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Posts posted by MURTR

  1. I'm just going to say that MD could learn a few things from Mantai T'eo.


    I get that you can be sad after a close relative dies.


    But that doesn't mean you let it affect your job so negatively. It's like when a soldier goes to war, the term is that to a large degree, they have to put their personal life in a box.


    T'eo handled his grief constructively and in a way it seems to have actually helped his game, because it was a vent for his emotions. It doesn't seem like MD was (and maybe, is) coping healthily.



  2. I want him back.


    Although Leodis doesnt seem like the most intelligent player, i think his biggest problem was coaching.


    Our previous coaches did not put our players in a position to succeed. They had a system, they ran it no matter what team we played. It sounds like Marrone and his staff will actually develop gameplans around our personnel and matchups.


    I still think he has the tools to be a solid #2/#3 CB. Pay him $5M tops

  3. I have a feeling Lovie Smith is the front runner for the job right now.


    Of the retreads, I prefer him most considering his defenses always allow a low number of points, create turnovers, and score some TDs. Sure he didn't make the playoffs every year but he generally had a winning record in a usually tough NFC North.


    That being said, i'm trying to think of who are the best possible OCs he could hire. None of the names being kicked around out there really seem like a good fit....any other suggestions?

    • Norv Turner - ex SD HC
    • Ken Whisenhunt - ex AZ HC
    • Hue Jackson - CIN DBC
    • Cam Cameron - ex BAL OC
    • Pat Shurmer - ex CLE HC
    • Brad Childress - ex CLE OC
    • Alex Van Pelt - GB RBC
    • Marc Trestman - CFL HC

  4. http://www.nfl.com/n...leveland-browns


    Thank God, I was starting to worry that he might end up with the Bills.


    Like that the guy plays to win but, dont think the risk is worth the reward:

    • no NFL coaching/playing experience (i.e. Harbaugh, Carroll)
    • Oregon (aka "Nike U") can recruit like crazy. Granted, Kelly's offense has a lot to do with that but in the NFL you cant just cherry-pick top talent, its a much more level playing field.
    • His recruiting focuses on athletes who have crazy speed and maybe were overlooked by other schools. It's true you cant teach speed, but the NFL is a much faster game, just getting to the outside and out running everyone wont cut it.
    • There schedule hasnt been that strong the last couple of years. I think they only beat like 3-4 ranked teams.
    • I know he openly said he would contour his offense based on the personnel he has, but without actually seeing him have previous success in a more traditional offense, i would think its too much of a gamble.
    • Not saying he is a bad coach, just hard to trust him b/c he's only been a D1 HC for 4 years.

  5. Yes, the one and only Bill Cowher.


    Bill Cowher is easily the best HC choice. But the Bills won't get him unless they offer him the power to make all player personnel decisions. That's because he knows what it takes to win, but won't get there unless he has a strong say in whom to sign, whom to waive, and whom to draft.


    Taking a chance on all of these no name college coaches that are being bandied about, most of whom have only been successful for a few years and only at the college level, would be a huge, huge mistake.


    The NFL is a totally different game from that of the college game. It takes NFL experience to succeed at the NFL level. One would be wise to select a HC who has actually succeeded at the NFL level. How about a HC who has actually competed with the likes of B. Belichick and outcoached him/beaten him in an actual NFL game or five?????


    If N. Saban, probably the best college coach alive, could not succeed at the NFL level, what in the world makes any of you think that all of these current no name guys that are suddenly coming out of the woodwork would??


    It's laughable. So very laughable.


    Cowher doesnt seem interested.


    Cowher will want too much power to make player moves, which I do not see Nix/Whaley giving up.


    Cowher will want to switch to a 3-4 despite the fact we are totally suited to be a 4-3 defense. It would take a minimum of 2 seasons to build that up, which probably doesnt make sense considering we got the top level talent for a good 4-3 defense.

  6. Add Chris Peterson to the poll and remove those who arent viable possibilities:

    • Tony Dungy - he is retired, never coming back, focusing on social work
    • David Shaw - just signed a long term deal to stay at Stanford, highly unlikely he leaves for Buffalo. Also Harbaugh disciple
    • Hue Jackson - not on anyones radar except for a token Rooney Rule interview
    • Norv Turner - 3 different stops, no success, he will be a OC for the rest of his life (i.e. Gilbride)

  7. I don't think Reich can be blamed for the fact that AZ wasn't good this year- not like he was their head coach or OC. Steve Tasker is another former Bill that is a very astute football mind. I think the thing that some of you are forgetting is that many top coaches who have never lived in Buffalo have a negative opinion of the place and don't want to move there. Guys like Reich and Tasker know that it's a good place to live and might actually accept a job there if offered one.


    Having a good football mind and being a good coach are 2 different things. Knowing Xs & Os doesnt mean you can think on your toes, make adjustments, having a pulse of your team, know how to motivate, etc.

  8. correct me if im wrong but 3 yrs ago didnt Grimm turn down the chance to interview with us in order to stay in AZ as an OL coach?


    he didnt have a lot of talent in AZ but its not like he really coached up that OL at all, they were probably bottom of the league. Also, he has zero prior head coaching experience, no more on the job training.

  9. Before you get all hyped and re-new your season tickets, remember Jim Kelly WAS (doubt he still is) a HUGE Tim Tebow backer.

    If memory serves me well, he was all for taking him in the first round.



    Lets hope Kelly would only join in a PR/Ownership Transition role.

  10. From what I heard, the Bills would have to give up a 6th round draft pick if TJax is active for more than 5 games this year. I don't have a link and my source is a co-worker (who's knowledge I respect), but if it's true, it's certainly an interesting deal...it would give them until Week 13 to activate him if they don't want to give up that draft pick. :huh:


    The problem with Jauron and what Gailey is doing now is that they're hands-off when it comes to the opposite side of the ball. That is, Gailey's an offense guy, so he seems to be giving Wanny complete control of the defense and stays out of it. Conversely, Jauron let someone else control the offense and (for the most part) stayed out of it.


    I disagree with this philosophy. As a HC, he needs to be involved with all units - offense, defense, and special teams. Yes, the HC may have had a specialty in previous jobs, but once he takes over as the head coach, he becomes the coordinator of all units and manages the game. Gailey seems to be too busy being an offensive coordinator/play caller to manage the game. What he should have done this year was step back and let Modkins run the O.


    I almost hope this is true because it would at least provide some insight as to why they have been refusing to give T-Jax reps....on the other hand, if this was true, that means they were willing to hold the team back by starting Fitz until week 13 just to save a 6th round draft pick??


    That would be 1000x worst than the Brad Smith Wildcat throw.

  11. T-Jax @ QB.


    I feel like watching Fitz play is like watching Benjamin Button....with each passing week he slowly is deteriorating into Trent Edwards....starting him is a colossal waste of time.


    I dont care how big the playbook is, cut it down to 50 plays if you have to but lets see what we got with Jackson.

  12. Someone needs to stand up and be a leader on this team - if it is a "scrub" so be it. The "starters" on this team are joke with the exceptions being the O-line (ONLY unit playing hard even with injuries to starters), the RBs and maybe a WR. We need more vocal leaders and I don't really care who they are. The Bills are the laughing stock of the NFL and for some reason 90% of this roster is OK with that. Being the laughing stock should piss off every player on this team, but most of them could care less - Taking plays off/ "lack of execution" makes this obvious.


    Watch the missing rings about the Bills - Darryl Talley got pissed off about knock knock jokes people were saying about the Bills - he didn't want to be the laughing stock of the league. I really think he was the catalyst on D, the leader that helped make it change.


    In 1990 Levy pulled his starters out of the game in Miami when they were being blown away - its about time Chan shook things up, I don't think he has the nads to do it.




    Totally agree, most of these guys are cool with cashing in a paycheck and cant be bothered with potentially calling out their teammates/coaches in order to make the point they are not ok with the status quo.....No pride in their work.

  13. I, for one, hope that Nix and Gailey stay next year, and the year after that until we have new ownership. That way, I can focus on constructive and meaningfull Sundays with my two small children instead of the clown show that is the Bills...


    Yeah, thankfully God spared me the pain of the 2nd halves of the NE and SF games. I DVR'd them and once I found out the score I didnt even bother....was nice to save 3-4 hrs of my time.

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