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Posts posted by SWBuffalo

  1. Why you tripp'n? This here is for fun anyways. Don't know why you rubb'n your edubicated knowledge all up in peeps grillz dawg :) LOL! Seriously though, people come to these forums to relax and discuss their favorite team. No need to correct people. Save that for English class.

  2. Ok, I rarely post, I admit, I'm a bit of a watcher. But...seriously, are you considering Marshawn a good dude? This guy didn't give a **** about Buffalo or you. Spiller is all about "yes sir" and "no sir". Not that he is a conformist, but rather, a gentleman. This man will respect the tradition of 4 AFC titles and try to build upon that tradition. I am embarrassed that we should accept anything less.

  3. Yes, I will continue to root for the Bills no matter what the outcome. However, I actually believe the tides have turned with Chan Galley. This is a real football coach with a lifelong dedication to succeeding in the NFL. If you know his track record, he is primed for success. I have naive optimism for the season. And I like that I don't know any better. Go Bills!

  4. Well said Poeticlaw ... SWBuffalo ... you could learn something about posting an intelligent, well thought argument.


    That was not a well thought out argument...it only catered to your personal beliefs. I actually believe the opposite on many points, which are earlier in the post. Actually, my post wasn't an argument, it was an opinion. This opinion was placed with the sole purpose of sparking a discussion and that is what has occurred. And really, if you have an "intelligent, well thought out argument" of your own, i suggest you give one, instead of quoting others.


    Oh, and...GO BILLS!!!

  5. I humbly request your permission to love the team but dislike the front office for failing to keep our best players or to even get a sniff of postseason play. Since you are the judge of proper fandom, I thought it appropriate to seek your gracious permission first before offering any crticism of our beloved front office. Will the team gear shop be offering a replica of Brandon's button down oxfords for front office fans?


    Nope, permission denied :(

  6. Why don't you like the Peters trade? Did you watch him play last year. He did not give a sh-t about the team.. He as much admitted it in his press conference today in Philly. Do you really believe all the hype and think he is that great a player? He was sieve on the left side last year, simple as that. It is just a shame for all the fans of this beloved team to rip the FO for getting rid of a guy who did not want to play for us, and was at best mediocre last year. For the love of god, why on earth would the Bills give Peters a 4 year $53 million extension when he stayed away all last offseason and than played horribly the entire season? Get a clue, PLEASE!!! There are other huge men in this country who can play LT in the NFL, and will also agree to be part of the team.


    As for Roscoe, he is a punt returner. He makes a few big plays every year. He is not worth $3 million/year. He is a TERRIBLE receiver. And when he does catch the ball he gets brought down almost immediately everytime. Lets see what we can get for him, before jumping off of a bridge!!! I count five if not six receivers on our roster right now I would rather have playing than Roscoe.


    We have not won with either Roscoe or Peters. Change is not always bad fellas. Enjoy it. We didn't win with these guys. Lets keep changing it up until we find some winning combinations. Besides it sure makes the offseason a whole lot more interesting.


    It's good to see level heads prevailing on this board. Go Bills!!!!

  7. If I honestly thought the Bills were in as bad of shape as some of you here, I'd find something alot better to do with my time than spend all offseason whining on a message board about it. I'm questioning people's fandom, but I just never taking the time to whine about moves before a season even starts. For god sakes, people still whine about Whitner and he's been on the team for 3 years. It is mind numbing.


    I come here to talk about the Bills. admittedly, I live my life glass half full. I think there is a lot of potential in this team. But soem fans just seem like they enjoy killing other people's enthusiasm. That's sad to me and has made me even want to avoid the board at times. Edwards sucks, Wilson is cheap, the Bills are moving, Jauron is an idiot, Poz is a bust, etc. It is so mind numbing at times.


    Anyways, I look forward to the draft, getting players who are hungry to win and not jsut money, and cheering on a 10-6 playoff team this year. Go Bills!!!

    Amen! :devil:

  8. Wow... 25 years. Let's see. you started being a "fan" around 1983 or 1984. Do you even know who Hank Bullough, Kay Stevenson and Harvey Johnson are? Your becoming a "fan" was just a couple years before respectability started and shortly thereafter led to the Super Bowl years. Try being a fan from the beginning of the franchise.


    Wow... 25 years; that gives you the right to call out any fan that dares criticize this organization? Try sitting through the really rough years at the Rockpile. I have always been and will always be a BUFFALO Bills fan but reserve everyone's right to express there displeasure with this disfunctional organization. I am not a fan of the overrated Ralph Wilson but will never waver in my support of the city of Buffalo, the Buffalo Bills or the right to enjoy spirited discussions with either negative or positive fans.


    If the fans of the Buffalo Bills irritate you, why don't you find another team?

    Well, I'm 33 and became a fan when I was 8, so forgive me for not fully understanding all the nuances of the Bills at the time. I grew up in a Cowboys happy city cheering for the Bills during all 4 loses to NFC East teams in the superbowl and still had the backbone to cheer for them for another decade of playoff-less football. I'm calling out haters and people who would rather sit around crying over spilled milk, instead of giving the organization the time it needs to get its footing in a small market, where few big time players want to go. I think holding on to Jauron was great because getting rid of him would have sentenced us to 3 more years of rebuilding and I think its clear that Buffalo is pulling out all the stops this offseason to make any and all changes to give Jauron the best chance possible. Oh, and yeah, 25 years sure as hell does give me the right to criticize fans who would rather belly ache about things they can't control, then support the efforts of those that are trying every year to take the Bills back to the Superbowl. :devil:

  9. Let's see, I began following the Bills after watching them lose to KC in the 1966 AFL championship (for the opportunity to play in the first NFL-AFL Championship, soon to be called the Superbowl thereafter). During this time, I saw Ralph make three meaningful attempts at building a great team capable of SB glory. First was when he hired Chcuk Knox, but his penny pinching ways (along with those of Stew Barber IIRC), ruined that rather quickly and Knox left. The second, more by luck than design, was when Polian was promoted to run things and Levy followed shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, Ralph fired Polian for reasons much speculated upon, but never publicly shared in any detail. The last, was when he turned to Tom Donohoe, and we all know how well that worked out, but at least this time the fault belonged to someone other than Ralph directly.


    Now, all we have is is an owner who is biding his time till his tenure ends as the owner of the Buffalo Bills. Father time is is just around the corner for both Ralph and our beloved Buffalo Bills. I have strong doubts that Jim Kelly and his backers will be able to keep the Buffalo Bills alive in Buffalo.


    One does weary with the perennial uncertainty that has become our Bills.


    I checked out your rec room...WOW! Now, THAT's a true fan! And you have good points...'sigh', I just want to enjoy my team :rolleyes:

  10. I have been a fan for 21 years and to hold your optimism or to boldy tell people like myself to find another team because I dont like what mine is doing is wrong. The Bills organization at this moment is baffeling. Talking about adding more games in Toronto- first I am an american not candian and second I am a bills fan not a hybrid fan I dont like sharing games in another contry in a neutral site tha gives us no advantage.


    Then you get rid of your center/LG and star left tackle after building back up fan hope with the sigining of TO well who the hell is going to protect our injury prone QB rookies are you kidding me I am suppose to remain optimistic over that.


    Now I am reading that dominc rhodes was told he was mstlikely going to be the starter during lynches suspension. What the hell is the franchise looking at? I would rather have Jackson starting over him which leads to the next question is jackson the next to be traded becuase we dont want to pay him what hes worth.



    Now ontop of that we are trading away our top return man in the leaugue. Not that I am opposed to trading him but for a 5-6 round pick thats a freakin joke.


    Kelsay needs to be traded never thought he should have been resigned in the first place.


    Keeping DJ after going 0-6 in the division and not improving his team the last two months is another joke.


    Realistically this team has, barring any decent trades and based on the current schedule current roster and ROOKIES comng on our team, the abilty to be worse than the last three years!!!


    So just as you have a right to express your thoughts we have the right to express yours some will agree and some will disagree.The fact is this team that has complained about the lack of talent has done nothing outside of the TO to improve that talent except by stock piling draft picks whcih they have not been good at drafting the last decade as well as trading away their most talented players.


    But I have come to the conclusion I have no expectaions for the upcoming season I still watch every game hoping this team can prove me wrong and then hop the next off season is different, The fact is until Ralph is gone this team in his twilight is never going to improve to be a top 12 team in this leaugue. I except it I dont understand but i except it.


    The only way my loyality fails this team is when the fail me by putting more games in another county that is not my own!!!!!!!!!!

    I absolutely respect your argument, but I think Buffalo is not that far away. We have a quarterback and running back on the rise, 2 elite level wide receivers, a new center who is finally familiar with 3-4 defenses and Walker, Bell, Butler and Chambers who all combined gave up less sacks than Peters. Our defense is good and will be better with Schobel back and Mcargo finally motivated and McKelvin and Poz with a full year under their belts. We get a OT, DE and a TE in the draft, we are looking like a competative team IMO. I may be overly optimistic, but I would rather be that way then spend every off season upset.

  11. Come on people. I have been a bills fan for 25 years and never wavered in my loyalty to this team. There is a lot to be said about Bills fans that have been through the highs and lows this team has offered. Now we are on to another year and I have never seen so much resentment toward our FO and team. This is OUR team people! If you don't like the Bills, then follow Peters to Philly. If you want a guaranteed playoff every year, then be a Patriot fan. Me, I want to be here when the Bills finally win a Super Bowl, so I can enjoy what it felt like to be a real fan of both Buffalo and Football :rolleyes:

  12. that would be Jan 2008


    and Brandon shut him down completely with no new deal to be offered in 2008.


    - so he acted accordingly.


    His actions don;t make Bills fans happy - but Peters got his new deal when that would not have been possible playing by the Bills rules.


    A big bonus for Jason is that he will contend for a ring every year - which certainly is not happening in Buffalo anytime soon.


    Are you a Philly fan or a Buffalo fan? Man up and cheer for your team, or go chase the money with your buddy peters

  13. you Peters haters are a bunch of morons. when Trent gets his fragile head ripped off, and schoebel and Poz and all those high motor guys lead us to a if we're lucky 5 win season, what excuses will you have than



    Are you mentally challenged? Have you seen the footage? Peters is waaaaay overhyped and underperformed tremendously last year. He is not a team player and clearly puts his money above his team. He is a cancer and a major reason Trent had issues looking down field. I would hesitate too if my left side would randomly open up out of nowhere.

  14. Yes, thank you for your opinion! T.O. is exactly what this team needs. Even if he does terrible (which I highly doubt, considering he's in a contract year) he will be a much needed media shot in the arm. Buffalo isn't even done with free agency or the draft yet! This is the boldest move of the decade in my opinion next to the Patriots getting Randy Moss. And tell me what warm blooded NFL fan won't enjoy seeing T.O. vs. Moss twice a year?

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