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Posts posted by streetcarp77

  1. I get it. Almost every Bills fan loved Fred. He was one of my favorites through a decade of yuck. But the bleeding hearts already...stop. Nobody is bigger than what's best for the team. Some have said they hope he wins the SB this year if he goes to Seattle? Why? I wish him well, but I'm always for the Buffalo Bills to win. For the fans, for the region, for the team. Good luck Fred. Thanks for your efforts. Now let's go Buffalo!! We want the Superbowl!

  2. I like this move sort of. It does in a way stink of the Maybin claim he pulled on us, but I'll trust him. For now. From what I've seen not any players are calling him out, or sticking up for Geno. Much of what we've heard is good teamate, hard worker, potential...etc. For sure we all remember that draft. I was kind of stumped as all with EJ being picked so high(still holding hope), but I really enjoyed watching the Jets draft that pouty jerk at the top of the second round. He was a baby then and maybe there is something to why he got cracked? Anyways...Namath is on record backing up IK, and we all know how credible he is..lol. I doubt many in that locker room cared Geno got smacked. It is what it is.

  3. Lurker for 6 years on this board. I've read it all. Been thru it all since I remember punching my knuckles to death in a snow bank in '90 when I was 13. Love your guys insight, mostly very good. But some of the bitching don't make sense.

  4. Really...this is the US attitude that Canadians find really annoying. As a nation, Canada has always fought BY America's side and been their most loyal ally. Americans who claim "if it wasn't for us, Canada wouldn't be around." really grinds Canadians gears. Last I checked, Canada has never been invaded and hasn't needed the US to fight its wars for them.


    i wonder why :thumbsup:

  5. That is, Buffalo is not a city deserving of an NFL franchise.


    Buffalo is the “6” looking guy trying to date a “9 or 10” girl – simply out of its league.


    At best, Buffalo is to the NFL what the Pirates have become to major league baseball – fodder for the rest of the league.


    Like a beloved dog that was hit by a car and currently exists only on life support at the vets



    Wow. Very over the top. A dying dog that has been hit by a car? Really? !@#$ you

  6. Going with a new team will never be an option while the Bills are still in Buffalo. Too much history, much of it bad, to walk away from. We are what they think we are. The most tortured fans in sports(with the exception of cubs fans). I could never pick a new team and watch that team win a superbowl. I would never be able to convince myself that i actually gave a **** about anything other than a BILLS superbowl win. It would be like breaking up with the ugly girl in school only to see her on the street a few years later hotter than hell(that is if they ever start winning again).

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