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Posts posted by jjbegoose

  1. And you people say the man shows no emotion! How dare you?!


    Play not to lose you Dick. <_<


    my favorite Jauron quote from the article was.... I'm a fan. I certainly have teams I pull for, and the Buffalo Bills are at the top of the list. When we don't win, I'm not particularly happy


    man im sure glad the Bills are one of the teams at the top his favorite list!! sweet!!! maybe they should be just more then one of his favorite teams? that statement right there shows how much the man cares, or is just too stupid to be the one in charge of the team

  2. Did DJ miss a field goal against the Browns after their counterpart nailed a 50 yarder? Did DJ fumble in a close game against Miami trying to stretch for a first down? Did DJ fumbled against the Jets?


    no but he and the coaching staff were responsible for putting us behind in the Browns game by forgetting they had a running game the 1st quarter... and having Edwards pass 3rd and 1 from the empty backfield shotgun after taking a timeout and showing the empty backfield shotgun ..... and he called the freakin pass play against the Jets.... good coaches dont put u in the hardest possible positions to win moron! anyone who thinks Jauron should have a job should be riding a very short schoolbus

  3. While I understand your point of view, I do not share it. Dick should already have been fired for that debacle in NY last week, PERIOD!!! IMO that was the single worse call in Buffalo Bills recent history. :wallbash::lol:


    what about the shotgun call at the end of the dallas game last year when all we needed was a field goal??? Dicko claimed they called it cuz "trent hadnt thrown an interception all day" and the same bs that it would have been the right call if it worked... like after the jets game, the guy is pathetic, he keeps losing in the same fashion every time and never learns and the owner cant see it and blames the talent. im afraid we r stuck with this mega loser

  4. Up 16-14 in the fourth Qtr.(10 seconds left), it's 4th and 3 form our 29 yard line. We line up to punt, and try a fake with moorman. It inevitably gets stuffed, and Denver lines up with 2 seconds left and kicks the game winning feild goal. Book it!


    or how about the ALL SHOTGUN offense next week?? that way we can get rid of those pesky "running" plays... Lynch has almost been getting a normal amount of carries the last couple weeks.. gotta get him down to the 7-13 carries that Jauron is more comfortable with. i mean, u dont wanna overwork your best offensive player... or use him at all for that matter, that might cause u to screw up and win some games.... and thats not for this team and little dickie

  5. I think he was thinking any one or all of the below:


    a) dayum, that sistah in 12E is solid!

    b) I can feel Jimmy Hoffa's presence;

    c) going club hopping in Manhattan and could use one of Plax's glocks.


    or he was probably thinking:

    d) whoever posted that is a freakin homo


    some of u people r freakin rediculous

  6. The WORST PLAY-CALL in the history of the Bills !! And we got allot to choose from!


    i hope people in the football world can see why we have been barely losing so many close games the past couple of years... its not cuz we're cursed or we have bad luck or just suck..... its cuz this freakin coach gives the other team EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY to win the game. look at the Dallas game, just run and win...... nah, how about we go shotgun from other teams 10 yard line and throw the ball to them? lets pass with 2 mins left vs Denver in last years home opener cuz "the play was there" if they hit it.. o yea, we lost with time running out. man what a weird coincidence that other teams have JUST enough time at the end of every game for some reason. this douchbag is always saying they wanna give Lynch the ball 22-28 times a game yet hes only been in that total 2 times over the whole year. i really believe the average fan calling the plays would have had this team at 9-5 or even 10-4. dickie is a "special" little guy that can find a way to lose like no other.. now i cant wait til its his job he finds a way to lose at the end of the year!

  7. no doubt it was Turk


    too cute for his own good


    consistent with calls by the same guy to take out Lynch everytime we got inside the 10 yard line


    Dick knows he has 3 year contract and even if RAlph fires him, he laughs all the way to the bank.


    That's why players and coaches love him - he demands no accountability


    i hope people in the football world can see why we have been barely losing so many close games the past couple of years... its not cuz we're cursed or we have bad luck or just suck..... its cuz this freakin coach gives the other team EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY to win the game. look at the Dallas game, just run and win...... nah, how about we go shotgun from other teams 10 yard line and throw the ball to them? lets pass with 2 mins left vs Denver in last years home opener cuz "the play was there" if they hit it.. o yea, we lost with time running out. man what a weird coincidence that other teams have JUST enough time at the end of every game for some reason. this douchbag is always saying they wanna give Lynch the ball 22-28 times a game yet hes only been in that total 2 times over the whole year. i really believe the average fan calling the plays would have had this team at 9-5 or even 10-4. dickie is a "special" little guy that can find a way to lose like no other.. now i cant wait til its his job he finds a way to lose at the end of the year!

  8. Amen :thumbsup:


    ya i hope people in the football world can see why we have been barely losing so many close games the past couple of years... its not cuz we're cursed or we have bad luck or just suck..... its cuz this freakin coach gives the other team EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY to win the game. look at the Dallas game, just run and win...... nah, how about we go shotgun from other teams 10 yard line and throw the ball to them? lets pass with 2 mins left vs Denver in last years home opener cuz "the play was there" if they hit it.. o yea, we lost with time running out. man what a weird coincidence that other teams have JUST enough time at the end of every game for some reason. this douchbag is always saying they wanna give Lynch the ball 22-28 times a game yet hes only been in that total 2 times over the whole year. i really believe the average fan calling the plays would have had this team at 9-5 or even 10-4. dickie is a "special" little guy that can find a way to lose like no other.. now i cant wait til its his job he finds a way to lose at the end of the year!

  9. Depends what you mean by "pass this off."


    Will they use it as a marketing tool? No, they have too much respect for the fans' intelligence. (stop snickering.)


    Will they use it as a basis to keep Jauron? More likely.


    while I know that the Bills don't have the talent of Cowboys or other "upper teir" teams.. that is NOT the reason they are missing the playoffs this year. It is their sheer incompetence in offensive playcalling and lack of any kind of philosophy. We have a career backup QB who looks like he really is trying to live his missed playing days through our offense. The Bills operate out of the SHOTGUN formation a good 75% of the time, without the threat of a run. I can site on a game by game basis how the sheer refusal to run the ball has cost us. We come out in the New England and start out with a 1st down run for 7 yards, then immediatly go shotgun the next 2 plays resulting in an incompletion and then sack. I knew from seeing that display that we stood no chance after 1 series. In the Browns game, we are in SHOTGUN WITH NO RUNNING BACK IN THE BACKFIELD on 3rd and 1 from our own 9 after Lynch had just run 2 times in a row for 4 and 5 yard carries then the Bills call a timeout and come back out of the timeout in the EXACT SAME empty backfield shotgun formation and proceed to throw the 3rd interception of the 1st quarter. Now i know some say the QB has to execute, but come on, do you always have to put all the pressure on your essentially ROOKIE QB? It makes me sick to think of the games that could have been different if we let our best offensive player shine this year. How about that San Fran game? That game sums up our offense. Lynch was averaging 8.3 yards per carry yet got only 16 carries. Each time we reached the goaline, Lynch was either out of the game for Freddie Jackson OR it was time to pass, pass, pass! Marshawn Lynch had 280 carries as a ROOKIE playing in only 13 games last year due to injury and having played in all 13 games so far this year, he has 218 carries. That makes sense right, give the ball to him less his second year? How is Lynch supposed to be considered for the Pro Bowl when he is 13th in the league in carries??? It really makes me mad to hear how untalented we are to know that we could have won this division this year while it was wide open. We have no coaching and while Ralph Wilson is either too old and stubborn to admit he hires the cheapest nobodies to coach, its easier for him to pick on the players. SPEND THE MONEY ON A REAL COACH RALPH... you can't take it with you in the end! If we had a coach like Bill Cower or someone that is run 1st oriented, I don't see why we couldn't have won 10 or 11 games or more this year. I know we are in need of defensive ends and maybe a safety or 2 but that isn't the reason this season was lost with over a month to play. Please stop taking the easy way out and blaming these poor guys who are never put in the best position to win. They don't call the plays, they just are sent out to execute them, no matter how ill concieved or non thought out they might be. If Lynch was treated as a workhorse and not an afterthought, I GUARANTEE our record this year would have been quite a bit different.

  10. He's tough alright. From what I've seen Fred Jackson is one hell of a RB himself. Jackson to me might even be the better man for the job.


    ur out of ur mind... no one breaks tackles and is better around the goal line then Lynch on this team. freddie is a really good back , has good balance, but he isnt as big or powerful a runner as marshawn. all i can say about Beastmode is...... HE'S SO SWEET........... MAKE EM WANNA LICK DA RAPPER........................

  11. Say what you want about Turk..... Fairchild make Turk look like a genius. Can you imagine Trent running Fairchilds offense? I like what Turk has done this year. What scares me is Jauron taking over the offense.


    One criticism of Turk, is that before this game, it appears he wasnt giving Marshawn enough carries. This offense should be centered around Lynch & pass 2nd.


    these posts all hit the nail on the head. the whole season has been sabotaged by passing from the shotgun on 1st down and on third and shorts. the Trent Edwards hit that ruined him apparently for the season was on a what? 1st down PASS out of the SHOTGUN. all of our biggest mistakes seem to come in the shotgun. if u focused on being a run 1st team u wouldnt need the shotgun as much to pass all the time because there is the threat of the run. we take away the threat of the run right out of the box.. 1st play of the game... shotgun, pick! and we keep going to the shotgun until there were finally 3 picks... then shonert woke up and realized maybe the constant shotgun in all situations might not work and he , for the 1st time of the year, showed a commitment to the run game.. and he only did that out of his complete fear and lack of confidence for the pass. making edwards pass 1st all the time really puts undue pressure on OUR team. run, take your time, relax.. control the clock for a min or 2, dont be afraid to punt. just dont be stupid and in the most obvious formations all the time! shogun empty backfield 3rd and 1... timeout, then shotgun empty backfield... PICK.. these coaches really make me sick

  12. I'm expecting Losman to have some parting shots as he leaves Buffalo in the off season. I wouldn't be too surprised if Buffalo totally collapse from this point forward. Last night's lost just might be the beginning of a lot of ugliness to unfold. I don't remember ANY of the WRs being spotlighted after each play even after they were ignored. There was no emotion, even negatively. I would have liked to see SOMEBODY rant on the sidelines but sadly there was none. There's nothing worse than laying down after getting beat at home. Maybe one of the WR divas like TO or Chad Johnson would have actually been good for us. An emotionless team is like watching dead men walking.


    they reflect their emotionless coach who also has no heart or soul. plus Jauron DOES look like he died a few years back, hes got a zombie costume on at all times. did anyone else hear Jauron saying that Edwards is a great QB after the game and at no point did he acknowledge any bad play, but at the end he utter his typical loser mantra of..... we gotta get back to work. he has a masters in Queeronic Theory from Yale but other then that hes never accomplished anything

  13. Buffalo starts a second year quarterback that won't throw a pass longer than 20 yards. That quarterback has to throw from the shot gun. He doesn't throw passes under center and can't run play action because Buffalo also starts a center who gets ABUSED by 3-4 defenses. Their most reliable receiver has been injured, and as of last night their number two receiver is a rookie seventh rounder.


    I find it hilarious that people here think they can evaluate the TEAM by analyzing the sideline cams of our coach. This "playing not to lose" rhetoric is also hysterical. We blitz on defense, sometimes effectively. The linebacker corps has a HUGE drop off after KMitch and Poz, Crowell should be the first backup. The same can be said about the dropoff at DLine after Schobel, and like Crowell, Kelsay should be a backup. The defense is not the problem and takes its shots. There are no signs that the defense has employed this stupid "not-to-lose" philosophy.


    Dick Jauron is not the problem. And before you piss your pants and start firing non-substantiated "feelings" at me, please consider the scheme YOU'D develop around the crippling weaknesses we have at QB, C, LB, WR, and DE. Those are the areas where our players are just poor. On top of that, we're getting mediocre play from our DT's, G's, S's, and TE's to boot. It's not Jauron's job to be a cheerleader. It's the players' job to execute.

    It amazes me that folks here profess to know the gameplan, profess to know the plays called by the sidelines, profess to know the audibles called by Edwards, profess to see the downfield routes that are and aren't being targetted, and profess to know the in and outs of our deepening personnel issues. Just because you don't see emotion from Jauron from network footage and press conferences, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And if you're blaming him for what you might perceive as emotionless play from the team last night, that's absurd. If you can't get up for a Monday Night home game, that's your own personal problem, and there's nothing a coach can do for you.


    hey there jackhole... just wondering if its a good coaching decision to go to the empty backfield shotgun formation 3rd and 1 at your own 9 after edwards has already thrown 2 picks and the run got 4 then 5 yards the last 2 plays... THEN call timeout before the 3rd and 1, then go back out in the same formation they had before the timeout and still pass and get intercepted for the 3rd time. a queerbait like u will say , o well the QB has to execute that pass but u dont show your formation, call the timeout for the other team and then run the same thing with a QB thats obviously struggling. even if u dont pick up the 1st down with a run u still arent giving them the ball at your 10yard line. thats all coaching moron, so go change your font and make even BOLDER sentences u tool. u know nothing and to support Jauron means u probably are related to him or dating him

  14. Trent was terrible, but let's go back in time for a minute to the punt where Roscoe let it dribble back to our 1.



    1. 1-10-BUF 1 (4:52) 23-M.Lynch left guard to BUF 5 for 4 yards (22-B.McDonald; 26-S.Jones).


    2. 2-6-BUF 5 (4:15) 23-M.Lynch left guard to BUF 10 for 5 yards (94-L.Williams).


    3. 3-1 .... BUF shows shotgun, no backs, a collective <gasp> from the crowd and 73,000 cries of "why?", after 2 successful runs deep in our own territory. But WAIT ..... Timeout #1 by BUF at 03:28 ..... Let's think this over.


    4. BUF comes out in shotgun again, no backs. (?!?!?!)


    5. 3-1-BUF 10 (3:28) (Shotgun) 5-T.Edwards pass short middle intended for 84-R.Royal INTERCEPTED by 22-B.McDonald [99-C.Williams] at BUF 15. 22-B.McDonald to BUF 12 for 3 yards (13-St.Johnson).


    Bad pass by Trent. Very bad pass .... but HORRIBLE decision making by our "braintrust." Puzzling.


    thank u... that right there is reason enough to be fired on the spot in my opinion. i would have had Jauron and Shonert escorted from the building right there if i was the one paying them. that was the most mind boggling series ive ever seen. Trent has already shown he's shaky, the run is working.... so why not go back to the pass? they do this kinda stuff every week, never learn from it, never learn from the successful drives where we run the ball and score. i cant take it anymore, i wanna punch Dick-wad and Turd in the face every time i think about this and all the other similar situations they have done things that are beyond idiotic

  15. Uncle Ralph doesn't believe in paying market prices for coaches. He has dipped into his pocket for players (including about a half a bazillion gillion on an offensive guard (?!)), but never for coaches.


    Given that Jauron has been extended <shudder>, do we think Ralphy will pay for TWO head coaching salaries?


    As painful as it sounds, methinks Dick is our boy for awhile.


    im sure they can still terminate his contract. u can get fired from a job for bad performance at any time. and if he wants someone cheap, hey... i guess ill do it then. i know for a fact i can do better. the running game will at least be attempted in every game, i wont challenge retarded plays and let other go unchallenged that should be, i wont use the shotgun empty backfield in 90% of our 3rd and short situations, i wont let chris kelsay cover the fastest running backs on the opponents team, ill use this weird and wacky "play action" pass that other teams seem to use once in a while, and i wont be a gutless, soul-less sad sack loser on the sideline at all times. so hey , put me in Ralph, ill work even cheaper then Dick. u know whats sad is that me, with 0 games of coaching experiance would have us at , AT LEAST 8-2. hell we would be 6-4 with my mother coaching come to think of it

  16. Yesterday was as bad as it gets. 3 decent passes the entire game, only one thrown toward Evans and 10 almost immediate checkdowns to Lynch. I have no problem with empty backfields and shotgun formations as when you have that many out in a pattern someone has to be open.


    Lynch was a beast yesterday, the line did a great job blocking and Edwards had all day to throw and did absolutely nothing. He was so bad that when he did make a play (pass to Royal), the coaching staff had no confidence that he could get them any closer.


    I was shocked at how bad he was. Every pass to Lynch was an almost immediate check down. The ints were just terrible passes. Wide open receivers in the end zone on 2 plays at the end of the half and Edwards just couldn't pull the trigger.


    And worst of all it is probably too late to put Losman back in and see if we made a mistake with him.....


    I'm at a loss, while I did not want to anoint Edwards, and often have posted my concerns that he did not have a real breakout, I thought he could be good.....


    i have a BIG problem with empty backfields and shotgun formations... on 3rd and 1 on our own 9 after hes already thrown 2 picks and we take a freakin TIMEOUT , show them what we r doing, then come back in the same formation. Dick-wad and Turd shonert make me seriously physically ill. im afraid they are gonna have to be put down. But Jauron just may be a zombie so im not 100% sure that is possible

  17. i officially lost my mind.... again.. watching Dicko blow yet another winnable game. i know for a fact that Lynch would have never gotten 23 carries and 100 yards if Trent wasnt horrendous at the beginning of the game. they just try to make him win EVERY game in every situation... and its not til its too late after hes made several huge mistakes that they say , hey maybe we should try that "running" thing. Jauron made our defense play the entire 1st quarter. we are in the shotgun empty backfield formation 3rd and 1 on our OWN 9 YARD LINE and that was after edwards had already thrown 2 picks and looked like he was shaken by the big stage again. but whats even more INFURIATING is that they called a timeout before the play where they showed the shotgun empty backfield, then after the timeout, comeback out and run what? the shotgun empty backfield , PASS on 3rd and 1 and give away the ball one more time. isnt it odd how we always seem to be JUST short at the end of games? is it a coincidence or is someone causing this to happen again and again. its like Groundhog Day only he doesnt try to change anything to make things different. Shonert is as mindless as Jauron and they both must go. and beyond being a horrible decision maker, he is just a loser with a loser attitude. did anyone else see jauron doing his typical gay calm clap after Mckelvins return? he still had the sad look of gloom on his face while clapping, showing that he still felt like we were screwed. and he knew we were cuz he's in charge. how do u not at least act happy after a play like that , that puts your team back in the game in a big way? this man is the worst ive seen in a while and thats saying a lot considering what we've had here in Buffalo. Please folks, we need to start a petition that Ralph needs to see and have him fired at the end of this season because i cant take 6 more games of him, so i really cant imagine 3 more years of this. so if you are on board just reply back, FIRE the DICK! and if this dont work, how bout some of u crazy fans out there threaten beating up his kids like u did with Mularkey.. that got him to quit, now we really need Dicko and Turd to get run off the same way

  18. Dick Jauron coached a damn good game and had his team up for it. Anyone who can't see that is a (insert bad word here).


    you need to put down that crack pipe my friend for real, there are people out there that can help u.... seek help.. immediately. Jauron coached a good game?!?!?!? ya in bizarro world where good is bad. he put it all on trent in the 1st quarter then when it was too late and they saw trent couldnt do it, THEN they decided to start running. ya he coached a hell of a game

  19. Coaching DID NOT lose this game. The beloved #5 lost the game. If #7 was behind center in a game like this tonight this board would have been flooded with Its #7 fault. #7 didnt look for his receivers and settled and ultimately #7 lost the game. You think Turk called 5 wide passing plays just to dump off to Lynch.


    If BEAST MODE didnt show up #5 would have been 0td 3int.

    4 minutes to go in the game and at their 35 #5 throws to Lynch, Throws to Lynch, Throws to Lynch, Punt.


    Enough with this guy...


    Actually buddy... coaching DID lose this game... in the 1st quarter.... coaching staff set us up to pass from the shotgun with an empty backfield on 3rd and 1 on our own 9 after edwards already had thrown 2 and was looking shaking... and what was the most insane mind blowing thing was... WE called a timeout showing the empty backfield shotgun, came back from the time out and were in , guess what.... the empty backfield shotgun. are u serious? Jauron and Shonert make me vomit in my mouth every time i think of their disgusting faces

  20. A lot of people are blaming the hit against Arizona. I don't buy it. He looked amazing against San Diego. I actually think that since the Miami game, he's lost all his confidence and he's second-guessing himself on every play. The pick-6 against the Jets just helped him keep losing his confidence. The Pats crippled him even further. Tonight you saw the result of his waning confidence. The first pick (as accidental as it was) just sent him on a spiral.


    Trent may want to sit on the bench for a couple of games and find his game again. Not saying I want Losman, just that maybe Trent needs to sit down and study the playbook harder and work his issues off the field.


    its the coaching staff that is destroying this kid. the pick 6 against the jets was another situation we shouldnt have been throwing in. but to put your qb in the EMPTY BACKFIELD SHOTGUN formation on 3rd and 1 on your own 9 yard line after hes already thrown 2 picks is downright despicable. they once again passed too much until it was too late. had they just not passed to the point where everything was ruined, we would have won this game and a few others as well. i dont know if it was on that 3rd pick or another play but we were in the shotgun formation with empty backfield on 3rd and short, called a timeout, and then came back out in the SHOTGUN EMPTY BACKFIELD still!!! after the WE called the timeout, not the other team.. we showed what we were doing, gave them a chance to get ready, then still did what we we showing b4 the time out. that is just another signature Dickie J move. him and Shonert need a real severe beating... and soon

  21. They won't sit him. They drafted him, JP's gone at the end of the year, and they'll give Trent every chance to hang himself more.


    Unfortunately, I don't see him becoming OK. After over a season's worth of starts, he should be getting better, not worse.


    ya Trent has turned out to be a true turdsmoker. but he only makes me half as sick as Jauron and Shonert soooo i guess it works out

  22. Exactly What Everyones Saying....Trent didnt lose this game for us. Granted he had 3 picks but our Defense STEPPED up and hed them to 6 points and held us in the dang game...

    When u decided to play pansy football and run 3 straight times and not gain another yard and expect Lindell will make it as a "gimmy" field goal a 47 yarder you shouldnt coach again for a while.


    but what about earlier in the game, the coaching staff had us in our old fav, the shotgun with an empty backfield, on 3rd and 1 from our own 9 yard line after Trent had already thrown 2 picks and wasnt looking good. WTF? im so sick of it. we even called a timeout, showed them the shotgun formation with the empty backfield, then after the timeout went back to it........ absolutly the worst coaching ive ever seen on any level from pee-wee leagues on up

  23. To me it's not even a matter of which will be the better QB.

    To me the bigger issue then was...just take Cutler because a QB like that has far more value.

    SanDiego took Eli even though they had Breese and it worked out beautifully.


    There is no law that says you cannot make a trade downline.

    Trades happen all the time.


    I hope by now these people that were so boldly saying how correct it was for the Bills to take Whitner now see how mistaken they were.

    Largely and not coincidentally they were they same fans that bitterly defended Losman.

    In his 3rd year Whitner has all of 2 career picks.


    I hope those people are starting to realize that they know next to nothing.




    they could have got Haloit Ngata who has 2 picks as a DT this year which equals Whitners career. Ngata is like 380 and a run stuffing beast... thats the kinda player u take 9th, not a no name safety. and ya, Trent is as dead as his head coach.. im pretty sure both Trent and Dick like boys

  24. I feel like I'm going to cry...seriously...


    When things aren't going well in life sometimes, just sometimes you lean on your favorite football team to give you some happiness even if it is somewhat empty and doesn't last very long, it's still happiness and it just makes you so briefly forget all the other things in life that are bringing you down.


    The Bills have gone this year from providing me that happiness with their start to reminding me how utterly depressing my life is...


    Thanks Dick.


    when i see Dick-wads face u just feel this sense of doom and loserishness. everything about the man sickens me. i want to snap his neck every time i see him do his gay ass lifeless clap after every play, good or bad.

  25. I think the problem started the Bills second to last possession. When Edwards had the pass to Lynch, which he busted for a huge gain, he was tackled at the goal line. At that point, why on earth would the Bills burn a timeout? They had four chances to get the ball in the endzone. They could have run the clock down to the 2 minute warning, or, at the very least, make the Browns use one of theirs, instead of wasting (another) one of ours. This problem with the use of timeouts, under Jauron, keeps getting worse.


    or maybe the decision to pass out of the shotgun on 3rd and 1 in the 1st quarter after edwards had already thrown 2 picks..... the coaches r pure garbage

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