They are the Orioles or Blue Jays in the AL East dealing with the Yanks and Sox. They have no chance

  11. Why are the Colts, Steelers, Patriots, etc.... always making the playoffs? It's because they draft well. FA isn't much of a factor. People need to stop complaining about the Bills lack of interest in the free agent market. People soon forget that the Bills went out and got Dockery and Langston Walker both of which didn't amount to much.

    I disagree totally....The reason why the Colts, Steelers and Pats make the playoffs is Manning, Rothlisberger and Brady. thats why. Now dont get me wrong i know they all drafted those QB's, but that was many years ago..They are always drafting in the bottom of the 1st rd and dont have access to "elite" talent through the draft. THey got their QB, then added pieces through FA (example in NE R Moss, W Welker, R Harrison, A Thomas)


    Now i know many people bring up Walker and Dockery as reasons to avoid FA...just because the Bills miss on most of their FA's doesnt mean FA is something to avoid

  12. In Buffalo, they arent even a factor in it.


    Before you guys say its only 36 hours into free agency......look around, all the impact players are signing. Who is left that can help a team with such inferior talent at so many positions...A team that continues to run Elllison out there at LB, then they run safeties out at LB...they do everything except get a LB to play LB.


    For those of you that believe building through the draft is the way to go, i feel its part of the process, but you have to supplement it with some good FA's. The Bills dont have extra picks, its not like they have 2 1st or 2nd rd picks that can speed up the building process. They have the same amount of picks that almost all other teams have. So there is no competitive advantage for them there.


    What makes it even more annoying and frustrating is the teams management..I guess Nix deserves the benefit of the doubt for now, but last year, where was Russ Brandon? I think i heard 1 interview from the guy all year during the season. They fired Jauron through a press release, what real NFL team would do that and not have the GM/Pres or owner speak. WE have 1 sports radio station in Buffalo, and as much as i dont care for a lot of things DArcy Rieger does, at least he does a weekly radio show on WGR and so does Ruff. Let the fans hear your thoughts, the reasons why you choose to do certain things....


    Bills are a freakin joke, i dont know how people buy tickets for that crap.

  13. Let me say I thought the Who were quite good...considering they are pushing 70! :unsure: My wife who grew up a huge Who fan was aghast at how old Daltrey and Townshend looked. And frankly Daltrey had to tone it down just to keep his voice from giving out.


    It made me think about why the NFL keeps dredging up these fossil bands? I mean the median age of a Who fan is probably 55. The median age of an NFL fan is much younger. So where does the NFL go next year? What 60's rock bands are left? Any other ideas from other decades?


    If I were to predict I think the NFL will chose a country artist for SBXLV.





    My first thought, based on their popularity and the fact that i bet they want to change it up and go more modern would be The Black Eyed Peas


    I think as someone mentioned Bon Jovi would be a poplular choice


    One other possibility would be a country theme......Tim McGraw/Kenny

    Chesney/ Toby Keith/Keith Urban

  14. I haven't heard his name mentioned. He would bring some fire. Has HC experience. No nonsense.



    I thought the same thing the other day when i saw him on TV.. I always liked him, he had a lot of passion. Then i looked at his coaching record...Not very impressive

  15. Report: Frazier favorite for Bills head coach


    According to SI.com's Jim Trotter, Vikings defense coordinator Leslie Frazier is the clubhouse leader for the Bills head coaching job.


    Frazier reportedly "blew away" new Bills GM Buddy Nix in his interview. He employs the same Tampa 2-style defense that Perry Fewell ran, so he wouldn't have to completely rebuild on that side of the ball. Trotter also reports that Frazier will still interview in Seattle because Pete Carroll has not been promised full control of the Seahawks. Jan. 9 - 12:34 pm et

    Source: Jim Trotter on Twitter




    Typical Bills hire....get the cheap coordinator with no experience or the cheap head coach(Jauron) that no one else wants...

    Nix and Wilson talked about wanting experience in a head coach....like all of what Ralph feeds us, its garbage.


    I just hope it isnt a money issue for Cowher, or Cowher not getting assurances on how much the Bills will spend on players like was being reported.


    if they wanted an inexperienced Head Coach, why not Jim Harbaugh???

  16. i've been embarassed to be a Bills fan for about 10 years. Today is just another great example.....Thanks for TO, good luck to Trent in trying to get the ball to him...And how do you not get the 20th pick from Philly? No clue as usual on One Bills Dr


    This is awful, simply awful. Who the F--- is going to play LT now? How about LG? You finally find a pro bowl LT after searching since 1993 (wil Wolford) and now this is how you treat the man? This organization is completely ridiculous. Yeah, we saved $1.5 million, cash to cap wahhhh!!!! We have draft picks!!! Wahhh....friggin ridiculous.


    This is the first day in my 33 years of life I can honestly say I am friggin embarassed to be a Bills fan!

  17. Typical Bills move. No clue as always.


    Great, you got yourselves a nice toy in TO, but Trent won't have a chance to get the ball downfield to him...His head was on a swivel with Peters...Who is blocking for him?


    Over/under on starts by Fitzpatrick after Trent gets injured..I say 5


    Terrible deal. Just terrible.
  18. John, how can you say that you don't agree with most of what i said, but then say you fault the team for not signing a Guard, and then a LB. That is EXACTLY what I said.

    I feel the same as you, you just named the names of the guys available. But my point is that Cato June, Goff or Simmons are NOT on the Bills roster...Neither is Crowell, Keiaho, Peterson, or any other player they brought in for a visit. They havent done enough to make the team a playoff team.


    I am as frustrated as the next guy on a couple of guys that are available that have not been signed.....but I also dont agree with most of what you said here.......


    Hangarter looks to be a solid run blocker center who can also play guard....I have no problem with this signing when you consider who we were using in the past. I fault the front office for not signing another OL guard due to the fact that we cut our starting LG......Kendall Simmons or Mike Goff would seem to be a priority to me. One thing to consider though is they might like one of their young players already for that spot. I would still bring in another veteran. I have no problem with Hangarter


    I cant believe that we are finished in the LB area.......I am hoping that we will still bring in Cato June who can only sign wiht a team like us given the system we play.


    I am not ready to throw in the towel yet for this next year....but I am VERY nervous at this point.

  19. No, that's the problem RIP, i am a Bills fan...A huge one. But i am disgusted with this team over the past 10 years. In a salary cap league there is no reason a team should go 10 years without making the playoffs.



    I have a strong suspicion that a non-bills fan has snuck into Two Bills Drive to antogonize us. Notice how this person consistantly refers to the bills as "they"or "their" or "this team" or "this roster". I couldn't find anywhere where the person actually uses the words "us" our "our team". Here are some examples:


    "And they havent done anything at DE either. Who is getting to the QB on this roster?


    Greer was their best cornerback last year.


    Royal wasn't great, but he was better than what they have now...By the way, what is with the Bills and TE's? Why can't they ever get a decent option at the position?


    Their 1st and 2nd round picks in the draft should help 2 of the areas of need. Unless they draft another Hardy or McCargo..."


    I agree with some of the points but there are two that bother me.


    1. "And they havent done anything at DE either. Who is getting to the QB on this roster?


    How many teams in the NFL that you know of have made big moves for DE thus far in the off-season? There haven't been many yet. The O.S. in barely even close to being done. There's still a draft coming up that is stacked with good DE's.


    2. "Even at QB, i'm no fan of Losman at all, but i think i'd rather have him than Fitzpatrick...At least he'd be able to throw up air balls to TO and Evans all day if Trent got hurt..."


    I think most of us can agree that Fitzpatrick is no worse than Losman, he may even be a better back-up. I'd rather have him than Losman. Losman was aweful the last 2 years. He would be able to throw the ball all day to TO & Evans. He couldn't even throw the balls for 20 minutes of the day. Fitz may not be as athletically gifted as Losman but he is a much better decision maker.



  20. Don't get me wrong, i love the pickup of TO.....But now time has gone by and it's settiled in, and I dont see how this team is much better than last year.


    With or without Peters, our offensive line is very suspect. They cut Dockery and they had no center on the roster, and all they've done is bring in this Hangartner guy..I'm not very confident in the whole line. If you are going to cut Dockery, then get someone in here BETTER than Dockery. If not don't make another hole on your roster that you cant fill, when you arent getting much salary cap relief by releasing him.


    Pre Crowell injury which was a few days before the season, a LB core last year of Crowell, Poz and Mitchell is better than Poz, Mitchell and ?Thomas? I feel LB is a glaring need of this team. Especially with the Def Line the Bills have. And they havent done anything at DE either. Who is getting to the QB on this roster?


    I'd also take Jabari Greer over Florence...And im not sure it's that close. Greer was their best cornerback last year.


    Royal wasn't great, but he was better than what they have now...By the way, what is with the Bills and TE's? Why can't they ever get a decent option at the position?


    Their 1st and 2nd round picks in the draft should help 2 of the areas of need. Unless they draft another Hardy or McCargo...


    Even at QB, i'm no fan of Losman at all, but i think i'd rather have him than Fitzpatrick...At least he'd be able to throw up air balls to TO and Evans all day if Trent got hurt...


    The question is....Is TO and basically nothing else, leaving all the holes they have left unfilled, a successful year in FA? or would they have been better off without 1 year of TO, and instead getting a LB and C in here, and adding a Galloway or Toomer at WR. I feel if they were serious about improving the team, especially after they lured TO in to a 1 year deal, they would have went and signed a Crowell and maybe a Birk and really took a run at it this year. As they stand now, i see TO as a 1 year distraction to the fans as the team settles for another .500 season

  21. Great post...when I saw Crowell signed with TB i thought the same thing. Crowell would have filled a big hole and he was the best available LB.


    Great Bills, you signed TO.....WE are all thrilled...But lets get on with the show....


    Too many holes to fill to think the draft will the be the answer. You teased us with TO, but if you dont address the void at OL, DL, TE and LB it will all be for nothing

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