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NC Bills Brigade

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Posts posted by NC Bills Brigade

  1. Does Chan play on punt coverage? Does he block ? Does he tackle? Does he catch balls? Yea maybe a couple questionable game management decisions but this team is just not good enough yet to compete at a high level.


    marketing gem? wait to you see the number of empty seats in the next month. whoops if you live in Buffao you wont.. sorry

  2. 11-5 with Cassell. enough said! we could only dream of that.


    I know that this is the guy that we all love to hate but here's a couple of links that reveals some of his insights, especially about QBs (second link). When I say this it's not about trying to start a great debate but cheating aside I still think that he is one of the greatest coaching minds in the game today. I'm providing this to not only understand more about Belichick but also expand my knowledge of the history of the game and the great minds of the forefathers that helped make this league and game what it is today. Furthermore I do believe that if Belichick didn't cheat/push the boundaries he still would have achieved comparable success. This guy has done nothing but lived football his whole life. I'm not a fan of his but I can give him the credit that he has earned without being biased.





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