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Posts posted by bills88

  1. I suck for having to point out a first time posters factual inaccuracies. But my favorite moment is the comeback game. I am from Rochester and I got to watch it at my dad's friends house on the wayne county border because they were able to grab NBC from Syracuse. I was in 7th grade. At halftime I made a bet with my dad that if the bills won, he'd had to take me to schaellers (local burger joint) for dinner. At 13 I had full faith in the Bills to win the game. They won, my dad tried to get out of dinner on some probably really reasonable stance that my mom would be upset and I had brothers to consider. But I went to schaellers.

  2. I really don't think we can contribute the 2010 draft all to Nix. He was working with the previous administration's scouting of the previous season and the way they had the board set up. I think this upcoming draft will really demonstrate what he is doing. At least that is my hope. And, I have to say, with a full season to prepare and a real offseason I like what Nix has done in free agency between the players selected, signed and resigned. A couple years back I told my buddy I would not go to another Bills game until Jauron was fired after going to the Bills-Saints game in 09. The Bills made the Saints boring and still lost. Early in the 2011 season I told my buddy that I would go in on his seasons he had. Then after the season I told him I might go back on it if the Bills did not actually do a good faith effort to resign Stevie Johnson. They not only did that, but got Mario Williams. At the very least, Nix is bringing back my Bills hope, which had been shattered by Dick Jauron. I know they haven't won anything yet, but I can at least believe that they will be more entertaining. And really, after tailgaiting all morning, I think we all need that on game day.

  3. Just two quick things about Buddy's first 2 years as GM. The first year he was hired only months before the draft, and even though he had been part of planning that draft, he was stuck with the information gathered before that. I think that would have impaired some of the drafting. Secondly, it is tough to give him a bad grade for last years free agency period as it was so truncated due to the lock out. He did get Barnett after he was released and did go after Tyson Clabo, even though I don't think Clabo ever was really going to sign with the Bills. So, in my mind, this is his first real offseason with a full time to prepare for the draft and go after free agents he wants in Buffalo.

  4. So you want a guy on your team that gives to the community (aka class act in your book) but acts like a childish fool on the football field and HURTS the team. What makes him more of a JOKE is he had opportunities to make up for his stupidity by catching the ball in critcal situations - and failed miserably..yea I want that type of "class act" on my team. A class act knows how to give to the community AND how to act on the field. They do BOTH. SJ needs to f'n grow up and stop acting like bozo TO on the field. Selfless acts toward the community but totally SELFISH on the field. Yea thats gonna win football games.


    Stevie is a 25 year old guy who made a bad decision after scoring a touchdown in a game. 1. This is does not define him as a person. 2. Any article I have read about him and his personal life show a lot more about him as a person. 3. No matter what, this was a really great thing he did by donating the tickets. 4. When you were 25, how many stupid things did you do in your life, especially at 25 and hope they don't define you? His is just caught on national tv. They were stupid, but there is so much more to look at a person to decide what type of person he is.

  5. Smart on his part? Absolutely Not!

    Critical to his Draft Position? Minor at the Most.

    Cost him Millions? Nope but he will have to endure some extra behavioral clauses probably.


    As someone else mentioned, if he was a QB, it would be a Huge deal. I think the NFL is a bit more tolerant nowadays as opposed to 10-15 years or so ago.


    Look at Ricky Wiiliams as someone else mentioned or even sommersalt Jerome Simpson who had pounds of weed delivered to his house and hasn't been disciplined yet. As long as this guy can produce Clean Urine at drug test time, he will have a pretty decent career.


    Dude is in college and has weed. Stupid to get caught but really, compared to our college careers, whether its you or friends, who cares? I did not smoke weed in college but had plenty of friends. They all get over it in the first couple of years. And they also have become fairly successful. In the end, who cares if you smoke weed in college? Hopefully the GM's will investigate to see if he has a more substantial substance abuse problem. If he does, drop him, if not, g for him.

  6. he was a pro-bowler last year - who gives a ****? he's been invisible all year. he and dareus combined for a whopping 0 tackles today. kyle has 4 solo tackles all year. are you really trying to tell me that there isn't something wrong there?


    I think the comment by WVUfootball29 was meant to be sarcastic. At least I hope it was.

  7. I loved during the Patriots game when Nelson made the catch and run along the left sideline and got his helmet ripped off, he came up super pumped about the play. The Bills were down 21 at that point, but I thought to myself "They haven't cashed it in at this point. They're going to make a game of this." First, I don't think Bills teams the previous 5 years would still have been fighting at that point, and they won. It's this sort of attitude which makes me want to watch and go to Bills game this year versus the Jauron era. (Not that I didn't at least watch every single game, but after the Saints loss in 09 I declared I was not going to another game until Jauron got fired because he made even supposedly entertaining games as boring as hell) By the way, does anyone know a link where I can watch the whole patriots game again? I forgot to DVR it and I'm pissed I cannot watch it again.

  8. That may be true, but the gap in quality of play would only be temporary. During the strike, years ago; the replacement players sucked. But they were mostly rookies thrust into a short training period and season all at once. If they continued to play the next year, they would have been much improved, and so forth. In a few years, most of the current elite players will no longer be playing at that level and will be replaced by new stars anyway.


    Remember, each year the league drafts about 220 players and many make their team. Others are signed undrafted and a few get to stick around. If there is a lockout and the union decertifies, there will be an ugly court battle and congress will be pressured to make changes in the special treatment of the NFL. But the owners will ultimately be hurt less, because they are financially set (as individuals) no matter what happens. If the owners have to start over with new players, they may be smart enough to learn lessons from their past greed and establish pay scales that are more reasonable.


    We fans pay both parties, and can reasonably expect to pay far less for tickets in a corrected pay structure. Not to sound uncaring, but even with the physical risks it is crazy to give a guy millions of dollars per year. There are lots of jobs where people are in danger of being injured or killed (police, fireman, mine workers, etc.) but the employees don't earn enough in a few years to make them set for life (if they are smart about their finances). I wish we could cut back on what the owners make, but they make the product we love, so they are going to pick our pockets. But if the top players (and especially draftees) make less, we should not stand for paying the same prices for the entertainment.


    Better argument to go along with this is that high player salaries causes higher ticket prices. That is, like most producers, the NFL passes costs onto consumers. So higher labor prices will just force them to raise ticket prices. I.e. they have to play their local market. Which may hurt the Bills. The best thing for the Bills is the salary cap. So no matter who is right in this debate, whether owners or players and gets a percentage of revenue, the Bills need a salary cap.

  9. I pay to see the best football in the world. That doesn't exist without these players, but unless they have a secret plan to form an independent league for 2011, it doesn't exist without the owners, either.


    It only exists in 2011 if they get together and strike a deal, and the details of that deal don't really concern me; the players are well paid and the owners make good profits. Separate from that, as long as there's revenue sharing and/or a salary cap that assures the teams will be on equal footing, I don't care. I don't care if the players share 99% of the revenue evenly team-by-team or 1%.


    Possibly the most intelligent post ever.

  10. I am sorry but is hiring Chan !@#$ing Gailey as the coach when Marty Schotenheimer wanted the job is a incompetent move. I mean are we seriously giving kudos to a front office that hired a guy the Kansas City Chiefs fired. Oh but he the KC Chiefs offense fell 7 ranks when he left well you know who else also left KC the same year as Gailey Tony Gonzales who is likely the reason why KC's offense fell from bad to God awful.


    Look at Gailey's track record and is there anything since a semi-successful run with Dallas that shows why Gailey will be a success? Miami actually got better right after he left. GA tech got better after he left. Then the one stop where the team was worse after he left it was more likely due to the HOF Tight End who also left with him.


    I am sorry but Marty ball should be our HC. We need a guy who is a proven winner not a proven disappointment. While I do like the coordinators and assistants they have brought in the overall hire of Gailey is a bad one. I love for anyone to seriously defend this hire of Gailey as HC when Marty ball wanted the job.


    Agreed Bills fan89 (even though I'm not sure if your 89 refers to the season or shawn nelson) And for those who want to make the argument that Marty sucks in the playoffs, hasn't the last ten year made you wish for a team that just could get to the playoffs? Would you care if he turned the team around in 2 or 3 years and they than hired the coach to get them to the next level, because you know Marty would get them to the playoffs? When the Bills hired Jaroun, I was so against hiring Mary just because he had such a poor playoff record. Now I don't care. Get the Bills back to being respectable, than worry about super bowls.

  11. If they just gave Peters some of his money two years ago, we'd have a left tackle, for most likely cheaper than we are going to draft, still have walker at right tackle and the interior mostly set. He's retired after making 4.5 mil over the last two years. He's content (and I'm not blaming him, given his injury history and outside pursuits) But really, the Bills should have resigned Peters for 8 mil a year when they had a chance, and the whole line would be still, with Butlers retirement, be in a lot better shape.

  12. To switch to the 3-4, this is what the Bills have to do. The d line would be Schobel at one end with Stroud at the other. They have to get a big dude in the middle via free agency or the draft to play nose tackle. Williams would be a back up. Maybin would be moved to outside linebacker with Mitchell. Poz would stay inside, and the Bill would need another inside linebacker (preferably with speed, actually this is a necessary) The secondary could stay the same. The biggest variable is the nose tackle, obviously. But you plug in a good nose tackle and a fast ILB who hits, and this is not a bad defense.

  13. Great, great find. Finally, something approaching proof that Wade was ordered to play Rob Johnson by Wilson.


    Flutie was not that good in 99. The only reason the Bills made the playoffs was there defense. I believe they were the #1 defense in the NFL at the end of the year. I give Flutie all the credit for 98 but NFL defenses had him figured out in 99. From what I remember, the information at the time was that Phillips and the coaching staff were thinking about benching him midway through the season. And if anyone remembers that season, putting Johnson was not that unpopular of a call.

  14. I'm on board with this guy. We have to beg these "A" candidates and throw blocks millions to come here?! I say let's pay someone who WANTS to be here. Fewell seems like a no nonsense guy to me and sure has gotten these players to play in the last two games. He hasn't backed off from showing that he's willing to make the gutsy calls either.


    Bringing in an outsider also just about guarantees that this team will most certainly be gutted again. Let's just get rid of a few of the deadwood and add some important pieces to build around. Fewell knows what we got for personnel better than ANYONE, let him direct this ship, I don't think that there is anyone more qualified for our goals and ambitions than him at this time. If any high profiled additions are to be made then let it be someone like Mike Martz or Jim Fassel as an OC because that's really what we need more than anything else.



    How much longer do you want to play the tampa two? I would only consider hiring him if he said he would switch primary defenses.

  15. One thing that is funny about several threads (as I have seen this point stated as fact in several different threads I am starting a new one to make a point about reality) is that some posters keep insisting its Mr. Ralph's team and his will clearly says )an/or the law forces him to) sell the team to the highest bidder regardless of what anyone else thinks.


    My sense (and to some extent this is an opinion based on staight-forward observation rather than seeing the actual contract Ralph signed when he bought the franchise so I happy to be PROVEN wrong by someone linking to the actual contract- though I suspect others will merely have their own fact-free opinions about this) is that:


    When Ralph bought the franchise from the AFL long ago for mere pennies in modern dollars, he agreed contractually be buy the franchise subject to the rules of the AFL.


    When the AFL merged with the NFL, Mr. Ralph's ownership by his agreement became subject to the rules of ownership of the NFL.


    Under current NFL rules Mr. Ralph or his estate cannot simply sale the team to the highest bidder regardless of what anyone else thinks. The NFL retains the right to veto any sale of a team unless 75% of the current ownership approves by vote of this new owner.


    If Mr. Ralph's will were to state that the franchise he owns under NFL rules will simply be sold to the highest bidder, this is all well and good as long as his fellow owners vote to approve such a sale, otherwise it is null and void and then off we go to the courts for them to decide with power or equity and stare decisis how ownership is to be determined.


    If you are looking for an example of this look no further than last week where we saw the NFL do just what us cynics expect would happen. The owners looked at where the money was and the money lies with the TV networks which currently provide over 2/3 of current NFL revenue.


    The networks have little interest in large conflict that a row with the broader public, or with the owner's partners in the NFLPA would cause, Tagliaboo-boo made this clear to the owners in negotiations over the last CBA. Owners that instead put their faith in the old George Halas style NFL where the team owners simply did as they wanted were beaten in a 30-2 vote.


    We saw in the unequal battle over Limbaugh that a mere letter from the NFLPA was enough to get the bid team's organizer Dave Checketts to show Limbaugh the door as part of the bidding team as there was no way they were gonna score 75% of the owners with Limbaugh controversy weighing down the bid.


    If Mr. Ralph's estate simply sold to the highest bidder and this bidder turned out to be the modern equivalent of Adolf Hitler (or actually was someone controversial be it Limbaugh or Madonna or PETA) this owner would fail to get 75% support and the deal would be null and void.


    If Mr. Ralph's fellow team owners judge it not be in their business interests to fight through the NFLPA, through threats to their partial exemption from antitrust laws or whatever, the deal would not go through as auctioned and the whole thing would end up in the courts.



    You obviously do not know what state decisis means. But anyway, your post possibly would have made a point if it tried to make a point that Bills fans have keep up the passionate base, so if the team was sold, the NFL would put a team back in Buffalo. However, you did not do that. Your post was all over and you may be drunk. Given that, I'm not sure why I am ever replying.

  16. He's making his first visit today. To Cincy! lol.


    But he had his best years under Cincy's current DC, Mike Zimmer, so it makes sense.


    Roy Williams is not that good. He cannot cover. Ask any cowboys fan. Plus he has a whole rule named against him. The Bills have a lot more problems than safety. For example, a left guard, possibly a center, a tight end, a d end,a d tackle and an outside linebacker before they worry about roy williams. Seriously, if you were going to have Ralph spend his money, would it be on a second cowboys reject?

  17. Ralph also donated lots of money to help research how to immediately treat spinal cord injuries, which had an impact on Kevin Everett walking again, and hopefully every other NFL player who suffers a major neck injury while playing. It will also obviously have an impact on anyone suffering a neck injury if the emergency responders have the same equipment and training. To help stop or mitigate the most dangerous injury someone can suffer while playing football is a pretty good argument for getting into the fall of fame.

  18. 21 TD passes 3650 yards +10 t/o ratio. He is better than Edwards now and was a higher rated prospect coming out of HS than Edwards. Also he has a much better arm and has had great coaching for 4+ years.


    Where did you find that Cassel was a higher rated prospect out of HS? What I have read and could just find is Trent was higher rated out of HS and obviously played a lot more in college.

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