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Posts posted by BornandRaised

  1. I have been thinking alot about why the Bills are always getting hurt....it occurred to me that a lack of quality backups is contributing to this. If you have poor depth you ride your starters hard. If you backups are option 1A material, your probably don't lose any players. You would think it would all level out in that with the injuries the Bills have you develop the depth. But anytime somebody gets good they let em go during free agency because they can't pay them. My two cents anyway.

  2. NFL Sunday Ticket. You can see every game legally and reliably.


    Really....I may have to move then. I am one of these unfortunate people in Syracuse who got tossed into the blackout radius a few years back because a sliver of the broadcast reaches inside the blackout radius. Total Money grab and it still bothers me. Technology exists so they know where my house is and should let me see the game at my house... but alas some BS about "you have to be inline with what the local station is showing" because the Franchise grants them that right.


    And don't even get me started on last week, when the game was not blacked out but because it was on fox, they could not show a game at 1PM competing with the CBS game. Somebody has to explain that to me. Thus I hate it when Buffalo plays NFC teams. It happens sometimes but not always.

  3. With the Bills starting their tailgating crackdown I wanted to see what others thought


    I've been going to Bills games since I was 5 years old... so I've been going for almost 30 years, my dad took me to games and we had some of the best times going and tailgating and rooting for the team, good or bad. And it is a shame with what is going on... when I was a little kid my dad didn't take me to the rowdy places like the pinto (which I don't actually think is that bad compared to some others). Just like you wouldn't take a little kid into a bar.


    He taught me right from wrong and the proper ways to do things. If anything, seeing those things every once and a while and my dad explaining to me what I should or shouldn't do probably helped me in life instead of living a sanitized sterile childhood.


    I think there is plenty of room at a Bills game for families and the people who want to party, if anything the crowd is far less rowdy than it used to be. The rowdiness of the tailgaters is what gives the Ralph its party atmosphere and what makes the games worth going to. It makes it an event. If I want to watch the game in a quieter environment I can watch on my couch and save over $100 a game. If you want to see rowdy and crazy go see a European soccer game, that makes our football crowds look quiet.


    So basically I think the Ralph is a fine place to bring your family for a game... should you bring them everywhere? Or course not, but nor should you bring your kids everywhere you go in your normal life either. If you kill the "event experience" at a Bills game, you kill most of the reason to go to the game


    EDIT: I just wanted to add that when I was little we sat in the endzone and upper deck, so I saw my share of crazy... now I sit in sec 134 so I am definitely not one of the wild partiers, I just love the atmosphere of going to the games



    I won't take my 8 year old which is depressing. Some people are already jerks sober and then they get blitzed it gets worse. Last 4 games I went to I have had at least one person within rows of me that was either talking about hunting down and killing the official( all game long, like every play) or saying inappropriate ( very detailed ) things to every woman walking up the isle. When someone in our section did finally say something to the "kill the ref guy", he turned his ire to him and started grousing about him being a tub of crap ( that was the entire second half) and then he followed him out early to fight him. I mean what the heck is wrong with some people. My obervation is the guys I always have a problem with are blizted beyond belief. Its a tuff problem as I like put back my share of beers at the tailgate as well but I never turn into a idiot (says me). The only time I had a no issues like this at a game was when we lucked into 50 yard lines seats 23 rows up for the bills oilers playoff game. Everyone there were season ticket holders and it made a difference. If I owned the team, I would look for drunks and not let them in if they are above .12 BAC. Yeah that is higher than the driving limit but I am just trying to guess here what the ahole limit is. Course they can get lit up in the stadium as well. But doing something at the door would reduce the ahole count even getting in.

  4. Believe me. I don't care if he throws 180 and a TD. If he looks shaky, indecisive and bewildered, and throws 180 or 200 and 1 TD, I still want him gone. Let Fitzpatrick finish the year out.



    No way. We know Fitz is not the answer long term. Why do we want to win more games and get a worse draft pick? If your going to pull Trent then go with Broom. We may lose even more or maybe find out if that guy can play. We ain't making the playoffs with any of them this year anyway. So if you are thinking next year already...find out if Broom can play. I hope I am wrong and they win 10 games. Last week was depressing...Yet another game they stay in long enough to make you watch the entire game...only to lose.

  5. There's an earlier thread based on this prediction. Read the comments to the story -- nobody is buying that argument


    Yup saw the comments. The way this came to me just fried me. I was just reading the news on cnn and happened to catch the link under sports. As I am opening it I am thinking please don't be the Bills. Hey like I should care. I hope they have a great year and stick it to the national media.

  6. I love how GW refused to run our #2 rated 3-4 when he coached here, opting to blow it up to run his inane, beloved 46 scheme, which only works when you have 8 pro-bowlers on defense.


    Now, of course he's flexible with his personnel and schemes. Nice.


    Wow I just started twicthing when reading this. #2 D the year before. His answer to that was, "who was number #1"...we are changing. He was done before he even started.

  7. Take a look at this video. According to the NFL gamebook, the ball was at the Bills' 35-yard line. Now while the ball is rarely ever exactly on the yard line (and it looks like it's snapped at the 36, although centers usually bring the ball closer to them when they snap it), it's within half a yard of the yard line mentioned on either side, i.e. it's between the 35.5 and 34.5 yard line. At :19 Welker catches the ball and the ball is in his arm and clearly down at the 26 yard line. So he's short of the first down, and it said 3rd and 1. Now look at what the ref does at :30. And voila, it's an automatic first down!


    Also notice how far behind the LOS LT Matt Light lines-up on the play. Pathetic, but typical.




    I agree with the other forum member in that the yellow line must have been wrong and the Pats did go ten yards. The most important thing to remember here is that if they had not gone 10 yards, Jauron would have been all over it and challenged the spot of the ball. At that critical point in the game these guys check everything and have always been on the ball. ;)

  8. lets look at last years line - Walker was OK and our best performer overall, Butler was ok as a pass blocker but was occasionally bull rushed and really struggled to get any movement in the rush game, Fowler and Preston were just below average athletes, Dockery had some talent but most of the time didn't seem to have his head in the game, wiffed on some important plays, Peters had immense talent but there are two common reactions to feeling underpaid, some say I'll work so hard they will have to give me a raise, others say screw this and start doing the minimum to avoid being fired and steal office supplies, Peters was the latter.


    Our new line? lets see, well Hangartner is better than Fowler or Preston, Rookie guards have a history of playing pretty well, but at OT? make a list of all the starting LTs and RTs and put Walker and Butler where you think they fit, the result is not pretty- you going to keep in TEs to block? teams will just send more pass rushers or have double coverage on both wide-outs.


    I still don't understand the logic of moving Walker to left tackle, why down grade two positions when you could have just screwed up one.


    My big problem with the O-line the last 6 years will be highlighted with a question. When was the last time the Bills were first and goal on the 3 yard line and you had complete confidence they would punch it in with the run? or 3rd and 1 from anywhere on the field? or 4th and inches?

  9. Folks seem to forget Jason Peters has only been playing OL for 3 years. One at RT and close to two at LT. He was a TE in college. We talk about him like he is going to be stuck at his current probowl level for years to come. He is still on the way up, which was frustrating that he missed camp. This year his sitting out really hurt him and the entire line. Give him some time, there is a good chance he will actually perform to that level and really earn it.


    As for the front office. Come up with a contract that is acceptable to Petey that gives him a big raise in the offseason. But not elite tackle money. Say 4 or 5 years in length, share with him that you don't think he has arrived yet but he does deserve more than he is getting paid. Put some escalator clauses or voidable years in so he won't be stuck with this non elite contract if he does become elite. Remember the Bills have a ton of leverage with this guy. He has to play for the next two years to get $$. Give him some money now...we can keep him longer vs waiting until he is FA in 2 years and then trying to sign him.


    As for Petey screwing up on the now infamous jets play. I don't have TVo or DVI and was not paying attention to him on the play. I only remember DJ saying in an interview that JP should have read the guy being free during the pre-snap read and know he was coming. Full back not open...you toss the ball away. Does not sound like Peters was supposed to pick him the up then. I have not gone back to the replay to look for myself.

  10. I agree -- I thought it was a great call. But no blocking, and Losman screwed it up. :wallbash:


    Interesting points !!! If they had scored...it would have been the greatest play call ever. Here is the problem I have with it. It was losman under center. Coach made it seem like it was a conservative pass with his description in the news. Toss to full back...if he is not open then throw it away. JP did not and also did not sense the backside preasure...which again according to coach...he should have read almost immediately. So in a nutshell...Edwards back there, I don't have as much of a problem with the call. JP, with his wonderful pocket sense, dummest call of all time and they should have known better. These guys (coaches) are too smart for their own good. They call plays like their system can't be beat and ignores who is in the game. Heck I could come in a run the game these coaches are so good. :devil: Also, the JETS were wopped. Marshawn and Fred pushing them at least 3 yards after contact for the entire 4th quarter.


    Also, somebody else mentioned, they like it...going for the win. Well a pass in the flat to the fullback is not going for the win. That is going for 6 yards they would have go with two runs.

  11. They have taken a big step backwards, to be sure. Fewell isn't making any attempt to change the defensive scheme when the Bills are getting ripped with the passing game and the offensive line, which is where it all starts, or stops, is just ponderous. They couldn't even make a 6 inch push on 4th and inches. This team is not showing the ability to make any changes on offense or defense and that does not bode well.


    That was a crappy spot on the 4th down run. That would have been a good place for a replay.

  12. How do we stop the short passing game? Arizona did it to us...Farvra did it to us. I would rather see a few penalties called because your DB's are smacking guys in the face at the line of scrimage then watch 6 yards gains over and over again. We don't intimidate anyone. Bills need a W next week in NE or they may not have time to learn how to run block before it is too late.

  13. I think they should build a new stadium in that quarry you can see from I90 near Batavia that is open enough on the ends to make the sheer rock walls visible and that is sunken low enough withing the quarry so the rock walls on the sides are visible rising above the upper deck.


    The name? the Rockpile of course


    It would also be substantially closer to Rochester, Syracuse, Utica and Albany as compared to Orchard Park.

    As I currently live in the CUS, this would be good for travel time for me but as I grew up in Buffalo, I am interested in the idea of building something unique to the World right on the waterfront in Buffalo.

  14. Actually - it is vision like this that is needed. I bet the guys who built Las Vegas into what it is as well as Walt Disney would not consider it far fetched. It is structurally tough, but probably just as importantly, questionable due to the shared border - would everyone attending a game need a passport or greencard?


    Yeah so this is where you need to make it work with Homeland and Canadian boarder officials. Just like entering the stadium, you are searched before getting in the tubes to be people moved over. So smuggling would be no issue. Someone might enter the game on Canadian side and leave via the us side without being interviewed by a customer agent so that is a downer. However, lets face it, it is pretty dang easy for someone to get into USA via Canada if they really want to.

  15. Pretty cool idea actually. What you save on the cost of land would probably not cover the cost of pilings in the lake. Also where would people park?


    My thought would be to tear down some of that lakefront steal leftover stuff just over the skyway and make it into the parking/people mover departure place/fan zone etc for the new stadium. You could develop that area with some unique attraction as well.

  16. Interesting idea, but what about one thing Buffalo/Canada is never short of? ICE. I would worry about ice flows hitting stuff, and the cooling, heating, cooling thing. I would also worry about some soft of disaster/terror event. That's a whole lot of people stuck in one place.


    But, it would certainly be cool. :lol: If they could solve all the engineering problems, it might even work. But, that's a very, very big IF. You're right about one thing, it would certainly be an icon. While I have real problems believing in the veracity of man-made global warming(nobody has been very convincing, and "because I said so" doesn't count with me), there's no reason not to do green stuff if it makes sense economically.


    Yeah I see the point. As for Terror, probably not much more risk than OP stadium. Sure they can come by boat, put you put something in place to keep boats from getting close enough. As for ICE, thinking about the tech they are working on for building a bridge between alaska and Russia. http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/engin...nteractive.html

    Concrete piers have a flare to them so they act like an upsidedown ice breaker. Moving ice would be lifted up and break under its own weight.


    As for global warming, man made or not, I don't think anyone can dispute the accelerated ice loss at the poles. Whether man caused it or not, do we let nature takes its coarse if sea level is going to rise a bunch?

    On the other hand, let it happen, then Lake Erie won't freeze over and we can use cheaper concrete in this project. :lol:

  17. wheres the profit? who in buffalo can afford to pay $10,000 PSL fees and tickets over 100$/game to cover the bill. Or they could just raise taxes in WNY to foot the bill. :lol:


    Details Details...I just have the vision. Someone else can figure out how to pay for it. :lol:


    Or potentially, the business that we get to open up shop to build the thing for green tech would help with tickets.(the employees with new jobs would pay more for them) Bob Congel is pushing a similar concept with Destiny USA mall in Syracuse. Make this mall be a green benazza (sp?) and get all the companies showcasing their tech at the mall in a big green buisiness park and make Sryacase the green silicon valley of the east. Lets steal that idea and do it in Buffalo. I am sick of hearing how crappy western NY is, small market, no money, no buisiness. Drives me nuts.


    Easy access from Canada would also help. Don't ask me how to figure out the crossing the boarder thing if the stadium is technically half way between Canada and the US. Would people going to stadium have to pass through customs of both countries for example?


    We would host the bowl for sure.

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