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Posts posted by WannabeGM

  1. Very few fans seem to want to keep Rex and crew for "continuity", but the national pundits will always say "that is why bad teams continue to lose, no continuity" . Golic and Schefter this morning went off on t how foolish it would be to fire Rex after 2 years, and then pointing out the Steelers have had 3 coaches in 40 years, the Pats aren't changing coaches etc.


    My argument is the Pats had a revolving door at coach till they finally struck gold with Belichick, and the Steelers have just continued to win...so they are no doubt an outlier.


    Here is my question...can anyone remember a coach or team that had a losing or .500 record in first two years, or a second year that was not trending up, that then went on to huge success in years 3-7 etc by staying with same coach?


    Maybe Ron Rivera fits the Bill...BB in Cleveland in the early 90's...i cant think of any others.


    I want ammunition to argue against this asinine argument that winning teams have continuity...they have continuity cause they win if the first couple of years...not because they stay with coaches who are not showing improvement.


    The big error the Bills make is not firing coaches too soon...the big error is they can't pick a decent coach to start. If anything, i think they stay with bad coaches too long!

    jimmy johnson

    How about taking this a step further, I used Jimmy Johnson as an example. But he had high picks to use. Is there a coach or team that was able to rise out from mediocrity without high draft picks? Much like the currrent Sabres rebuild, the 90s cowboys were able to buiild through the draft. I think the Bills need to find a proven talent evaluator and tank for top talent. Consistently drafting 10-20 may give you good players, but not special talent.

  2. My options on this thread -


    Rex is a GREAT leader of men. He inspires them, his players love him. They would run through walls, and do anything he asks of them. That is leadership. He can corral the troops and get them to do his bidding. Just because they are not the right things, he doesn't hold them accountable for their mistakes, or puts the wrong gameplan together, doesn't mean he is a bad leader of men.


    I thought the job by Roman was incredible yesterday. Obviously the turnovers by Manuel were terrible. He changed the offensive plan around to get EJ some confidence, and it worked. EJ looked like a serviceable backup QB. He had his limits though, and when the game was on the line, I thought Roman went a bit too far. The play that was called was awful. He shouldn't have put EJ in that position. Should have given the ball to the best offensive player (McCoy) and let him do his thing. Why would anyone, with the game on the line, leave it up to the backup QB.


    I'm tired of this defense. I believe Ryan/Thurman are not using the personnel they have to produce the best product. We saw a good product last year. We know what "good" looks like. This defense is ok, but they aren't putting their playmakers in position to do their best. That is coaching. It is the coach's responsibility to do the best with what you have. The scheme doesn't fit the personnel. CHANGE THE SCHEME.


    Do I think Ryan is a good leader? Yes. A great motivator of men.


    Do I think Ryan is a good Coach? No. Not at all. A good coach is a leader/motivator AND someone who puts the right people in the right place to make the right plays. Who holds his team accountable for their faults, AS HIS OWN. Who uses utilizes the strengths of his personnel.


    As Bills fans we have been complaining of this for years. Make the schemes fit the personnel. This year is no different. Ryan's ego is too huge to be a good head coach. He makes it about himself, not the team.

  3. On a side note: I thought one of the most interesting pieces of the documentary was when they were talking to Norm Pollom about the Bills taking Kelly. He said that they took Tony Hunter because they had Kelly and Marino rated very equally and knew they would get one of them with their next pick(they had picks 12 and 14). I just thought it very interesting that one of the biggest Bills villains of all time was kind of almost a Bill.


    I thought this was the most interesting part of the show. The second part was how much the Patriots were in love with Kelly, and how the NE coach didn't want Eason. Never knew either of these things.

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