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Posts posted by Pat7s


    I never, ever post on this message board anymore... but I logged in special, just for you, because you are really... REALLY... a very special person and I can;t stop laughing.


    That's his draft jersey. He was picked in the 1st round. That's what most players get when they get picked... a jersey with the number round they were picked in. That's not his number, it never was. Manuel wears number 3,it was in the Buffalo news and EVERY SINGLE PICTURE OF HIM PRACTICING IN MINI CAMP IS HIM WEARING #3.If you're a Bills fan, you know this. If you're a fair weather Bills fan you know this.

  2. So because the Colts suck in 2011 (and will get a great QB as a result), that negates year after year of 10+ wins and a SB championship??


    And Manning isn't the only reason the Colts fell apart. They are old, especially on offense.


    Yeah that's the thing... ONE bad season and the face of the franchise was injured... that doesn't make him (well, them) a bad option at all. I'd love to see him back if Buddy retired... but that's not official. Plus, not that this was brought up but its on some people's minds, its year 2 of the rebuild. I'm wicked disappointed in the Bills and pissed off to boot, but I don't think Buddy is bad at his job to this point. Too early to tell IMO.

  3. See... if they punted it away from their endzone there's a good chance with Morman's Leg they would be starting exactly where are after that kick off... and they would be down by 3 instead of 5. Yeah. Stupid. But what's stupid is Trent Edwards' inability to do anything today, the offensive line's inability to get a run game going, and let's be honest, Lee Evans does not get open as much as a top flight receiver is supposed to.

  4. I know Chris's views are somewhat debatable on this board, as some view him more as a Bill's mouthpiece. But, I have always appreciated the insight he provides to position battles etc. Nothing earth shattering but I caught this after reading his Fan Friday update.


    "With respect to the offense I think Chan Gailey is going to need to be very creative to get chunk yardage plays this year. I believe we’ll see a heavy emphasis on running the ball because to this point no quarterback has definitively demonstrated that they deserve the starting job."




    What amazes me is when anyone ever criticizes Chris Brown for what he reports. He IS the mouth piece for the Bills. He is not an objective reporter, he's a PR guy... that's his job. I can at least understand ripping apart the analysis of an actual sports reporter or even a commentator (ergo Buffalo News and WGR, respectively). Chris Brown, regardless of his alleged title, is not a sports reporter currently. He was... but is no longer.

  5. Here are some updates on individuals from the OTA's that I got from rotoworld. Still to early to read much into this, but at least it gives some indication of who they wanted to look at first.



    James Hardy saw the bulk of the reps as the starter opposite Lee Evans when the Bills opened OTAs on Tuesday.


    Coach Chan Gailey cautioned not to read too much into the practice. "We’re waiting to see who is going to step up," explained Gailey. Steve Johnson and Chad Jackson were just behind Hardy in the receiver rotation.




    Dwan Edwards opened Bills OTAs Tuesday as a starting defensive end ahead of Spencer Johnson.


    Marcus Stroud manned the other end spot, with Kyle Williams at nose tackle. Edwards failed physicals for other teams before signing, but he insists he's perfectly healthy. Johnson will stay in a rotational lineman role this year, fighting promising third-round pick Alex Carrington for snaps.




    Trent Edwards took the first-team reps in all sessions at the opening of OTAs on Tuesday.


    Ryan Fitzpatrick was second, Brian Brohm third, and rookie Levi Brown fourth. The competition at quarterback is open, so don't be surprised if coach Chan Gailey mixes up the order at some point. For now, it's safe to assume that Edwards is the early favorite to start in Week 1. He currently ranks last among all starting quarterbacks in our projections.




    Bills OT Demetrius Bell (torn ACL) and OG Eric Wood (broken leg) are both being held out of voluntary OTAs this week.


    Wood is targeting training camp for a return, so it's no surprise that he's not ready to practice. Bell's absence is just another reminder that the Bills' left tackle situation is a disaster.




    Donte Whitner is entering OTAs as the starting strong safety, according to the Bills' official site.


    The Chan Gailey regime is apparently shaking things up, and it's a surprise that Whitner is considered a starter. Look for him to be pushed hard by George Wilson for the right to line up next to FS Jairus Byrd in Week 1. Safety is one of the few positions at which the Bills actually have quality.




    Cornell Green is penciled in as the Bills' starting right tackle.


    Demetrius Bell, Jamon Meredith and Ed Wang are focusing on the left side. That leaves Green, a free agent pickup that figures to be a liability, with little competition on the right side. The Bills are setting themselves up for disaster.



    I think my main issue here is the same stuff was probably said about the Dolphins a couple of years ago by these guys and they won the freaking division that year. I'd look it up but I won't lie, I'm too lazy to right now.


    The info was enough for me, I didn't need this guy's personal touch on things, but I guess that's what this site does right?

  6. I hear you on the dirty union city thing.


    I don't agree with a dome, though. HSBC arena is all the dome needed for concerts.


    You're missing the point though about having stadium downtown... and I'm not atepmting to jump down your throat here just to be clear.


    If the tax payers are going to shell out the money for this then it better bring the money back 10 fold, or else it just sits there half hear collecting dust. The city needs more options downtown during the winter time. Its not just concerts, it's everything. Winter fests, car shows, exhibits, it doesn't matter... think bigger, think beyond the obvious. This city is stuck because no one thinks outside the box. Sorry that's not at you really but at the whole place in general. It doesn't matter what people on this board wants, it matters what the average fan wants... that's how you make money.

  7. Finally, a man with sense.


    My argument exactly. WNY needs whatever money it can get since manufacturing is just about gone. The Bills are a prime-time ticket, and we should consolidate our services (Bills, Sabres, Bisons, theatre district, etc) and make them top notch so that people looking to spend their cash will want to stay in Buffalo. Baltimore has it right, with the Ravens and Orioles next to each other, and right on the waterfront. Buffalo should follow the Baltimore model.


    And I agree, that once the game is over, restaurants will be packed! People will be hungry, and the money, once again will stay in Buffalo. Let Bass Pro develop, and retail will begin to flourish all along the area. Buffalo can focus on chicken wings, beef on weck, pizza, etc for the tourists. And with all of the extra things to offer, people will finally have a reason to come downtown, and maybe all of the drunken riff-raff that ruins what could be a great family experience of a game will stop coming.


    Let the Falls get all of the Casinos. Buffalo should get the Bills.


    I can never understand why UB is in Amherst, either...should be downtown.



    Everyone has always wanted it downtown, along the lake, where the dead steel plant sits rotting. I love that idea... BUT:


    the amount of money it would cost to make that land safe in a short period of time in order to build a stadium would be staggering. That's not simply land that has nothing on it but rotting buildings. It's fenced off for a reason: massive pollution. MASSIVE. It would take 10's of millions of dollars just to clean it up... if not hundreds.


    That's the thing no one realizes or thinks about. Buffalo is an old city with a lot of crap under it's surface. The danger to employees and fans is too great. You can not build over it either. So you add the clean up cost to the stadium costs... plus the fact Buffalo is a dirty union city (not a union city, a dirty union city, big difference). The blood suckers would sink their teeth in, massively over charge the tax payers who you better believe would have to pay for it, and everything would be done half-assed. Government officials would pocket millions and once again a few get rich while all of you spend the little money you have just to get the team to the city.


    If the unthinkable happened though and a stadium was build in the city, then it has to be a dome. There is no argument here. You can NOT have a major stadium sit in downtown Buffalo and not generate revenue for a huge chunk of the year. You have to be able to host major concerts and events in it as well as other sporting events (UB football, Syracuse basketball maybe, a UFL team, a Sabres game, anything really). Plus, you have to give the average person who simply is not a fan of sitting in the cold or rain with a bunch of drunks a place to enjoy themselves. You have to give yourself a chance of holding College Bowl games and a Super Bowl. You have to have a dome, or else the stadium downtown will never ever work.

  8. Love Orton. Consumate pro. Great attitude. Lots of intangibles.


    But IMO he isn't what this team needs.


    To me, the Bills either need a proven franchise quarterback or a prospective franchise quarterback.


    Adding Orton to the mix only muddles the stew.


    As the others have said, although he's more proven than the guys we have, it's only by minute degrees. The addition of Orton would only confuse the issue. He's not appreciably better than what we already have and his presence would only further dilute the snaps needed to evaluate and develop the QBs that we already have.



    Thank you for posting a real, well thought out response.

  9. Bull ****. Cut the Lawyer bull **** already. If I had Ben's money I could go rape a few chicks and get off, its all about how much money you have to afford the right lawyer and pay a few people off.


    Why is he punished? Because Goddell knows better that's why.


    and I hope you never get that kind of money. In fact for the sake of my future daughter I hope you remain very very poor... forever.

  10. Again, he was not convicted! You people must love the freedom of speech but forget innocent until proven guilty.


    As far as him coming in to Buffalo? It'd be great for him to come and hide in our small market while enjoying the pasion we have for football embraces him. Buffalo would be a great place for Ben who got lucky to end up in Pitt while thriving on some good teams.


    Yeah we'd be ripping on him after game 4 of our schedule... because chances are we're going 1-3 or 0-4 during that stretch. Coming here is NOT hiding for any NFL player, it's death sentence because there simply is no excuses for a player of this alleged caliber to struggle. Everybody knows everybody here, if he wanted to disappear he's go to NYC or Chicago or any large city where the media might be hard but it's not nearly as tight knit.


    Plus, do we all really think he's "great?" I'm not saying that in a perfect world where there were no rape charges (no convictions but 2 incidents) or motorcycle accidents (remember that horse S***?) that I wouldn't take him in a heartbeat because he's better than every other option out there. But, he's a douche and has always had a much better talent core around him then we can provide him here. We have no left tackle and I'm not convinced the draft will settle the issue this season.


    If they do this today during the draft I'm intrigued because you're right... he wasn't convicted. This isn't Mike Vick for me because he wasn't convicted, but I have lots of reservations and I'm not sure he'd do well here.

  11. He got "bust" written all over him.


    Every 1st round QB has bust written all over them dude. For 1st round QB's it's all in how they are coached and what tools are put around them/protect them from this point on.


    One thing is for certain with Clausen: we'll know if he's a bust a lot faster then Tebow (for example) because Clausen appears to have the proper mechanics, brains and physical tools to be a top QB. A guy like Tebow is an assumed project and has lots of questions involving his mechanics, throwing power, ability to handle a pro system, etc. In comparison, the question with Clausen is if he can adapt and handle the NFL game... that's it.


    I'd be happy with him.

  12. One key reason Bryant won't happen: Eugene Parker. No way the Bills are going to deal with negotiating a first round contract with him, with a player like that, after the Peters saga.


    Great observation. I don;t think it matters though. Ultimately Peters is responsible for his own actions, not his agent. At the end of the day it's all just business and if they can't look past crap like the Peters situation to get the players they need then throw in the towel now.

  13. Why do we have a fascination with scrub qb's?


    Don't waste a pick on this guy, we have 3 other qb's like him on our roster...he will not lead us nor any other team to the promised land...


    Campbell is nothing like Fitz or Edwards... he has thrown for 300 yards, a novel concept. We really know nothing about Brohm. Have you sat and watched Campbell play week in and week out or do you watch the ass-hats on sportscenter and on countdown and act like you're an expert?


    Look I'm not saying you shouldn't be against the idea, but a lot of people call him a scrub QB with really no merit behind it. They base all their opinions off of what some "analyst" thinks (BTW "analyst" means nothing more than knowledge-less color guy). I could be wrong with you, I just doubt I am. If so, my apologies ahead of time.


    If nothing else, there are no Mannings, Bradys, Brees-es or now McNabs available, despite so many people insisting we need to get that guy. Of course we do, but it's hard to find him or else a lot of team would have great QB's. This team would be instantly improved with average QB play, which it hasn't had in years, that's worth a 4th round pick, especially considering you know what you're getting from Campbell and don't know what you're really getting with ANYONE from the draft.


    No matter who we draft its a crap shoot if he'll pan out. What is true is Campbell has been treated simply awful in Washington. That is a fact and it's absolute bush (huhuhuhuh) league. He was set up to fail from day one there and has still found a way to improve. Also, he's been a freaking class act through all of this BS. Do you see that kind of character out of Lynch? How could we not want a guy like this to represent the Buffalo Bills? Even if only for a few seasons...

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