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Posts posted by Gerry

  1. I definitely put Wilson in the top 10. But I dispute the idea who is solely winning games for him. as a rookie, he threw 393 times (24.6 per game) which tied for 25th in the league. Manuel threw 306 times in 10 games (30.6 per game).


    When you have a top 5 defense and a good running game, you don't have to win games by yourself. The way the Seahwaks brought Wilson along last year was pretty much the same way the Bills brought EJ along. Except EJ struggled with injuries and didn't have as good of a defense. At this point, the pressure isn't all on Wilson like it is which some QBs. I think he will be very good but he is a part of a very well balanced machine.


    And to answer the question, I'd go with Wilson over Kaepernick. Very similar and very similar situations. Difference is I think Wilson is a better pure passer and never takes a big hit.

    One thing that is rarely discussed is the coaching that rookie QB's get; this can make or break their development. Carroll has a ton of experience as a HC at the major college and pro level, and Harbaugh was a pro QB with major college HC experience. All QB coaching is not equal, and I have concerns about whether Marrone and Hackett will be able to develop and maximize EJ's talent.
  2. If you put Wilson on our team, you think he would still have a 75% win percentage?

    No, because he wouldn't have had a coach who recognized his skills and knew how to use them, and the Bills are not as good as the Seahawks. Nevertheless, Wilson has been outstanding in his first two years. Everyone thought Carroll was crazy when he announced Wilson as the starter at the start of the 2012 season, but he know what he was doing.


    Obviously, Graham over Wilson is terrible. But people have to stop with the whole QB record thing. Seattle's D has finished #1 and #4 the last 2 years. They are the MVPs of that team. And as much as people try to twist it, Wilson started his career very similar to EJ's (minus the injuries). A dominant D helped him grow into the position.

    In 2012, Wilson was one of only 4 QB's to have a rating of 100 or better (Rodgers, P. Manning and RG III) and one of 7 to have a rating of 100 or better this year. His winning % last year was .69. EJ's ratng this year was 77.7, winning % .40. I don't see the similarity.
  3. He's a retread.. Not to mention the Cards were pretty bad his last couple seasons in charge. If I were a Titans fan, I'd be pissed my this move.

    Yeah, they should be pissed; why hire a guy who has NFL head coaching experience and took his team to the super bowl? What are they thinking? Much better to hire a guy like Marrone out of a mediocre college program, who can learn on the job.
  4. Agree with your post except Fitz wasn't coming back under any circumstances because the Bills wanted him to take a pay cut.


    But Tarvaris Jackson who we already had, was an ideal veteran placeholder/mentor for EJ.


    Jackson has arguably had a better NFL career than Kolb and would have cost the Bills a hell of a lot less money than Kolb.

    Totally agree with your comment on Jackson, which I have made many times. This was a major screw up by the Bills braintrust, who simply thought that Kolb was better, even though he is injury prone. One has to wonder what the W/L record would have been if Jackson had been the backup.
  5. Brandon is linked directly with the Marrone hire and was actively involved in the interviewing process. And if Russ is involved, it's his reputation on the line as well, so they'll wait until the bitter end if Marrone doesn't succeed. I recall a few years ago Brandon, Overdorf, Littman, and RW meeting in Detroit to determine if DJ's fate. Rumor was Brandon voted against, but ultimately they retained a guy who'd be fired in less than a year.


    With this in mind, I seriously wonder if going 8-8 or 7-9 in year 2 of Marrone would result in the HC being fired. After all, every HC search opens the team up to attention from the outside which is something Buffalo despises.

    Are you kidding me? 7-9 or 8-8 will be considered progress; the only thing that might (and I mean might) get Marrone fired is if the Bills collapse and go 3-13 or 2-14. Speaking of year 2, the travel schedule is far worse than this year (4 games out of the time zone vs. 1 this year) and the Bills are a horrible road team (I think 1-4 on the road this year with EJ starting).
  6. This is about a surprising as a lake effect snowstorm in Buffalo in winter. I really think Hilliard was a scapegoat here; he may have deserved to be let go, but not more than Crossman. It was Marrone's way of saying, "I will fire an assistant," but he retains his long time buddy. Not a good sign for the future.

  7. Not much in either. Should have hired Lovie Smith as he will have the Bucs in the playoffs before the Bills. While I'm not upset that the Bills drafted Manuel last year, l feel they should draft another QB in the early rounds this year. I don't feel confident that Manuel will become a Top 10 QB in the league, which is exactly what the Bills need with playing against Brady/Belichek twice a year.

    Totally agree with your thoughts.
  8. What "antics" are you speaking of? Not playing the last two games because his mother died?

    I'm speaking of his locker room comment about a crucial dropped pass in the first half of one of the recent games, something like "it really didn't matter, it was early in the game." I seem to recall that he did a few dumb things early in the season as well. Is this what you expect out of a veteran receiver who is supposed to be setting an example for the younger guys? Obviously, he had to miss time because of his mother's passing, but two games? Even if he took 10 days off, he still had time to get back and suit up for NE.
  9. Now that the season is over and there is a basis for an informed opinion, how much faith (not just hope) do you have that Marrone and Manuel will get the Bills over .500 and into the playoffs in the next two years? Here are my thoughts: like Gailey and Fitz, they are joined at the hip and will either rise or fall together.

    Manuel-a question mark regarding both ability and durability. Even though he only played 10 games, I expected more flashes of brilliance to convince me that he is the guy moving forward. He was a mixed bag-looked good in some games and lost in others. Regardless of what you think of Thad, it is troubling to me that an undrafted, UFA with little experience and no camp/preseason can come in during the year and play at the level of EJ (better QB rating, same W/L%), a first round pick and the first QB taken. EJ needs to have a great camp and preseason, then step it up in the first half of the season next year and demonstrate with his play that he is the guy. Stop talking about his upside, let's see it on the field.

    Marrone-color me skeptical; I am not sold on this guy. Too much talk from the initial press conference to the last one and not enough to back it up. Particularly troubling was that the team did not seem to be buying off on his approach in the second half of the season-he did not have the Bills ready to play a poor TB team and talked a lot about the importance of winning the last game, only to be outcoached by BB and the team whipped again by the Pats. In my view, having EJ for that game would not have made a bit of difference. Antics by Stevie and Dareus demonstrated that he was not getting through to all players as the season wore on. Needs to make better use of offensive personnel and get guys like Goodwin into the game plans. Must find a way to get defense to show up every game, especially on the road where next year there are 4 games outside of EST zone. Needs to solve special team issues-does he have the guts to get rid of Crossman? I think not, he dumped Hilliard just to show that he can get rid of an assistant.

    Summary-based on this year's performance, I have little faith that M & M will get the Bills above .500 and into the playoffs during the next two years. The honeymoon is over, the talk needs to be backed up by the walk starting next year, with no excuses.

  10. Compete with who?? The likelihood that a QB taken in rounds 2 through 4 would look better than EJ with a year under his belt is low, I'd be surprised if he even looked better than Lewis or Tuell.


    As soon as we bring in another QB to complete you're now taking time/snaps away from EJ's development. He may end up being a flop, know one know, quite frankly the odds favor him failing just because there's typically about ten failures for every successful franchise QB out there today. But until you know that it makes little sense to use another valuable high draft choice to have a competition. If you use a low draft pick, then he likely will just be another Trent Edwards type, someone who shos flashes of looking good, but never quite gets there. I'd rather see them bring in a Cutler or Shaurb as a backup, if EJ gets hurt or regresses, then play the other guy. But you want someone who's clearly an improvement. Else I'd rather let Lewis or Tuell play.

    This year Thad, an undrafted, UFA with no camp or preaseason and little experience played at EJ's level; better QB rating and same W/L %. So what is your basis for stating that "The likelihood that a QB taken in rounds 2 through 4 would look better than EJ with a year under his belt is low"? My point is that the Bills could wind up with a long term answer like Foles or Wilson in the third round like the Seahawks and Eagles did. Even if they sign a vet, he is going to take snaps away from EJ in camp and preseason. EJ right now is a question mark; if he is that good, he shouldn't be concerned about any competition to win the job, vet or rookie.
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