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John G

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Posts posted by John G

  1. Then we would be over the cap

    Lets remember peters wasnt that good the pro bowl stuff way overrated,him and dockery were not that great.I dont want a player that cant show for camps,preseason,play nowhere what he did last year,we took a chance and made him what he is he was undrafted....and now look what he is doing to us...find a trade partner unload him and move on and find someone for the lt spot and lg spot....if Edwards is under pressure all the time,TO,Lee or anyone else receiving wont have to worry cause he wont have time to throw to them.Lets go Bills Brass get your heads out of your a...and lets do somthing here.

  2. I,m very disappointed in the Bills Brain Trust as of right now dragging their feet.Why not try to trade for Tony G,look what Tampa did to get Kellen W,Draft picks.The Bills could have had this guy in the fold last year already.I dont understand what their thinking ....theres no urgency...what does everyone think.

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