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Spirit of '66

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Posts posted by Spirit of '66

  1. Even though I'm a lifelong Bills fan, this is my favorite cover:







    I'd be in the picture but Sam Perkins is blocking me from the camera. I was in college, helping out as a "runner" for the media types, so we got to sit in any empty seat on press row. My girlfriend's sweater (blue and white striped) is visible just under #4's elbow. The cover of SI: so close, yet so far.

  2. Maybe nix is looking to establish a reputation as a get to the point negotiator. He likely had talks with New Orleans and said, "we're tradinig Lynch, make your best offer" and N.O. gave him a low ball offer. Now everyone knows to make your best offer. It could benefit Nix in the long run.


    And, having gambled on the low ball offer and lost, New Orleans front office is trying to save face by claiming they weren't done negotiating.

  3. Thanks for the heads up. Moch has amazing speed and might be an intriguing pick in Rd 3. We might get a feel for how well Castonzo holds up against a speed rusher.


    I was concerned early in the season that Carimi (OT- Wisc) might struggle against speed, but he held up well in the Rose Bowl.

  4. I'm not in favor of booing McKelvin, the guy knows he f---ed up big time, all I hope for is that he learns from it and plays hard to redeem himself.


    But as for those saying he shouldnt be blame for the loss, whatever scenario you guys try to come up with to not blame it on him, I just don't buy it. When the Pats kicked off there was only one play preventing us from winning , and it was fumbling the ball, and he goes out with the ball and fumbles. In any players mind before that play, he has to be thinking: "Whatever I do, don't fumble the ball, that's all I got to do, either take a knee or if I go out with the ball, just don't fumble." And we all know what happened....




    I agree with your analysis "all he had to do was not fumble." Ideally, he returns the ball to burn the 2 minute warning but goes down outside the 20 as soon as anyone comes near him.


    What irritates me with these athletes is they repeatedly show that your first sentence is not as self-contradictory as it seems. On its face, if McKelvin knows he messed up, you wouldn't have to worry about him learning from it. Knowing it was a mistake would imply not doing it again. But McKelvin has indicated that he doesn't know he messed up. He said he would do it the same way again, and again, and again.


    With today's athlete, you have to worry that he doesn't know (or care) that he messed up. For the athlete, the benefits (individual adulation, big bucks) of making a great play outweigh the downside (the team loses) of a risky play. So, for McKelvin, the benefit of a big run back was much more enticing than the (so what) risk of the team losing from a fumble.


    He's playing hard enough; I would rather McKelvin play intelligently to redeem himself.



    And one more thing. I think I heard a commentator say "Good decision -- the risk of fumbling was very, very small." AAAAAAAGH. Just two kickoffs before, McKelvin had fumbled a kickoff!!!!!!

  5. Too bad our starters suck!

    So far in 3 preseason games:

    Starters.....Bills Opponent 41 - Bills 3

    Backups....Bills Opponent 28 - Bills 63



    Maybe the Bills should lobby the NFL for a rule that every player has to play at least 50% of the time. It works for my 8 year old daughter's soccer league.

  6. This stream only makes me more sure that . . .


    the rule that allows a team to defer the decision to kick or receive is the dumbest rule in sports. We're talking about a 50/50 ccoin toss to start a game. Just choose and start the game for god's sake. Why add complications to it? If it is a big advantage to win the toss, then something ought to be done to change the format. A game should not be decided by a coin toss. The fact that we are reasonably debating whether it is a strategic advantage to choose in the first half or the second half proves that it isn't that big a deal.


    What's next? A preliminary coin flip to see who calls the final coin flip? Perhaps we could allow a deferral by that winner , too. That way, the winner of the prelim toss could elect to defer, making the other team call the final flip.


    Maybe the winner of the MLB All Star game could decide who gets to call the preliminary toss.



  7. Love this post.


    I would stop short of calling him a top 5 coach in the NFL, but the man is an excellent quiet leader. His teams almost always look prepared and motivated on gameday. The personnel this year looks far better than its been during his time in Buffalo, and the host of young players he's been forced to play now have some experience.


    Bottom line, I'm expecting at least 9 wins, and the only way we don't get there is if Edwards lets us all down. JMO



    Boone and Dreamy Dan,


    Set your car keys down and have someone else drive you home. DJ might be a very honorable, nice person, but he is not a good head coach. Met some Bears fans the other day who said DJ's 13-3 season in Chicago was the luckiest 13 they'd ever seen.

  8. Drafted in 2002. Has dealt with injuries over the last few seasons. A downgrade from Peters, I think, but an upgrade over what they currently have.


    I'll second that. Jones was a first rounder. Has been slowed by injuries alot. He was replaced by some raw talents last year. Bengals really blew it by opting to pay Jones instead of Eric Steinbach (CLE) in a money decision two years ago.

  9. Born in '62. My dad and grandfather went to the Bills-Pats game the night I was born. 40 years later, to the day, my dad and I went to see the Bills-Pats game.


    Growing up we went to a church that was one block from the Rockpile. I remember once a season my dad and I would pack a lunch and walk over to the game. I vaguely remember seeing Johnny Unitas play there.


    Does anyone remember the coordinated effort fans had to catch extra point kicks and relay the ball out the top of the stands?

  10. Do you have a relative who has the first name "Stuck?"




    I grew up in WNY. My formative years were the 70's so the "Fins can kiss my . . .


    Moved to Cincy in 1988: the Bengals beat the Bills in preseason, regular season and AFC Championship game that year. So, the Bengals rank right down with Miami for me. The Super Bowl years were sweet revenge, and the Bengals have stunk since 1990.


    Thank god for Direct TV NFL ticket package.

  11. The name Jests was self-inflicted. Two clowns in the stands at the SD v. NY game held up placards that spelled J-E-S-T.



    BTW, has anyone developed a way to measure the over hype the Jets receive EVERY YEAR? Is there anyone outside of NYC that was surprised by how bad the Jests are?

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