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Posts posted by thepizzaking

  1. I can't remember where I saw this but there was a discussion on "surprise cuts/trades" and how Marrone wanted to get rid of guys that aren't team guys.


    With that in mind I wouldn't be surprised to see Spiller and Dareus gone before or during the draft. Especially since the report came out that Dareus was benched in the first quarter for being habitually late to team meetings. I hope that this isn't the case, but it wouldn't surprise me at all. I also think Stevie remains with the team.


    I also think there is no way in hell they're going to draft another QB next year. I think it'll be Manuel, Lewis, and Tuel again.


    There is no way they cut Dareus or Spiller.

  2. So the next time Fred Jackson, CJ Spiller or Scott Chandler scores a touchdown and they then jump into the stands and celebrate with the fans, will that be a penalty?


    I use these players as examples because we've seen them do that.


    No. This is being overblown.


    Here is the relevant language.


    Section 3 Unsportsmanlike Conduct

    Article 1 There shall be no unsportsmanlike conduct. This applies to any act which is contrary to the generally understood principles of sportsmanship. Such acts specifically include, among others:

    (a) Throwing a punch, or a forearm, or kicking at an opponent even though no contact is made.

    (b) The use of abusive, threatening, or insulting language or gestures to opponents, teammates, officials, or representatives of the League.


    ( c) The use of baiting or taunting acts or words that engender ill will between teams.

    (d) Individual players involved in prolonged or excessive celebrations. Players are prohibited from engaging in any celebrations while on the ground. A celebration shall be deemed excessive or prolonged if a player continues to celebrate after a warning from an official.

    (e) Two-or-more players engage in prolonged, excessive, premeditated, or choreographed celebrations.

    Note 3: Violations of (b) will be penalized if any of the acts are committed directly at an opponent. These acts include but are not limited to: sack dances; home run swing; incredible hulk; spiking the ball; spinning the ball; throwing or shoving the ball; pointing; pointing the ball; verbal taunting; military salute; standing over an opponent (prolonged and with provocation); or dancing.

    Note 4: Violations of ( c) will be penalized if any of the acts occur anywhere on the field. These acts include but are not limited to: throat slash; machine-gun salute; sexually-suggestive gestures, prolonged gyrations; or stomping on a team logo.

    Note 5: Violations of (d) will be penalized if they occur anywhere on the field other than the bench area.

    Note 6: If any foreign object(s) are deemed a safety hazard by the game officials, in addition to a yardage penalty, the player will be subject to ejection from the game, whether he uses the object or not


    The specific acts being listed are only applicable to (b). That provision has to do with what counts as taunting another player. So, for instance, if you spin the ball at an opposing player's feet, it could count as taunting. If you just spin the ball in the end zone in general then it's fine. If you flex your muscles directly at a quarterback you just sacked, that could count as taunting. If you just taunt towards the crowd or to your teammates, you're fine.

  3. It's kind of weird hearing that Hackett's offense is simpler than FSU's...and a touch worrisome. Unless Hackett is purposely putting in a simplified offense so that Manuel can learn and then slowly making it more complex (like they did with Wilson in Seattle), I'm suddenly going back to the "Pop Warner playbook" days that was Jauron's last season.


    I'm not worried about that. Simpler doesn't mean simple in the sense we remember. In any case I get the distinct impression from the types of players we drafted, and the types we already have, that this team is going to try and beat defenses with their pure athleticism and speed. I expect it to be more about using our speed and agility to make the plays, not necessarily overly deceptive formations or such. Take that for what its worth.

  4. Seau played pee wee, high school and college football too correct? why isnt his family suing them as well


    blaming the NFL is a joke


    I see this sentiment very often, but I think it's because many people are not quite clear on what the players are suing the NFL for. My understanding was the players are not claiming there is no inherent risk in football. Their claim is the NFL became aware of just how bad the risk was and how debilitating the long term effects could be, and HID that information. They didn't disclose information associated with the risks as they became aware of it. Whether or not these guys assume risks, the argument that "they knew hitting heads all day had to be bad for you" isn't as compelling to me once the actual effects become known. If the NFL knew and chose not to disclose, then they very well should be held liable. Had they been forthcoming, who knows how much sooner work could have begun on finding newer and better ways to produce equipment or reduce repetitive concussions.

  5. Out of curiosity what don't you all like about Barkley in this video? This is a genuine question, I don't have a dog in the race for the draft. His deep throws seem particularly accurate, and the fade's he throws seem right on the money. Those are two things we severely lack. I was most impressed by that touchdown throw where he rolled to his right and while running tossed it 40 or so in the air right into the receiver's breadbasket.

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