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Posts posted by WadeSux

  1. No, the reason JP failed is because he had a lousy OC, no playmakers on offense outside of Evans and a half-time RB. But even with how poor he/the offense played at times, he didn't turtle-up like Trent did last night. That was pathetic, and on national TV no less.


    Good point.


    If I was a QB coming out of college, the last place I would want to play is Bullafo. Your career would be over before it even starts.

  2. Jaws said it - You can't hide your QB. There would have been nothing wrong with sitting your QB - no matter how much he is a part of your future (see VY in Tenn.) when he is (way) off his game. The object is to win games. That or you risk losing your team.


    A rookie (with all *his* growing pains) outplayed him tonight. I thought everyone else played well. Was encouraged by the Oline and the play of Steven Johnson. The D wasn't perfect but good enough to win.


    Yet, our QB stunk up the joint and cost us the game. Plain and simple. He needs to sit. Temporarily.




    I agree as long as by temporarily you mean permanently. He's done.

  3. NFL can care less about the Bills in Buffalo! Who controls field communication during game? NFL or home team? Spygate material?


    NFL wants the Bills to suck so fans get fed up and team moves out of the town on a low note?


    By the way - how is Ralph's health?


    It's not a "conspiracy," it's just a bad economy and a small market. The Bills are most likely gone from Buffalo. I'm sad to say that but it's true. The NFL will be nice and let the city keep the Bills name but an expansion team will NEVER EVER be put there.

  4. Lindell had to angle it instead of just kicking it straight, which is obviously a more difficult kick.


    Stay in the hash marks MArshawn.


    You can't be serious with this. Marshawn was a big reason why this joke of a team was even in the game in the first place. It's not Marshawn's fault that Edwards is so terrible they called three straight dives up the gut before the kick. He was doing his best to try and gain yards. Lindell missed the kick because it was windy and far away. That's it.

  5. WE NEED YOU 0:)



    You could have talked TE through this last night, how many times have you thrown a couple of pics just to come roaring back to win?


    You can coach this team better than the joke we call a head coach.



    So what, are you going to watch us sink and not do anything?



    Jauron can kiss my arse :thumbdown:


    You can't live in the past. I love Jim but he's been out of the league too long and probably doesn't have the knowledge of the league that current players & coaches have. That being said, our coaching staff is a joke.

  6. Trent Edwards has gone from good to f-ing terrible. At this point he's no better than JP but with a worse arm. I'm not saying JP needs to be back in or anything but they need a new VETERAN QB next season. Garcia is awful so he's not the answer and Warner is pushing 80 so he's not the answer. Leftwich might not be a bad fit; we'll need someone who can take a hit behind that crappy O-line.


    Van Pelt is obviously not a good QB coach, probably because he was never a good QB, so we need a vet who already knows how to play and won't be influenced into being crappy under Van Pelt's watch.


    Of all the Bills teams over the past 10 years, I probably hate the performance of this one the most.

  7. One thing that I think many of you are forgetting, most WRs are nuts (you kind of have to be to play that position) so you have to consider the source. Furthermore, Carter gets paid to voice his opinions and predictions not on the accuracy of them. Finally, I guarantee that we care a lot more about him being wrong about the Bills than he does so it’s really nothing for anyone to get worked up about.

  8. Look at the '07 draft...


    The first seven players taken in that draft are all starters or major contributors on a rising Bills team that is looking to go to 4-0 today against the Rams. The Bills are the talk of the country, a sudden playoff contender. The ’06 draft laid the foundation and helped shape the team’s competitive personality.


    Donte Whitner: eighth pick overall, defensive captain, strong safety and team leader. John McCargo: 26th overall, backing up at defensive tackle because the Bills found a jewel later in the draft. Ashton Youboty: third round, nickel back, a revelation this year, maybe the most improved guy on the team.


    Ko Simpson: fourth round, starting free safety. Kyle Williams: fifth round, a steal, starting defensive tackle coming into his own, had the game of his career last week. Brad Butler: fifth round, starting right guard. Keith Ellison: sixth round, starting outside linebacker.


    They also picked up Fred Jackson, an emerging backup running back, and John DiGiorgio, a solid reserve linebacker, as undrafted free agents that year.

  9. Here is an interesting story;


    So yesterday I went to the game with one of my best friends, his wife, and his "little brother" from BBBS and I was the only Bills fan of the bunch. THere were a few Bills fans in my section but mostly Rams fans. Anyway, right after half the Rams Drum Line came up to play in my section. While they were waiting, one of the drum guys looked at me funny and asked me where I was from. I said, "St. Louis," and he told me that he grew up 45 min from Buffalo. I could tell from the way he said it that even though he works for the Rams, he is still a Bills fan. After they played, as they were leaving he pulled him the sleeve on his arm to reveal a Penn State tattoo and he said, "I've been a fan of Poz for years, that guy is money."

  10. As someone living in STL and privy to the Rams' problems, let me say that this season's team is completely inept in just about every aspect outside of the kicking game. The offensive line is terrible, Stephen Jackson runs like a p*ssy, Holt is old, and the rest of the receivers couldn't catch a cold. The defense is just as bad, the d-line gets no real pressure, the linebackers stink, and the DB's can't cover dick.


    While I do believe that in the NFL, more than any other league, any squad can beat any other squad given the right circumstances, the Bills should destroy the Rams.

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