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hooski 1

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Posts posted by hooski 1

  1. Jeez! I guess we ought to just forfeit on Sunday! Our secondary is depleted, we've lost 3 games and now we're ready to run Edwards, Jauron, Fewell and Schonert outta town, we're going to a building we've never one in, a city we haven't won in in 8 years, and our confidence is at an all time low. Hell, we may as well just bend over for the Patriots, like we're they're little bitches! I mean, we lost four straight SuperBowls, they've won 3 and went undefeated in the regular season last year. Gosh! We don't stand a chance given all that.....or.......maybe.....we circle the wagons once again.....
    I'm sorry I don't give the patsys a lick of credit for those superbowls after spygate.....and they were still doing it last year seriousy, do you think they could really have crushed us and other teams the way they did ...com'on wake up... sometimes I wonder if tb is really injured still, or thats what they decided to do because they knew they would suck without cameras, so this would give them the excuse.......to <_<:ph34r:
  2. I'm not a JP supporter, I'm a Bills fan. When JP had fumbles or Int's and people defended him, everyone just accused them of making excuses for their boy. Trent, has now given away two straight division games. He is doing exactly what he did last year of having a strong first few games, and then mediocre at best. I'm sorry, but Trent has not proved anything yet.


    Now, I know there are some "Trent can do no wrong" fans out there. So please, defend the guy who just wasted a 4-1 start to me.


    Bills from 1-3 in last 4 games. Playoffs?!?!?!

    no I think turk don't know what the hells he's calling. Turning point of the game, 3rd and 1 at the jets 15 or 20 pass to end zone over thrown and miss on 4th and 1 with the run. In adiv. game you can't take these chances on 3rd and 1 just run and get that 1 yard. Now once again we are made to look fools in front of the whole country again....... maybe they should just leave Buff. it would save us disgrace........

  3. is, we can't run the ball. Discuss.

    no, it just seemed like Dick expected to loss , why didn't we go for two after Lynch's TD, that right there makes me really wonder about the Bills, wait maybe about the whole NFL... you tell me when in history has calls been so noticeably wrong now commmm-on really fans got to start realizing this......If we don't win one of our next two games ..it's a soon trip to the golf course just like past years........ ROYAL SHOULD BE GONE AFTER THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Whitner is going to be moving to free safety, while Scott is taking over the starting SS role...I have really liked Scott over the past year and a half---he always seems to make plays when he is in there...


    Wilson is now considered the backup, while Simpson has dropped to 4th...injuries aside has Simpson's play left that much to be desired to have 2 players move ahead of him on the depth chart?? Very surprising he has fallen the way he has...

    Ko will move back up, he's always came up and and impressed coaches after they said he wasn't as good. From his days at Rock Hill high, in R.H. South Carolina, to N.D. Fighting Irish, and in his rookie season..... :lol:

  5. Kitna is an awful quarterback and totally delusional about his own skills. He is inaccurate, makes terrible decisions with the football, takes bad sacks, fumbles when sacked, and is as arrogant as they come.


    No team is better with him on it.

    but one thing about Kitna, he's always beat'in our Bills no matter what team he's been on :lol:

  6. I keep on seeing alot of fault being put on one mans shoulders.....



    So to those who believe this loss was on JP...please name me one play .... JUST ONE that occured before the Royal fumble...that cost us this game...??

    Im not blaming JP, our defense could't stop anything. Plus it was't that Royals knee didn't touch, but the ground can not cause a fumble, and as everybody watching could see the ball didn't come out till his hand with the ball hit the ground....

    don't worry about this game.......

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