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Posts posted by Trent=Answer

  1. I see a pattern of not paying the players, way to create team spirit.


    Certain players dont deserve to be paid.. aka jason peters if that what your refering to be not paying


    Fast freddy deserves a new deal and we should pay him


    but to think that paying players creates team spirit is idiotic... paying players creates lazy half ass productivity and all it does is make everyone else on the team think they deserved to be paid


    getting paid is what broke up the ravens this year.. when that stayed on the team not getting paid big money to win a ring is what team spirit is all about .. we need that kind of intensity.. minus ray lewis who actually does kill people

  2. I know for a fact the Bills FO does not like Parker.



    Parker is a jackass filling his ignorant client with false hope of a large contract... peters doesnt deserve big money until he provides output. As much as i hate the idea of the bills always trading away talent.. this is a troublesome player that is not worth the investment. The NFL is a bussiness which means that if you sign a contract worth sh-- because you are sh-- then you honor it until its over. Then you work your ass off to get a better contract and you get paid. We took a risk on Jason and he thinks all of a sudden un drafted means the highest paided player.


    I think what is best for the bills is that we trade him for whatever we can get, even as low as a late 1st round pick. I would love to say we should keep his stupid ass and make him honor out his 2 year deal by not showing till week 10.. which would be professional sucide by jason but it is not the best option for the bills even though it would screw him

  3. I don't think that jason peters is by any means worth 11 million dollars a year. I think 10 million with all the bonuses included would still be a strech but more acceptable. I doubt he takes that though.


    My biggest question though is for all those who thinks a trade will happen with philly.. what makes philly more apt to pay 11 million a year and give up a first round pick?


    I guess I must be missing something.. if the bills wont pay him 11 mil.. why would philly pay 11 mil and give up a first rder?


    If we can get a first rounder for peters.. ship his lazy ass off.. bad character and a big head. Someone should remind him that he wasn't even drafted and still hasn't preformed at a consistant pro bowl level (year after year.. last year was a joke)

  4. I think the bills front office should at least discuss bringing in Jerry Porter. If the price isn't outrageous then I say bring him in. yea he caused problems in Jax, so he will be more likely to behave with his new team. Plus last time I checked, Josh Reed is our number two receiver and hardy is on the verge of a bust and probably will not be back until the season starts. The only light in the tunnel is that Stevie Johnson looked impressive. On that note we need a solid number two wide reciever and it looks like free agency is going to be the only way to address it.

  5. ... thinks we have a snowball's chance in hell of beating the Pats?

    They've never won in Gillette stadium.

    They've lost like the last 13 out of 14 against them.

    The Bills are on a downward spiral.

    The Bills have ZERo running game.

    The Bills have no second receiver.

    Bills will have no Scobel AND no Whitner.

    Pats have the mental edge (after dominating us for years)

    Pats are the more physical team, Bills look soft as a marshmallow.


    I'll be pulling for them as always, but this has MASSACRE written all over it.

    Somebody give me some reasons we can win this thing...please...... :thumbsup:



    You just gotta Billieve.. plus the pats blow and have an ancient defense

  6. Royal really is miserable. The guys got no moves whatsoever, fumbles all the time and has terrible footwork, as anyone who remembers that tennessee game from a year or so ago.


    Mckelvin will get better but I do think hes aweful at the kick return, get mccgee back that, please anyone but mckelvin. Everytime he touches the damn ball I feel like hes going to fumble.

  7. There has been no news and doubt there will be. Bills have a bye and during bye week they have no need to declare certain information. Hopefully front office and players will not feel need to "anonymously" reveal information to "friendly" press and let San Diego wonder.



    Yea as much as it sucks not having a clue whats going on, I hope we dont find out until the Sunday of the san diego game and lets hope SD game plans for JP

  8. I have been constantly looking around for updates on Trent Edwards health and everything I read is lacking description or negative. Is trent going to be back in action against San Diego or is it unlikely? I figured 2 weeks would be enough time to recover from a concussion but now im not sure.. This article makes me nervous.. If we have to go another week with JP lousyman as our qb we will be well on our way to 4-2. Its not that jp played terrible himself and himself alone on sunday, i just feel like the whole team lacks inspiration when hes at the helm. He really just doesnt have timing acuracy or any real ability to play the game, unless you count chucking a ball up in the air as high as you can and hoping someone catches it.






    This guys are also stupid too, playing against 2 teams with their head coaches job in jeopardy made it a more difficult game for the bills. They changed game plans and mentalities 180 degrees in order to do anything they could to win. They pretty much made us disregard our game plans and thats why we sucked until the second half.

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