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Posts posted by JDHILL

  1. So tomorrow night I'll be out of town on the road. Unfortunately, Yahoo decided to make this one of the few games they don't want to broadcast. How unlucky. Does anyone have an idea how to stream audio of the game? Go Bills!

    If you go to WGR on a laptop that will allow you to pick up the stream. Won't work with mobile devices. If you purchase nfl game pass you will also have access to audio.

  2. Hasn't made a single right decision his tenure here. Keeps trading away the only talented players on our roster and for what?


    Has anyone taken a look at our DT depth, its horrible. He just handed out a pro bowl DT in the prime of his career for pennies.


    NONE of his trades/signings have made any sense. complete shambles.


    People think this is a good trade just bc we are 4-2. Wait until November rolls around and the real Buffalo Bills show up just like the last 17 years folks.


    This fan base is legit the most delusional in the NFL. no joke. If anyone is responsible for the success of our team right now its DOUG WHALEY

    This is the all time stupidest thing I have ever read. Beane made trades building for the future and got great picks and really good players in return for Darby and Watkins. Watkins didn't want to be in Buffalo long term. The Dareus contract was a joke and really hurt them as far as the cap. He is doing exactly what he said he was going to do. I struggle to see how you could be serious in regards to the Whaley comment.

  3. Well we need those draft picks because they have created enormous holes at wide receiver, DBs, defensive tackle, LBs need am upgrade, no clear #2 RB, pass rusher, oh and QB. Even with all the stockpiling they have done, we have more holes than picks.


    Well we need those draft picks because they have created enormous holes at wide receiver, DBs, defensive tackle, LBs need am upgrade, no clear #2 RB, pass rusher, oh and QB. Even with all the stockpiling they have done, we have more holes than picks.

    Yes, but they are also creating cap room to get players as well. Marcell was over paid and an albatross. I find it funny how people B word about his cap # number and contract and then also B word about this trade. The organization is moving forward and as another poster said what have we won with Dareus?

  4. In today's LA Times, Sammy said the following about working with Rams QB Jared Goff: "The more reps you get with him, the more he can trust you and the more comfortable he is with throwing the ball to you, Watkins said. [its great] to have a guy that doesnt even look your way, just look the safety off and throw you the ball, because he depends on you to be at the right spot.


    As compared to...

    Watkins also said great things about Kyle Orton after he took over for EJ

  5. Hey there. Wondering if most people kept their seasons. I was looking at Ticketmaster and sales for a lot of games look pretty weak this year vs the last couple years.


    I benefited a little - was able to upgrade my seasons from row 3 in 310 to row 24 in 110 so I'm pretty stoked about that. Only drawback is I had to grab 3 as they wouldn't sell just two and it might be hard to find a 3rd sometimes as we travel in from a couple hours out. That said - I should be able to get some of my $ back through ticket exchange or whatever. I'll just look at the losses on the third as a seat license fee!

    I live 980 miles away(KC suburbs) and have had tickets since 2005. I go back a couple of times a year. Now I take my son back. Wouldn't change it.


    Dick Vermeil similar.


    I think sometimes people "check out" a bit if they don't see a higher level as something they can achieve, and if someone helps them see it as possible, they change.

    I think both Marv and Dick Vermeil were better than you think with X's and O's. They just delegated to coordinators and provided oversight to all other phases. Great stories about Marv running the Wing T in KC with a Chiefs team that was heavily run based.

  7. Only listened a short time today ( can only tolerate so much lol) , but the best was A. Their online poll showing 40% of voters say Lynn is best fit as HC - doubt many Bills fans would want this

    B. Murphy saying he disagreed with T Aikmans assessment of Rodgers Hail Mary that Giants DBs were to blame because they let R Cobb get behind them in end zone. This guy is so conditioned to never blame a defender for making a mistake that he thinks every offensive play is just a great play by the QB or WR. That's why his joke of a show is unlistenable

    Actually Aikman said that it was unacceptable to let a receiver to get position in front of a defender in that case. In reality, Cobb was behind all the defenders.

    My message to the overly negative people... I hope at some point in your life you will be able to experience people getting on social media or other medium to discuss your job performance, weight, intelligence, the type of person you are and your current work out regiment or lack thereof.

  8. The defense has been the problem almost the entire year. When they didn't get turnovers they had trouble stopping anybody. They consistently gave up a ridiculous amount of 3rd and longs and also gave up touchdowns directly after a Bills score all the time. The offense was rarely the problem this year. They scored enough points and I believe Tyrod did what was asked of him. 2 yrs. ago we would have loved this offense and now we want to get rid of a QB that has done a good job? The defense is just a joke it seems that they are unable to adapt to new changing offensive philosophies. We have good players on defense but the system seems to be antiquated or broken. They could never get off the field or adequately protect a lead in most games, especially big games.

  9. They are very difficult to read. Each year they pick a topic early on and consistently stick with it as a theme and just hammer on the Bills win or lose. Often they just fail to simply do their jobs and report. It is very personal with them and you can tell that they are angry, Their lack of objectivity often leads to making a vulnerable fan base even more angrier. It's a cycle that they are part of and feed into. I felt bad about the lack of crowd but that was a direct reflection of both the Bills play and the negative media banging on them for a week. When Marrone became offended by the negativity and how personal it was he treated them in a similar fashion and we saw how that blew up. That guy ended up not trusting anyone and it made his weaker personality traits even worse. Right now they are so mad that Rex won't say he is getting fired. Bucky Gleason acted like a whiny little kid in that press conference when he wouldn't tell him exactly when he found out he may be fired. If he doesn't know or believe Rex go do some investigating and find out. They just act like babies but call out coaches and players when they act in a similar fashion.

  10. Goodwin may or may not be gone. He actually made some plays this year.....and I would not mind seeing him back next year. That is a change from my view a year ago. Listenbee is fast....but, totally unschooled in route running....he has said he only ever ran one, the same route, all the time in college. This guy needs a year of redshirting. Another specimen who may or may not be a football player. (another Dan Brandenburg, for those who remember that 80's lb specimen)

    Uhmm Brandenburg played for the Bills in the mid to late 90's

  11. Toronto Buffaloes. Just get used to saying it, because that's what we're gonna be. Obviously, Goodell doesn't want a team in Buffalo, and wants to expand internationally. He thought he would finally see his dream come true, but alas, Terry Pegula (owner of the Sabres, NFL rules be damned) came in and saved the day. For now.


    Now all the bull **** about needing a new stadium. C'mon Roger, at least try to hide it. Pair that with Bon Jovi now doing commercials for DirecTV, the official carrier of NFL Sunday ticket, and it's obvious to any moron not wearing Bills colored sunglasses what's going on.



    Quid pro quo. Bon Jovi scratches Goodell's back, Goodell scratches his. Do some promotion for one of our biggest sponsors, and when I determine that the Bills stadium is out of date, that team you wanted so bad is now yours.


    I tell you what though, Bon Jovi isn't moving this team without a fight. I love this team too much.

    WTF?? Did you fall asleep 2 years ago and just wake up? Why would you post something so freaking stupid. So Bon Jovi is going to buy the Bills from Pegula? You are insane.

  12. Marrone quit in 2015, Reid was hired in 2013. And although the concept of this thread is dumb and revisionist, the idea of not being able to better KC's pick of #34 in the draft is kinda silly when you look back on the fact that we, instead, took EJ Manuel around 18th or 19th. I imagine, if you had a time machine, you could go back and still trade back with St. Louis in that draft and get that second pick in the 2nd round that we got Robert Woods with, and maybe even traded down again to about 27 or 28 and pick up another 2nd or 3rd rounder in that draft to get EJ with later, more where he was slotted, then give that 27 or 28 pick to SF, as it would still be higher than the 34 they got. Again, only with a time machine though.

    yeah you are right... I messed up the coming and going of Marrone and didn't mention when Chan got fired. My main point is that Reid was Hired before Marrone and was specifically targeted by Clark Hunt (Chiefs owner) then GM Pioli had little say and was fired when Reid was hired. They quickly hired John Dorsey. Reid was never on the market long and only dealt with the Chiefs. I agree with your other points... people seem to forget that Smith had been replaced by Kaepernick, wasn't a super hot commodity, and many wondered if he would be an upgrade from Fitz. People forget we were always going to draft a QB with a high draft pick with the idea that a veteran would be the care taker for a year or so. If people want to jam up Whaley... I believe it should be on the Qb situation in general. They could have held on to Fitz and tried to let EJ learn as he went. Instead we went the Kolb, Tuel, Lewis, Orton route. I think they should have done a better job reviewing Kolb's medical history with concussions because he took one hit and he still isn't right. We get so much woulda, shoulda, coulda but in regards to Andy Reid he was off the market when Bills hired Marrone.

  13. Personally I think the GM that went with Andy Reid and Alex Smith is smarter than the GM who went with Doug Marrone and EJ Manuel.



    This is ridiculous revisionist history. The Chiefs fired Crennel immediately after the season. They immediately went after Reid as Coach and then hired John Dorsey as GM.Reid was officially hired on Jan. 4th. . Marrone quit on Jan 1. Reid had already been interviewing with KC. Get your facts straight and stop being a revisionist idiot because the Chiefs won today.

  14. A poster earlier this year suggested this...


    I don't believe in this excuse. Each team is beatable and has been beaten. Every team plays elite talent twice a year, it just might not be the pats.


    This franchise won't be great again until we can stop fearing the Patriots and having confidence in our team

    I don't think it's an excuse...I believe it to be reality. We are consistently playing for 1 or 2 wildcard spots. The Patriots very rarely have a bad year. In the end the Bills will just have to stand up and beat them plain and simple.

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