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Posts posted by WilliamCody

  1. We are a paying a price, however small, for keeping 4 QB's and 3 kickers


    Or, are we seeing the ramifications of actually having talent on the roster? And what does it matter if we think of Smith as a 4th QB or a 6th WR. Most would have thought we were going to keep a 6th WR anyway. And, with Potter, his touch backs, guaranteed, will save this team from at least one injury and likely more than one. So you could make the argument that Potter is actually a roster asset because his kicking abilities mean we may not have to shuffle the mid-season roster as much due to injury.

  2. Also a bit simplistic.


    Of course it is. As I have said at least once above, regulations provide a matrix within which corporate decisions must be made.


    Even if the only decision a board can make is to comply with yet another government regulation?


    I'm actually inclined to think the real question would be who can we hire to help us get around said regulation.

  3. Amid economic recession, a spiraling federal debt, and accelerating increases in government health spending, they proposed a bill that has made these problems worse.“Americans were promised lower health care costs. They’re going up.


    Americans were promised lower premiums. They’re going up.


    “Most Americans were promised their taxes wouldn’t change. They’re going up.


    “Seniors were promised Medicare would be protected. It was raided to pay for a new entitlement instead.


    Americans were promised it would create jobs. The CBO predicts it will lead to nearly 1 million fewer jobs.


    “Americans were promised they could keep their plan if they liked it, yet millions have learned they can’t.


    “And the President of the United States himself promised up and down that this bill was not a tax.


    “This was one of the Democrats’ top selling points — because they knew it would have never passed if they said it was. The Supreme Court has spoken. This law is a tax.


    “This bill was sold to the American people on a deception. But it’s not just that the promises about this law weren’t kept. It’s that it’s made the problems it was meant to solve even worse.


    “The supposed cure has proved to be worse than the disease.


    “So it’s not just that the promises about this law weren’t kept. It’s that it has made the problems it was meant to solve even worse.





    The bolded are a result of CORPORATE policy, not government.

  4. It's not horrific to who? You? I have many family members and employees who beg to differ. But it's still cheaper than health insurance, and since you can wait until you're sick before you get insurance, you need only pay the taxes, then get sick, then get insurance, then get better, then drop insurance until you're sick again.


    It's a win-win for anyone who, y'know, is a freaking moron.


    This is a big problem and one of the things I hope gets work out either by Congress or by the insurance companies themselves.

  5. My guess, for those who are uninsured and pay the tax, when they do get sick perhaps they will end up on the Medicaid rolls?


    Which may or may not have the fund to support them because this program is being scaled back all over. My ultimate question is does the "tax" or "penalty" or whatever you want to call it ultimate go towards providing healthcare for someone or does it get simply lost in the government's money pile?

  6. No surprises here...but you're wrong. Again.


    And a quick forum search could have told you that.


    Or, hell, reading through this thread could have told you that.



    I always find it very amusing when the US Attorney is oblivious to the point where he can't make an argument that the justices are handing them on a silver platter.


    To be fair, this forum or thread is not an accurate cross section. It represents those who care enough to debate on the issues in a sustained way. Demographically speaking, this is a fractionally small minority of the population.

  7. Politically speaking this could be a bad thing for Obama. The majority of people are against this bs law. If it had been ruled unconstituitional or eviscerated then it would have been much less of a factor in the upcoming election. This ruling will fire up that majority and give them a reason to vote against Obama.


    Time will tell. The reverse is that people will get tired of beating a dead horse now that the case has been decided.


    And I'm not sure its a clear majority. Have any non-partisan polls to back this up?

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