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Alden Bulldog

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Posts posted by Alden Bulldog

  1. Yeah, I'm enjoying the ride but realistically don't expect them to get past Crosby come playoff time. Even if they ended up top seeded by a significant margin. They had their truly golden opportunity when they lost to Carolina in the conference finals. Now there is a two-time conference champ lead by a young superstar......until proven otherwise everyone else is playing for second place in the East. Really can't be upset about it, the NHL is all about superstars and dynasties.


    But imagine if the Sabres had gotten Crosby(or even Ovechkin). Damn lottery. The Bills would be an afterthought.


    The Sabres do have Tyler Myers. He looks like the best defensemen we've ever had and a future Norris Trophy winner.


    Plus Ryan Miller is currently the best goalie in the NHL.


    So the Sabres do have some stars.

  2. Bah. It's not bad enough that we happen to root for a horrible team. Baah. Now we're told that it's our fault,..sheesh.


    Posts like this serve absolutely no purpuse, unless it is to make the poster feel superior to the rest of us.


    Baaaaah,Baaaah,...I'll just be grazing in the meadow if you need me oh wise shepard.


    I know what you mean.


    When we buy tickets when our team sucks, we're supporting mediocrity. If we don't we're bandwaggoners.


    People B word about everything when the Bills suck.

  3. http://www.nfltouchdown.com/what-type-of-g...orite-nfl-team/




    Ms. Bill hates men. It didn’t use to be that way. But many years ago, she had a string of brutal heartbreaks. It was one guy right after the other. Her wounds turned to scars, and a lot of color in her life turned gray. Afraid of getting hurt again, Ms. Bill now toils in mediocrity. She’s not in great shape but could be. She lives alone and is very close to her pets. She fills her free time by going to movies with a few good lady friends, and she draws sympathy by taking care of her mother and father, who aren’t nearly as decrepit as she wished. Because she spends so much time helping her parents, she’s decided that her older sister is selfish and that she hates her. At the insistence of a few friends and coworkers, Ms. Bill goes out on a date every blue moon. But she refuses to give anything a chance. In a lot of ways, Ms. Bill has shut off society. And society hasn’t really noticed.

  4. Brandon has done a great job marketing this putrid bowl of skank, to the tune of 57,000 season tickets. If Ralph has anything left upstairs, Brandon will stay upstairs and give the football ops to someone who actually knows the game.


    Brandon is a good COO, but not an NFL GM. He should, and probably will, stick around after the rest of the toilet bowl is flushed.


    I'm sure the Bills would've sold 57,000 season tickets even if they didn't sign T.O.

  5. Firing Jauron wouldn't solve all the Bills problems, but GETTING A SMARTER COACH IN HERE WOULD BE A HUGE STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.


    With weapons like Lynch, Jackson, Evans & T.O. at your disposal there is absolutly no exucse for the Bills to get only 3 points against the !@#$ing Browns.


    Get a smarter coach, then we'll see how far this team can go (see last year's Dolphins)

  6. Does anyone else see the same thing? This team loses a heartbreaker, beats a team they should beat and then fails (on offense) to play a good game against a good team. The defense played a great game. On the other hand there is the offense, which is simply offensive. This is the same pattern we have seen for years in Buffalo.


    I know the "glass is half full" crowd will say "young line" or Trent is learning. Problem is that as fans we have been through nine years of this. Rex Ryan is showing what good coaching and a good scheme can do. The Bills are a sad reflection of their inept coach.


    The best thing to come from this game is that it marks the beginning of the end of the Dick Jaron era.


    I thought the beginning of the end of the Jauron era was after we blew the Dallas Monday Night Football game in 2007.

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