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Big Frank

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Posts posted by Big Frank

  1. I know I am in the minority, but my feeling is many on this board use a Safety as the scapegoat. its borderline ridiculous how you hate on Whitner. The dude at least has passion for playing. Look at some of the other bums on this team like Lynch, Edwards, 2 high school Tackles, no true defensive end, and it always goes back to Whitner. That is a complete joke. A SS will never win championships (in rare cases if u get lucky with an Ed Reed or Ronnie Lott type). This team should have been drafting in the trenches all al along, not Whitners fault at all. This board gets sick of Whitner's talking, but then get annoyed with Trent because he has not responded about his benching. Donte is not half as bad as this board indicates. Huff was drafted just as high and has done nothing with the Raiders in the same draft. I will take Whitner.

  2. Just a thought, not trying to live in the past, but that one still sets us back today.


    The thing that gets me is that we have lacked impact players since the super bowl days and thats 20+ years ago. What the hell has been going on?


    Last impact DE: Bruce

    QB: Kelly

    Last impact O-Line: Wil W., Hull, Ritcher, Devlin, House


    Just proves we have been bottom feeders for so long..


    Stll a huge supporter, its just getting old, can't wait until this ship get sright.

  3. In the old NFL pre free agency, I think i would take Tony S since you could keep him for many years, thus with him being young, you would be set for awhile.


    Now that we are in the New NFL, I think I am reverting to always taking the better player - Tony G, who while on the downside, has had 2 great seasons the last 2 years. Under free agency, the Bills sign or draft a guy and there are gone in 2-3 seasons, so get Tony G for 2 seasons in my opinion.

  4. You're crazy. I don't want anything to do with Boldin's constant complaining, and I like Lynch, despite recent issues. He just needs to get his sh-- together.


    Definately like Lynch, takes 3 guys to tackle him...no question about ability. I used to be of the mindset that I care less what these guys do off the field, just produce on the field. Now that I have kids, I have a hard time routing for guys they watch on TV only to hear they are degenerates. I can't route for these guys anymore. RB's area dime a dozen to me in todays NFL.

  5. Maybe he isn't considering Buffalo because they aren't considering him?


    I can see you argument, but come on pay attention, why would he want to come here. I am done defending this front office. We havent had a GM since Polian, a QB since Keelly and a difference maker on Def since Bruce. We went to the Bowl in 1990, so that was 20 years ago. 20 years of garbage


    How could you use teh argument, maybe we were not considering

  6. this argument doesn't fly. He is seriously considering Seattle.


    not sure what u mean. I never indicated he wasnt considering Seattle. I am saying we sit here saying maybe we can get T.J., but that dude isnt even considering the Bills. Hope I am wrong, but as George Bush use to say he is "Not Gonna Do it"

  7. lets deal in reality Boyz. one... he is not going to go from one loser team to the next ...plus the dollar range is in outer space. I guess its good to wish. After 20 years, I finally gave up my Seasons. Ralphie boy has taken me for too long. My Sundays will be spent at home with thefam from now on.

  8. true, not only cold weather city, but we get the worrt rep. Plus cash can offset cold , but we dont pay. Or a dynasty like N.E. Steelers fall into that. They can retain best players with cash or a winning cycle over time. We lack all.


    I still truly believe that rather than sign a player like Dockery for $50M, Ralph needs to say screw it, I am going to pay that to a SolidCoach to turn this thing aroug. You pay I guy a $1M to run your team, that what you get..garbage. Screw a FE signing like Coles , pay that ig Money to like a Cowher or a Schotenheimer (spelling) to right the ship


    Like I said, I am not a doom and gloomer, but I have watched this teams for years like many on this boardwith strict devotion and its always the same.

  9. This topic has nothing to do about the Bills not signing a free agent on day 1, but rather how I am discouraged as a fan of todays landscape. Not only is Ralph have cheap pockets, free agency has ruined a small markets team of competing. Yes, while I recognize a garbage team can make a quick turnaround, but The Bills cant because (1) no free agent wants to play in the cold (2) we blow (3) and if there was a remote chance a FA wanted to play here, we dont have the Pockets to pay him.


    The Bills were much better suited to survive in a league where you build thru the draft and that player was yours for his career. Under this assumption, I am convinced our days of winning a championship will never happen. Trust me, I am far from doom and gloom, but just wonder why I waste my time. Not a fair weather fan, just fairly disappointed.


    Any thoughts?

  10. MIAMI -- I didn't expect Willis McGahee to be such a simple guy.


    I expected the former Miami tailback to live in some obscene, 10,000-square foot home. Instead, he had three pieces of furniture in the living room of his condominium at the Ritz-Carlton in Coconut Grove.


    Four, if you count his Xbox.


    But McGahee was still a perfect first victim for the Sentinel's "Riding With" series because he is living the life most of us wished we had at 24.


    He's the starting running back for the Buffalo Bills. He lives in a condo with a fabulous view of Miami. He's rich. And, he's got three cars -- a Porsche Cayenne, a BMW 645 and an Infiniti QX56 SUV.


    Now if I were 24, rich, living in Miami with three cars, where would my mind be most of the time?


    Why on the opposite sex, of course.


    Question: What made you attracted to this particular car?


    Answer: It's different. Everybody doesn't have a BMW 645. Everybody is riding around with Mercedes and Cadillac trucks. When I got this, I was the first one. I like to be different from everyone else.


    Q: How much did this cost?


    A: $80,000.


    Q: Are you serious?


    A: Fully loaded and it was black on black.


    Q: How did you get that deal?


    A: I get all my cars from Wall Street Toy Group. I tell them what I'm looking for and they hook me up with it. I go down the list of cars that I want and how I want it and they get it for me.


    Q: Why is every car you own black?


    A: Because black shows power. I just love it.


    Q: What was the first car you bought when you got to the NFL?


    A: Nissan Maxima.


    Q: That was the first car you bought in the NFL?

    A: I love Maximas. It came out in '03. The first time I rode in a Maxima was high school homecoming. I loved the speed. I fell in love with the car and I've been in love with it ever since.


    Q: What kind of person were you in high school?


    A: Woo, I did everything you could imagine. Skipped school. I played around a lot.


    Q: Were you a ladies man in high school?


    A: Naw, I was actually faithful.


    Q: You almost say that like you can't believe you were faithful.


    A: I can believe I was. I can't believe how I am now.


    Q: Do you think you'll always live in Miami?


    A: I think I'll always come back to Miami. I don't know about live in it. I need to get out of it because I'm bad.


    Q: Would you describe yourself that way?


    A: No, I've calmed down a whole lot.


    Q: Was there anything that made you calm down?


    A: My kids. I got two kids.


    Q: How old are they?


    A: One of them is 15 months and the other is five months.


    Q: So far, what's the most difficult thing about fatherhood?


    A: Nothing right now. Not for me. Just dealing with the mother. That's the difficult part. After that, everything is cool.


    Q: What's more troublesome, an ex-wife or a baby momma?


    A: A baby momma.


    Q: Why?

    A: Because they feel like they should be a part of your life for 18 years. An ex-wife, you can get away from her. A baby momma, you can't get away from her until the child is 18 or older. They're going to constantly ask you for money. They just want to nag you for no reason, just because they can. (Willis has never been married.)


    Q: Did you meet both of these women here in Miami?


    A: (Laughs) Yeah.


    Q: Is that why you say you need to get out of Miami?


    A: I need to get out of Miami.


    Q: What's the worst date you've ever been on?


    A: Probably one where I was just a [jerk].


    Q: What's the worst thing you ever did to a girl?


    A: (Laughs) You can't put that in the paper because they might not want to talk to me.


    Q: Do you hang out? Are you a big partier?


    A: I used to party every day of the week except Wednesday.


    Q: Why Wednesday?


    A: That was a rest day.


    Q: What is a perfect night out for Willis McGahee?


    A: Hanging with Bryant McKinnie (offensive lineman, Minnesota Vikings). He put the 'p' in party. I rolled with him one time and I thought it was going to be another night out. I get there and he's got Venus with him. He has a lot of celebrities with him. Slim Thug, too.


    Q: Venus Williams, the tennis player?


    A: Yeah. I'm like, "Whoa, what's going on?" I was enjoying that. He's the No. 1 party man.


    Q: What's your favorite drink?


    A: When I do drink, it's Hennessy and Coke.


    Q: What do you mean, "when you do drink"?


    A: It has to be a special occasion. I drink cranberry and Sprite.


    Q: Have you never been a big drinker?


    A: I've never been a big drinker. I can't sit around and hold a cup all day.


    Q: What celebrities have you hung out with that are really fun?


    A: Jamie Foxx. He's a party man, too. He knows how to have fun.


    Q: Have you ever dated a celebrity?


    A: No. I wish.


    Q: If you could have a relationship with any celebrity woman, who would it be?


    A: Now you can put this in the paper. Gabrielle Union. I met her a couple of times. She was real nice.


    Q: You know she's separated from her husband?


    A: (Laughs) I know.


    Q: What's the best perk you get being a NFL player?


    A: People tend to do a little bit more for you. They go out of their way. I don't use people like that.


    Q: What's the worst part about being a NFL player?


    A: Sometimes girls won't talk to you because you play football.


    Q: Really?


    A: They treat you like you're a dog. They're not lying, though.

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