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Posts posted by michaelfromgermany

  1. I am all for drafting Tim Tebow. Even with our first round pick. I would be very, very happy about that.

    The guy has a better passer rating then some other No. 1 pick QB in the last decade (i am not sure - but i think even than Peyton Manning). And dont tell me now he can not throw a football, because his throwing motion is not 100 % like the picture book.

    Of course he is not as good as a passer then P. Manning or C. Palmer....

    But the guy is big leader, a general, he would make our offense instantly better und the also the players around him better. Including our o-line.

    Everybody knows the Bills will no go to the playoffs next year. At the best we would be competetive in AFC-East. But i think if we Rank 3rd in the AFC-East would be a victory. The guy needs 1 or 2 years. But we will also not win next year with the other QBßs we have. And also expect the nationwide Media-attention we would get if we take und play him.

    We habe NO ONE on our Roster which is a standout player. Hopefully J. Byrd was not a fluke. But this guy would be from day one the Buffalo Bills player everyone is talking about. We need such a person.....we could become a Hero here.

    I would be surprised if the FO tries to sell T. Edwards again to the fans.

    I know we need also LT, LT und WR (and so one)...... i would take Tim Tebow in the first. I bet 20 Dollars he will not be there when we peck in the second. Then i would take a LT in the second and a NT in the 3rd.....

    Everybody knows: IT STARTS WITH THE QB. (Look at this years Superbowl New Orleans vs. Indy)








    Or, he could land in Buffalo and start win the starting job immediately. Not sayin' it'll happen, but with our depth chart (Fanning-Fan, Fitzpatrick, Brohm), it's not that far-fetched to think Tebow could emerge as #1 in an open competition - especially if Gailey decides to install a spread/spread-option offense.

  2. i agree absolut. i bet he will not last until pick 40. And i would love to have this guy on our team. Of course we need a LT and NT badly....and OLB...und ILB....and WR....und maybe a Guard.....

    But i think Tim Tebow will make a big impact. He was a (THE) winner i college. He will also win at the pros.

    People say J.P. Losmann was a better QB (or thrower) that T. Tebow.....but he was a looser in College.....and....you know the rest...

    Also T. Edwards (people say he is so accurat....) was not a winner in college......und he also was (and will) be no winner with the Bills.

    But there is NO WAY T. Tebow will last our second round pick. I bet 20 Dollars he will be gone there. I think this guy is very special...


    I would be happy with him in the first....and LT und NT in the second and third.....










    Please stop with the "....I'd take him in the 3rd or later...." crap. :wallbash:


    There is NO WAY this kid falls out of the 2nd. NO WAY! :thumbsup:

  3. This will be the best pair of pass rushers the Bills have faced so far, and its going to be a test.


    Worse case scenario would be if the Saints get out to a big lead early, and allow these two to pin their ears back and get after Trent.


    Also, it might allow them to get pressure with only their front 4....which isn't good for the Bills passing game.


    A successful running game is got to be key to have any success in this game.



    I'm looking foward to see what AVP conjures up to neutralize these 2 guys.




    i am not 100 % sure, but i think i read they are both suspended for the first 3 or 4 games......correkt ?

  4. it is so hard to swallow...but the whole game i had the feeling they will blew it...

    the last three games which were televisioned in europe on espn-europe:


    Bills - Dallas at Monday Night: Loss in the last 10 Seconds

    Bills - Cleveland: Loss in the last seconds (Lindell miss the Field Goal)

    and today: Bills - Patriots.....blew 11 Point lead in nearly 4,5 Minutes...


    wow.....im am speechless


    the world is laughing about us.....


    But....to be honest: The Pats dominated us statistically.......



    Good night from germany

  5. This was sarcasm only sorry that did not come through


    although seems you are sensitive about the issue...




    honestly, i do not like jokes about those motherfuc*** 70 years ago. "Sensitive" is not the right word...

    This is not the first time i read here some things like that about Germany.

    Sorry fot the "shut up". Of course you can say what you like....

  6. Vick is pretty bad for what he did to those dogs. Every time you pet your dog, remember, this guy killed him or her for sport. I don't want him near my football team because of that. There's another bigger reason why I don't want him near my team. He's an awful quarterback. That second reason should end all other discussion. He's a bad person but a worse QB. One knee injury away from being a crappy E! True Hollywood Story... Next.




    I do not know every detail what Vick did with this poor animals. But i hate this motherf****r for that.

    He is one one the dumpest and stupidest guys in the world: He risked (and lost) almost hundred million dollars to watch and organize dogfights..... he is a candidate for the Darwin-Award (for the greatest Idiots in the world)

  7. Roscoe has proven himself very valuable to the Bills as a punt returner. No one can question that. For a small NFL player he is tough, big heart. What Roscoe does not do though is break tackles. This is what has limited him offensively for Buffalo. He is simply outmuscled. He has never overcome this with his speed on a consistent basis. He seems to be standing still and catching the ball with his body quite often. Which in turn negates his strengths offensively.

    I view Roscoe as a valuable commodity. If he makes your team better keep him. I do not want Leodis returning kicks, punts and starting. Kid will wear out. Roscoe and a 3rd to Jac for J. Henderson would be a good deal though. It would bennefit both teams. Probably make both players happy also.




    For me it would be a dream come true if we get John Henderson.... but i am pretty sure Henderson will stay in Jax.

  8. I think the whole Henderson for a 4th rounder never really grew any legs... Maybe it was a possibility before the draft, but now i bet it would cost us a bit more. Dockett is younger too - and knowing the cheap Cardinals, he could be had... Of course, that's assuming we're not being the cheap Bills <_<





    I would love to get Henderson. Even for a 3rd and 5th. But i think the JAX will not trade him anymore.

    And i think Dockett wants the big money.....is this not the reason he wants out of Arizona ??

  9. Team: WAS the Fish because of they way they DOMINATED the Bills & the rest of the NFL in the 70's. But looking back, they were just THAT GOOD & I would have LOVED to have players like Czonka (a Syracuse Alum) & a Coach like Shula on the Bills. NOW: The Pats* because of the FACT they are CHEATERS.


    Player: WAS Cox because of the spitting incident. But looking back I loved the passion he had & would have loved him if he were a Bill. NOW: Harrison & Wilfork because they are like the team they play on DIRTY*


    Coach: WAS: Shula, then Johnson. NOW: Belicheck* because he is a CHEATER.




    Did not Bryan Cox also shows his "middle-finger" to the Bills-Fans at a Bills Home Game ?

    I hate this a++hole.... also Wilfork for your cheapshot on (then injured) J. P. Losman. What a poor guy und great liar.

  10. He wants a new deal, that is why he asking for the trade. So $4 million won't be the case if he gets traded. To me, this move would now not make sense, we could better use the money with a LB or DT like John Henderson.


    I don't see it happening



    Its my biggest wish to get DT Henderson....please FO lets it. Then our off season would be completed.

  11. I think adding Henderson would give us a top-10 defense instantly.





    yes, of cours. And we could improve our D to a TOP 10 D with giving up a 3rd and 5th for Henderson ?

    That would be toi nice. I am sure JAX will not trade him....

  12. Very concerned. If Jax would take a 3 and a 5 in the 10 draft (same as they took for Stroud) for Henderson, I'd be all for that.



    i would do this also in a second ! I am all over it. We would have a TOP3 DT-Tandem. This would make our whole D better.

    Is Glenn Dorsey really an the Trading Block ?

    I think JAX will not trade Henderson. The last rumors are 2 weeks old....

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