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Posts posted by WOFTT

  1. What gives anyone the impression that Cowher or Holmgren (or Shottenheimer or Gruden or anyone else) would be interested in the Bills job or that Wilson would be interested in them? Just because people on this board would prefer them, that doesn't really mean anything. The Bills are going to get whoever Wilson prefers, and his track record isn't great.


    Au Contraire! I think DJ was Marv Levy's choice.

  2. IMO here is the silver lining:


    If TE is any good then he has to show it this year or he's done. This has to be his make/break year right? If he's good then we are set for the next 3-5 years or more....


    If he sucks we've got a high draft pick and what is shaping up to be a QB rich draft......... (Tebow will be an NFL stud no matter where he lands)


    So take heart Bills fans.... next year is the year!!!!!!!!!

  3. No, it really doesn't change my opinion of the front office. The Owens signing was mostly just an attempt by the front office to pacify the fans after keeping Jauron. If anything, its more of the same attitude from the front office I've come to expect over the years, that they can slap a bandaid on the problem and consider it fixed.


    So is Brandon your first name or last? :)

  4. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Do you mean that Prima Donna who practices under different circumstances than the rest of the team? The same guy who while his teammates were in Pittsburgh playing, he was in Dallas having dinner with Roy Williams? Do you mean the guy who we have only seen what 2 plays in 4 preseason games? Do you mean the guy who has a track record with 3 different clubs (4 if you count the Ravens), who he was a total disruption in the Locker Room and personnally tried to attack the quarterbacks? Do you mean the guy who stated "It is going to be more of a challenge to sell cereal than win games"? The obvious answer to all of these questions is yes, so the obvious answer to your questions is a resounding "NO!!!".


    No, You didn't read my post. like I don't think TO is the savior. In fact one of two things will happen at the end of this season. He will have a great year and demand a multi-year contract which I pray Ralph won't give him given his past conduct in contract years 2-3.


    My question was more directed towards the fact that Ralph has shied away from the big contract big name player. Do you think there is a chance he may spend for a coach. If he wants to sell the team them packaging a big name coach in with it may well help sweeten the deal.


    By the way TO kinda has a reputation of being a me first player.

  5. I know this subject has probably been discussed ad nauseum on the board already but I thought I would ask it anyways....


    Does that fact the Ralph signed off on the TO signing give you hope? Not because he will be our savior but because it seems to be a (slight) shift in philosophy for him. I fully expect there to be openings in the head coaching & QB departments in Buffalo next year and the preseason hasn't done much to change my mind. Given that are you at least optimistic that Ralph will sign someone with some skins on the wall as a head coach next year. There should be a lot of them out there, Cowher (???) Gruden, Shannahan, Billick. And it looks like it will be a good QB year in the draft

  6. I think Ralph took one look at next seasons schedule and thought "Dang, I can really fire him after that season" and decided to wait.


    I see a three win season coming up. We might be able to beat the Jets though if Brett doesn't come back. Hopefully Tebow spends another season in Florida and he'll be available in the 2010 draft. He will be an NFL stud from day one if you can get him to run a little less but always be a threat.

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