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Posts posted by buffbills4834

  1. Losing is Losing. Ray Lewis is a hof lb and better then anything we have. Sorry I dont enjoy watching our group of nice guys who play with no attitude. Give me Ray Lewis and his desire to win anyday. We need players who demand better then suckage
    I agree with you. I doubt The "Bills" will make an offer, nor would he want to join a loser organization like the "Bills". The money spent to intice him could be used to fill other needs, like I don't know Redoing Jason Peters contract, Angello Corwell, Jabrari Greer contracts. I believe in following Bill Polian Princible in signing/keeping your own before waisting money on players that have peaked or have problems you don't know about. I do wish the "Bills" had a on field leader like we used to have in Kelly, Thurman or Talley.
  2. As a foot note to this post -I recall Polian was shoved out because of a conflict with Jeff Littmann - the TREASURER- perfect Bills mind set.
    I agee with all these posts, but the ultimate responsibility for Superbowls losts and opportunities forever waisted is Ralph Wilson. While he is owner our beloved "Bills" will never again get to the Bowl or even playoffs. Its not just about the money with Ralph, its about people in the organization getting along with him. Leavy was brought back because he got along with Ralph. Russ Brandon is here because he is Ralph's lap dog and does what he is told. I am along time "Bills" fan I bleed red.white,blue but enough is enough. Ralph need to sell the franchise,make is family even richer and if the franchise is moved its moved and we as a community can begin healing process rather than deluding our selves into believing we have a shot at ever being winners.
  3. Please Mr.Wilson due the honorable thing and find a buyer for this francise. If the new owners move our beloved "Billls" so be it. At least we the fans won't have to delude our selves into believing we ever have a chance of supporting a winning team. Mr.Wilson you kniow you won't hire men who know how to build winners, just sell it, make your family more rich then they already are and let us fans begin the healing process if (when) the franchise moves.

  4. Its been 10 years since "Bills" were in playoffs and longer since they won a playoff game. I have supporte this team for many years and bleed Red, White and Blue. Enough is enough.Please Ralph sell the team. Find a buyer, make a ton of money to give to your family and if our beloved "Bills" move they move. Watching the product this organization puts out is painful.

  5. How about the first trip down where Marshawn didn't even get a sniff of the ball in a goal-to-go situation? I guess Lynch hasn't shown anything inside the 10 this year?


    I agree, Wilson is a looser. Throughout hs ownership every time the "Bills" were winner (and yes They have had a few winning seasons) Wilson gets uncomfortable and fires those responsible for the winning. See Lou Saban, Chuck Knox, Bill Polian. These individuals are not easy to get along with but they do win and an owner must have tough "skin" Wilson does not. In "Wilson World" its more important to be congenial and ofcourse "offordable". What choice we "Bills" have . Its "Wilson World" or find a new team to support.
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