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Posts posted by therealcrack

  1. I never in a million years thought I would own a Terrell Owens jersey, let alone a bills T.O jersey. I know its a one year contract and I probably won't wear it after this season, but hell I just purchased a throwback.


    Anyhow, the bills marketing department is pushing the hell out of these things via email, text and on the front page of bb.com. So my question is who has puchased, is planning to purchase or is tossing around the idea of buying a T.O jersey.


    PS: Tape over the back of your James Hardy, Peerless Price, Rodney Trafford :thumbdown: or Bobby Shaw jersey doesn't count.



    I bought one right after the signing on Saturday for 2 reasons:

    1) With the TO signing, the FO is at least showing more of a serious commitment to winning this year. I respect that and have longed for that, so I'll do my part in financially supporting the team.

    2) It's TO on the BILLS!!! If it ends up only being one year, it'll still be worth it to me as a collectors item. Just cool to have.

  2. "Buffalo Bills football practice was delayed nearly two hours late this morning after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Dick Jauron immediately suspended practice while police and federal agents were called to investigate.


    After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance, unknown to the players, was the goal line.



    Practice was resumed this afternoon after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.."

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