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Posts posted by Syndrums

  1. I think I have to agree with what a previous poster brought up...That most of the teams that selected a #1 QB, shored up their problems on the offensive line prior to making the pick, either though a previous draft or free agency. I think that the OL should be priority. I do like the looks of Tyrod Taylor, I haven't seen him mentioned much on the boards, any chance he falls to the 2nd round?

  2. Who says they have offered other coaches $10 million? the only coach that the Bills have actually talked to was Shanahan, and he is still out there. Also no one knows the details, like if they told him they would offer it to him after the season, or if he would be the GM/coach or just coach. Shanahan may have also decided to weigh his options. In Buffalo he is in rebuilding mode and a season or 2 from the playoffs. In Dallas, or with Dan "Moneys no Object" Snyder, they are much closer to the playoffs andbeing "built" already.


    Holmgren passed cause he wanted complete control of the organisation which he would get in Clevland and tried to get in Seattle. He was asked to come in and just coach here, and he said no thanks. Cowher told everyone he is happy as an announcer now and won't talk til after the season, he is in a position where he can hold out for the position that suits his life and family better, he left coaching on his own terms, just like Dungy. Gruden is making similar money sitting in a booth for a few hours a week that he would make coaching and would be stupid to give that up


    Remember, its not a race to see who can sign guys first, its getting the best choice for your team and theres still good choices out there that aren't huge names.



    Well said sir :oops:

  3. I have been a TBD member for over a decade and it is getting very hard to read all the negative rantings, mostly from noobs with a few hundred posts under their belts. We get it. The Bills suck. Ralph is cheap. So why are you all still here? Get the f--- out if this team is so hard to take. Even when the Bills say they willspend whatever it takes, I have read rants about it's all a big plot to trick fans. There plenty of room on other NFL boards. Find a team worthy of your fandom and beat it already. You are boring




  4. People forget that we have nothing behind Jackson and Lynch. We also have too many holes to fill so I'd rather not make another one we have to fill this offseason. That was the problem with Levy/Jauron...they created holes then filled holes and the holes that were open always stayed open. Lynch stays another year at least.



    One thing, and this is a big "If", but if Shanahan does decide to take the job, he has a nose for drafting RB talent, and a Late round Gem, ala Freddy Jackson could be in our future. It's hard to say Lynch will, 1. Keep his off season troubles in check, and 2. Stay healthy, neither of which he has done here yet.

  5. I don't know what other team can now boast a better receiver duo than the Bills...talk about explosive...


    for those who think Owens isn't the receiver he once was...you might be right...but he is still plenty good...everyone says how great Randy Moss has been with the Patriots, but would you be surprised to know that Terrell Owens has outdone Moss over the past 3 years in EVERY offensive receiver stat?


    Lets take a look, between the two, and then toss Lee Evans in the mix...


    Total Yards:

    Owens 3459

    Evans 3158

    Moss 3053



    Owens 235

    Moss 209

    Evans 200



    Owens 38---the ONLY player in the NFL to have 3 double digit TD seasons in a row the past 3 years

    Moss 37--he had 23!!! in one year!!

    Evans 16


    Yards per Reception:

    Evans 15.7

    Owens 15.2

    Moss 14.5


    Yards After Catch:

    Owens 4.4

    Evans 4.1

    Moss 3.7


    1st Down Catches:

    Owens 169

    Moss 146

    Evans 137



    Are you freaking kidding me?!?!? How can teams double cover both of these guys?? If they do that, Reed is gonna KILL them underneath...IMHO, Reed is gonna excel in the slot as the 3rd WR finding holes in the zones and getting 1st down catches on 3rd downs...just like he has the last few years, except he is gonna find way more room to operate with these two on the field together...


    I cannot think of a better duo at WR than Owens and Evans right now....yes Owens isn't as good as he once was, but he is still plenty good to kill a team if they choose to leave him one on one....then again, Evans is gonna kill them if they double Owens and leave him one on one...


    As Owens said in the interview with Bills reporter Chris Brown when asked about what do other teams DBs do when trying to figure out how to cover both of them:


    "Thats not our problem....."


    I am exctited about TO coming to Buffalo...NE was under a bit of scrutiny when they signed Moss, was he going to be a cancer in the Locker room? I just hope that TO sees Moss's transition, and at least takes a page from it. - Go Bills!

  6. Now I am sure that I will be called all kinds of stupid, but I was just thinking about what I think should be done. The very first home game of the year, when the team is announced and Dick Jauron takes the field, Bills fans carry out what will be a full participant, highly organized and long planned, walk-out, making the organization that, with their smoke and mirrors, always talks about how much they love the fans of Buffalo, and who have smacked us in the face like angry pimps owed money, play in front of a completely empty stadium. Make the Bills write game-day checks to their over paid under-achievers, with no help from those who have given our hearts and souls to this team, only to have them sadistically stomped on countless number of times. I know that this is as likely as Jauron stepping down on his own accord, but just think of the message that would be sent, and even if it wasn't received, at least it would make some very huge news, probably national media coverage, not only leading up to the game, but probably every other game tuned in to see if we would actually do it. I am sure the team would threaten to black out the game or some other way to discourage such a display, but at this point who really cares? Bills fans pull together as a community behind our team, but every year at the end I feel as though I have been kicked in the groin for four months straight, and with this latest blast to the baguettes, I feel that the extreme is necessary. I am sure the it would mean absolutely nothing, but I know it would feel good to tell the organization, F-U!! Your not getting any of our money or support today! Put a good product on the field! Who knows, maybe if they saw us organizing to boycott, they might spend to the cap this year to do just that.

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