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Monday Morning Warrior

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Posts posted by Monday Morning Warrior


    There are precisely zero people in this thread that don't acknowledge the abundance of hot air in that interview. There are also--from what i've seen--precisely zero people in this thread CONFIDENT that said hot air will equate to wins. So, I'm not sure precisely whom you're railing against...oh, there's a **** ton of Kool Aid on the table. But being a Bills fan, at THIS point, is tantamount to being a Jonestown survivor. Nobody's gulping it down like you say. Head into January with double digit wins? That might be a different story. There might not be enough Kool Aid to go around then!

    I am not RAILING against anyone, just expressing my views as I SEE THEM..I thought this was an OPEN FORUM...WTF!

  2. In the end....this will be proved out on the field


    so....they might as well get people that believe in what they are doing and ignore the NNN's


    If they fail....they will be replaced. Give them that chance people

    I often wonder why we get saddled with certain posters. Dont you have some fly to pull the wings off somewhere?

    Go ahead drink the Kool-Aid...it amazes me that some Bills fans...just don't get it...Its right there in PLAIN SIGHT...these guys are douches!! What have they done? But destroy and decimate WHEREVER they GO...This will be an ugly year...these two Buffoons will see that that...TALK, TALK, TALK and they show sheeet on the field...I will celebrate when WREX and his double will be shown the door..

    You want to relevant, that's ok...but at least give us a chance to win!

    WREX only good years where BECAUSE someone BUILT the D BEFORE he got there...

    Stop being so Blind

    and oh BTW...I am a tried and true BILLS fan since 1969...so don't say anything about being a fair weather fan!!

    I SEE REALITY for what it is

  3. Why do we get saddled with the 2 biggest Boobs in the league! These two will finish the job here in B'lo...from 4th to LAST in D and it will be a slow burn this year...until I can only hope these two are thrown onto the dustbin of NFL history...I hate BOTH of them!!


    Absolutely ridiculous that Pegs would even allow this sideshow to come to fruition...

  4. This is a very real possibility. No reason to think that the Patriots won't win the division this year. In the last couple/few years the Bills have owned the Dolpins but Mario had some big games against them but now he plays for them. The Jets are a much better team without Rex IMO and if they retain Fitzpatrick they will have a potent offense with a formidable defense. The Bills on the other hand have some great defensive players but if they don't drastically improve we'll have to rely on an offense that is questioned.


    Will Rex be the fall guy? Being the HC makes it a reasonable assumption that he should and would be. What about Whaley? How much will he have to answer for? The franchise, does it get set back further than it has been in the last decade or so? In the last 24+ months I feel that this franchise made a big time push to advance, and while it did improve it only netted a 9-7 and 8-8 record to show for it. Now this off season we have been hamstrung with our contracts and really only have the draft to rely on to improve this roster. During that time frame we saw what we hoped was going to be our franchise QB (EJ) not only fumble his was out of the position but more than likely even out of being a reliable back up. We also witnessed our HC, who was going to lead us to the promised land, abruptly quit and desert us to become an asst coach for all franchises the Jacksonville Jaguars! How absurd is that??! It gets better, they replace him with a loudmouth HC who was ran out of his last job not only because of his losing record but also because of his lack of discipline and organizational skills. Wait, it gets better, not only did we hire him but just for good measure we made sure that we doubled up and hired his twin brother as well.


    Going into last season I was very hopeful and optimistic, going into this season I am just, well, I am just very scared.



    Go Bills??!

    Good bye to Wrex Ruin! You knobs who think he's gong to change are all crazy!

    This loudmouth is just that!

    All Blather and no substance..

    And If I hear one more person say..He won two division championships, I'm gonna throw up in my mouth.

    He is a disgrace and he bamboozled himself into this job by naive owners who were trying to do the right thing...WE COULD'VE had ARIANS!!!


    To make things worse I'm going to change the TOP 5 D and run an All-Pro out of town...wait it gets even better..I'm gonna bring in the retreads from where i just GOT FIRED and then the next year bring in my dumbass brother who cant coach himself out of a wet paper bag...

    Good luck to all you Wrex believers...8-8 at best...and I hope a lynching to run this douche out of town on a railroad spur!!

    And to all those who say continuity...screw that...to that i have these words..16 FREAKING YEARS and counting!!!

  5. it's fairly deeply reported too. For those who think it's a good piece (as I do), remember it the next time you think about writing that everyone at the BN sucks except for Tyler Dunne ...



    This says it all...

    Actually, the Bills were in the bottom 10 in four of 12 key statistical categories in 2015: third-down efficiency (23rd), yards per play (24th), rushing yards per attempt (25th), and sacks per pass play (31st).

    This guy has been living off some BS for years...he is NOT a HC...,

    Clueless, egomaniac and just not the "genius" you all say...

    I for one can't wait for this fiasco to run its course and to usher this jerk out of town with pitchforks and torches!!

    Good bye Rex!

  6. People look at this circus and have a right to be upset. Rex was the one who promised a "bully," right?


    And really, I don't care so much about what these guys say. I did however have to watch a great defense crumble, and now they hired yet another buffoon to rub salt in a rather deep wound.


    Sure, the OP is pissed at how Rex hurt this team. I fail to see how this could anger, let alone surprise anyone.

    I agree...the Mouth that Roared is nothing but a big windbag.


    Bring in his dopey brother and you have the making of a historic FAILURE on D...I still shake my head that we had the makings of a of Top 5 D and this Buffoon destroys the D with Thurman walking around like a blind YES man. You that back Rex will be SORRY come the end of next season as the destruction will be complete, then I want you to come back to this board and ask for an apology...as I WILL be proven right...sadly..The Denver D showed what it takes and we HAD the pieces just not the leader. I wouldnt buy into Rex BS either...What has he really done in his career?? All in the past and got lucky with Sanchize those 2 years...


    I'm not buying into his crap one iota any more...And as to you who will start whining about continuity...Screw that, what embrace continuity as mediocrity?...why would you settle for that??


    Not me, I want to freaking finally win and win consistently!!


    Let me stop you right there...........the point is that in his FIRST OPPORTUNITY to publicly show effort in the offseason, he is kicking it in sunny Hawaii around a bunch of opposing veterans the Bills can't afford in FA rather than putting the work on players he actually has a shot at in in dreery Mobile.


    Oh, wait he is there to try to convince Richie Incognito to stay. :rolleyes:


    His engagement in the job had been questioned already.....so as Pete said......this story basically wrote itself.


    If you do a job so poorly that the only reason you don't get fired is "continuity".......and then you immediately take a vacation while your peers are working.........well, I don't know what to say if you don't see the questionable nature of that decision.

    I am in total agreement..If my job was on the line...I would be putting in 110% EFFORT to insure I can say, "I did all I could do and MORE"...this Buffoon just keeps solidifying in my mind that he is just sucking in the $$$ and doesn't care...Fame Whore...although he doesn't get it...his claim to Fame is FAILURE!!


    He already destroyed a promising season and destroyed a Top 5 D...so what does he do, bring in his dufous brother and heads to Aloha land...Do you think Billy Bellicheat would do that?..Hell no...He's a coach not a stooge!!


    I cannot wait for this farce to be over...Screw the continuity thing!

    I say blow it up if it ain't working...why would you settle for mediocrity? This is all we've seen in 16 freaking years!!

    Screw Rex Ruin!!

  8. Listen, I LIVE in LasVegas.

    This would be a viable option. They are hellbent on getting a major sports team here, whether it be the NFL or the NHL.

    Yes, its hot in the summer...BUT...a retractable roof will work besides are we playing football in July and August here???


    Vegas has a lot to offer and talk about sports ravaged fans...the lines at the Sports Books every week are outrageous.

    Gambling happens EVERYWHERE...just because it's Vegas doesn't mean they will be throwing games...geesh.


    I say bring it on the Las Vegas Intruders...I'm a Bills fan to the end, but it would be great to go see them play the LV Team!!

  9. complete waste of time.


    for entertainment purposes only.


    the only one at risk of leaving the front office/coaching staff is whaley, after the season is over.

    You may think so...but it has over 1,000 signatures and I'm sure Mario would be behind this too

    You know Thurman is just Rex's yes man right? So what you're really saying is that you want us to sign a petition to remove Rex.

    Correct Sir

    Statistically doing well??? We suck on defense this year. Never get a 3 and out....Never touched Dalton....he had all day to pick us apart. Williams, both of them in coverage sometimes????

    This ^^^^^^^

  10. I have sat here many a day and read this boards comments. Seems like most of you are bi-polar.

    First you say, "We need a QB to be competitive". Now one comes available..albeit with some issues (what player doesn't nowadays!) and you whine that we "don't want him because of his character"...wha..wha.


    You really think taking a QB with the 9th is gonna solve our problems??! Get ready for 2-3 MORE years of Nonsense as we fall further and further behind in the East race.


    He is a proven winner...he needs a change of climate and a new direction...then and only then will he begin to appreciate how lucky and fortunate he is to be playing in the NFL.


    I say we give it a shot...we have sucked for 10 YEARS..I'm tired and I want to win NOW!!

  11. Adams Mark is a crap hole too...


    Why don't they stay at the Mansion on Delaware! or Niagara on the Lake.

    I mean come on I'm not a miliionaire (yet) but when

    I fly in from Hawaii even I stay there...butler service and a great atmosphere...


    Who is the nimrod who sets up these visits, we are trying to IMPRESS not depress....I can do a better job.

  12. Aloha..


    Another glorious day in Hawaii!


    I am attending my 1st Pro Bowl today. Been a dream of mine since I grew up in Bufffalo some 30 years ago.

    Funny how life always gives you what you want...eventually. You just "Bill-ieve"


    I am hoping to see Lynch today before the game and have a chat with him and I'll write a post after I get back.


    Mahalo friends...

    (Thanks in Hawaiian)

  13. You are an idiot...did you even watch any games this year???

    This guy is a joke....He has none of the abilities a HC in the NFL MUST have....Time mangement, play calling and LEADERSHIP...


    You are why the Bills can continue to feed us this crap week after week and you WATCH it and and ACCEPT it..pathetic!


    99% of these people who post would not know how to coach a pee wee football team, much less try to organize the locker room in a NFL organization.


    All the negative comments on the poor play calls - GET OVER IT ! If the plays work they are great plays, if they fail everyone crys.


    Think about the calls that work. The fake punts & field goals, if they do not work everyone would cry -they did work an they were great calls.


    If JP does not fumble against JETs and completes the pass or runs for a first down, he's a hero, the coach is great, etc...


    If Matt Cassel get his 3rd down punt blocked, their coach is a stupid for trying it, he get a good punt and he's smart.


    Just let the Coach coach the team and try to support the effort the players give on the field. Hopefully we will get a few better bounces next year.

  14. You know you douchbags who think it is better for Jarhead to say are pathetic...Anthig is bteer than this drivel week after week with this idiot in charge...his dumb coaching mistakes, lack of time management...etc., etc.,

    No bitching here...JUST end the MADNESS!!!





    Will the same people who want DJ fired complain when the Bills spend another 3 years rebuilding?


    Don't fool yourself. It will take that long, no matter what your hopes are. Miami and Atlanta are exceptions to the rule, and if you are hoping for a quick turnaround you should be smart and temper your expectations. This is true, and even more true in a division with the Patriots and Miami w/ Parcells.


    So when the Bills go another two years without making the playoffs, no bitching.

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