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Posts posted by Skipsterx

  1. This is why bad teams stay bad doing stuff like this. Essentially, they traded the 3rd pick in 2012 for somewhere between the 15th-25th pick in 2014. Just dumb.


    Not dumb at all. It was a poor pick, they're salvaging what they can from a crappy pick. And what about Indy? Who trades a first roundpick for a running back? An unproven running back

  2. I live in Cleveland and a lot of people are ecstatic over this move. Many have been thinking Richardson was turning into a bust and rumor has it he has some locker room issues. The Browns weren't going to win anything this year anyway- Weeden is a bust, they only have one or two decent receivers, their offense is a mess. They're blowing it up and getting trying to undo a the damage done by Holmgren.

  3. As far as I know there is 1 kicker in the hall of fame, Jan Stenerud, and no punters. There are 247 members...


    I knew it was a something pathetic like that but I didn't realize it was that pathetic. So do we say the HOF is to celebrate the more popular stat orientated/glam positions or is it simply that offense and defensive players are on the field more so therefore contribute more.Of course o-line players have often been overlooked and they get more snaps than most RB's and the like.

    With that thought- the HOF mainly celebrates the high profile players and often ignores the less stat oriented positions regardless of contribution to the game- what does it matter anyway.

    Certainly there are great lineman in the hall but to bring it back to Tasker, guys like him are overlooked and ignored mainly due to the lack of stats kept for the position to parade around in front of the voters. His lack of snaps is due because of position not talent just like a kicker/punter. That shouldn't detract from considering their contribution but rather more consideration should be given to the contribution.

  4. Tasker was a great special teams player, but special teams only players just don't get into the hall. They don't play enough downs and there hasn't been one yet who has made anywhere near the impact that a regular offensive or defense player has over the course of his career. Consider the impact that Jim Kelly or Bruce Smith had on games versus what Tasker could do with only maybe 10 plays total.


    I'd like to see Reed get in as the last member of the Buffalo Super Bowl teams but I think it's unlikely. There are just so many great WR who are not yet in the hall. I think that successful WRs are viewed more a products of passing systems, great quarterbacks and rules changes in coverage so you really have to stand out to make it. Jimmy Johnson once said that Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith are a great players, Michael Irvin is a great player when he has Troy Aikman. I think that sums up many voters thinking.


    I never considered playing time when I was formulating my opinion. I agree somewhat, he wasn't an every down player like jim or Bruce and so many others although his phase of the game isn't on the field to run as many plays as offense or defense but is considered 1/3'rd of the game and he exelled evrytime. In his aspect of the game he made a tremendous impact and I believe his play helped to elevate the importance of special teams that we see today- not to take anything away from the coaches he was fortunate to play for.


    How many kickers` are in the hall? I'm too lazy to look it up. Shouldn't Jason Elam get in first ballot although he didn't have as many snaps as Elway? He has stats to back him up too.

  5. My argument is this: Tasker is considered the special special teamer ever by the majority of pundits out there. There aren't really any stats to keep track of special teamers other than tackles and return yardage and much like anO ineman often take the shaft when it comes to this sort of thing.

    Jerry Rice best WR ever- look at the stats he's in

    Bruce Smith - best De and holds the sack record- look at the stats he's in

    Dan Marino, Peyton Manning when its his time, there's a long list

    Steve Tasker- best special teamer ever but nothing on paper to back it up- sorry can't help ya

    Andre was a great reciever most certainly and I hope gets in someday I'm more upset that Tasker doesn't come close to getting in. Sure, his "position" was wide reciever and his stats as WR don't compare but his role on the team was a special teamer but he doesn't get the consideration largely due to the lack of stats although he is widely considered the best ever special teamer.


    This is just one mans opinion so feel free to sling poop and flame away but intelligent arguments are always welcome as there may me a side I haven't seen and I enjoy being edumacated.


    Please excuse my poor typing and sentence structure

  6. “That goes right on me,” Jauron said. “It backfired, clearly, and caused us to lose the game.

    “It turns out to be one of those times in the game that’s good for a pass,” explained Jauron. “If it’s incomplete, you don’t give them any more time.”


    Could someone make sense of that last sentence for me.??



    There's was 2:06 left on the clock,if it goes incomplete it's the 2 minute warning so anyway so we don't give them extra clock stoppage. The play call was fine and is quite common to call a pass in that situation. Losman should have gotten rid of it instead of trying to make a big play. collinsworth really ripped him on FNA.


    Anywho - everyone wants Jauron fired so this just a good excuse to hate without logic. Not that I want Jauron next year....

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