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Posts posted by Don

  1. When the Bills played in SD, my wife and I went with the Backers out there to the tailgate and game. Last I remembered was someone leaving the pen to go to the game and handing me a bottle of Seagram's 7,,,,,I think I helped Jimbo pick up a fence...then there are picture of me wearing my Milloy Jersey on my back as well as my wifes Spikes jersey as a doo-rag....witness claimed I screamed at all passing SD fans after the game proclaiming loudly that I liked the fresh creases in their Rivers and Gates jerseys and how no one could name a QB before Brees...good times for all!

  2. Once again, a reference to female anatomy is the go-to metaphor for weakness. I don't know about the women in your life but the women in mine are as strong as anyone I know. Some of them are looking over my shoulder right now, encouraging me to write this. But it was my idea, really it was.


    Seriously, I am sure you aren't a misogynist so I wanted to point out that you sound like one.



    Dude, you have a computer in your kitchen,,,that's pretty cool

  3. Any opinions on why the Bills aren't toying with the 3-4 that they are running? After all, the current system hasn't appeared to take off yet, so why not try to create a 'Bills" defense. Perhaps blitz 7 on 1st down to put teams on their heels since everyone is so in love with our secondary...Or put 8 in the box and drop 5-6 into coverage based on reads because we have the speed.


    Just seems we are running the milk toast version of the 3-4 with the wrong group of guys. Chan has the opportunity Gruden had in Tampa as far as carte blanch to install a unique scheme without fear of getting canned after 1 season. The Bills have shown a propensity of keeping bad coaches 2 or 3 seasons before realizing they don't belong so this is a prime spot to do something truly innovative.

  4. The Kay Stephenson and and Hank Bullough years were the most horrendous. In three seasons '84, 85, and 86, the Bills won a wopping 8 games. We haven't sniffed that kind of futility yet.



    so you would trade 5-7 wins a year and no playoffs for over a decade then suffer 8 wins over 3 years with 4 straight conference wins not more than 4 years later??? strange logic...

  5. Linkage


    What’s Spiller hinting at?

    Chris Brown

    Posted August 4, 2010 – 11:19 pm

    Tags: C.J. Spiller


    Bills RB C.J. Spiller let everyone on twitter know that (t0day) Thursday is his birthday and the team’s top draft choice may have dropped a hint regarding his current situation.


    CJSPILLER Well I wanna give God the glory for lettin me see another b-day yep the kid has turned 23 yrs old today I got feelin it’s going be special.


    Here’s hoping it’s special for all the reasons Bills fans want it to be. Happy birthday C.J.


    If this were a hint, it would be the worst hint in the history of hints.

  6. What confused me about the report is if he was positive in September, how did he play with his appeal not coming til February.


    I dont get the 6 month wait without appeal or suspension, unless I was misreading the context and the appeal took place in september and lasted until february to be completed, and the news is just now getting out?



    The league is notorious for pushing back appeals and court dates on things as high as felonies with these guys. They don't like disrupting the season for anything unless they can't escape any PR backlash. They let the kid play knowing full well what he did and let him perform and he should absolutely be stripped of the DROY

  7. When was the last multifunction park made? The baseball/football stadium is a dying breed.


    Also, what's the story with the Rams' dome. Wasn't that just built in the mid-late 90s?



    totally agree that the old style hybrid parks are not the way to go, but they have to find some way to innovate a park that can accomplish as many things as possible. AZ's stadium is a great template for this where they understood that a pure football stadium would not be enough

  8. The Chargers stadium is probably the worst stadium I've ever been in. It's just terrible and the layout is not fan friendly at all. That place needs to be imploded. As much of a dump Oakland's stadium is, I'd rather go there than San Diego. If anybody needs a new stadium it's the Chargers.


    The Chargers need a consistent fan base first. After living there and seeing them go through good times and bad, those "fans" will love them one day and for get they exist the next. It's a transient area and LA is in the same boat. You won't ever meet fans of a team like Pitt and Dallas that go back generations. No matter who one day gets that stadium, it would take an act of god to succeed at the level they would need to justify building it. They could do a Multifunction park and couple up with the Angels, but a dedicated stadium would be a big mistake.

  9. Chargers? I knew they had stadium issues, but I thought that was cleared up?

    And the 49ers? Unless i missed something, I do not see this happening.


    All the Chargers did was make a half ass attempt to make the stadium more ADA compliant for the Super Bowl. The condition over all is still crap.


    All in all the only real success story in the NFL for California is the Niners. Every team that has stepped foot in southern CA has failed because we have really nice weather, beaches, and lots to do besides football. San Fran is stuck on a peninsula, fogged in all the time, and the team has a great history and is accessible. As for the Raiders, someone had to placate to the scumbags of the NFL fan base.


    Whoever ends up in that LA stadium would need to win quick, and win often because that area has a very short attention span

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