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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. More on this, for the reading-comprehension impaired:


    Faulk never averaged over 4.1 yards/carry in Indy, and the team never managed better than a 9-7 record. They give him -- GIVE HIM -- to the Rams for 2nd- and 5th-round picks; once in St. Louis, all he does is average well over 5 yards/carry his first three seasons and help lead the team to two Super Bowls (winning one).


    Hence -- in my opinion, the Colts didn't use him as well as they could have.


    Don't know how much simpler I can make it.


    its all about team.....the rams offense was much the better hence offensive players numbers will rise.........


    when youre one dimensional defenses can focus on your only dimension


    stick to reporting the news cause your analysis stinks

  2. Yeah, but he was still a Colt in the Wade/Cottrell era. MarshallMarshallMarshall had decent numbers in Indy, but I never thought they used him as well as they could/should have...


    :ph34r: he carried the colts on his back while manning learned the nfl game

  3. ...with all the so called 'Whiz Kids' landing head coaching jobs (Mangini, Peyton) from Coordinator positions.. how is it no one seems to be talking about Dick Lebeau?? Talk about a great fit for the Bills. The guy had Head Coahing experience, is defensive minded AND has ties to Buffalo. (Although only for a year or two.. forget exactly when he left) I'd take him over anyone the Bills have interviewed so far.


    Now since I'm new to the boards.. I'll just throw my two cents out here on a couple other topics.


    Head Coach: My preference.. LeBeau, Haslett, Sherman, April.. in that order. (of course, they haven't interviewed my 2 top choices.)


    Nate Clements: Offer him $3 Million a season for 4-5 years.. if he doesn't take it, let him walk.


    #8 Draft Pick: Oregon DT.. just a read a little about the guy.. we HAVE to get him.


    Our O'Line: Move Williams to guard, make him take a paycut, and make him beat out Preston/Anderson/Teague for a starting spot.. otherwise cut him loose.


    Moulds: Sorry Eric, you've been one hell of a Buffalo Bill for 10 years, but your pay no longer equals your production on the field. Chalk it up to J.P.'s inexperience all you want, but this kid is going to be in Buffalo alot longer than Kelly Holcomb. Cut his pay to $1 Million a season, and he can stay.. otherwise I'll be rooting for you next year in a Phili or San Diego uniform.


    Thanks for listening..




    if they get ngata i hope he pans out....many from the pac 10 at his postition have been hearalded but none have lived to expectations since keith millard


    I think some coaches......dick lebeau.......are given shots as head coaches and then it is learned they are best suited as life long coordinators

  4. Perhaps you could start a poll in the OT forum about it. :o


    Seriously, though, don't do that. :D


    very good idea........i know you have witnessed plenty of super bowls in your favor, but i'd like to see the new digs before i witness my first


    ps....there is nothing wrong with letting the other members vote on it........they view it more than you anyway...........if it's anything, it's unselfish

  5. Everyone's looking for the next Gruden or Reid, but I'd be willing to bet at least a couple of the teams listed above will find out they've ended up with the next Mornhinweg or Gilbride instead.





    wow! thats a bold statement....how much you want to put on it........i bet they all win the super bowl next season :o

  6. guys, if you havent noticed i picked this avatar up just as soon as i returned from dunkin donuts the other morning, and much to my surprise saw mike sherman eating a boston creme........


    for fear of any news crews arriving shortly i fled with only a handshake and well wishes..................i think sherman could be a step in the right direction for the buffalo bills

  7. Anyone ever had a similiar operation?  I actually injured my shoulder in June and since I'm a dumbass, I refused to believe I was really hurt and did not do anything about it.  If anyone has had a similiar operation I would really apreciate knowing what to expect as far as recovery time, mobility, etc.  My doc says my arm will have to be immobilized for 6-8 weeks after surgery so this should be quite an adventure.


    at least you didnt tear your tito landrum....i've only dislocated.........shoulders need a lot of work.........just rehab like the tell you and keep doing after they turn you loose

  8. The Dolphins will likely bring in experienced offensive coordinators such as Mike Mularkey, who resigned from the Bills recently and has ties to the area. -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel



    not necessarily........it's human nature to be embarrassed when you are thought of as inferior, and motivates you to be better...........

  9. Except for the Chiefs' trade for Herm Edwards, every other head coach hired so far this offseason is a first-timer:


    Jets - Mangini

    Rams - Linehan

    Vikings - Childress

    Packers - McCarthy

    Saints - Payton

    Lions - Marinelli


    If the Kubiak rumors are true (and I have no reason to doubt them), add the Texans to that list, too. Everyone's looking for the next Gruden or Reid, but I'd be willing to bet at least a couple of the teams listed above will find out they've ended up with the next Mornhinweg or Gilbride instead.


    If Sherman and Jauron are their top two choices, RCW and Marv would seem to be thinking that some previous HC experience is a GOOD thing. (Either that, or they know they can't 'sell' the idea of hiring a third consecutive novice HC.)




    my thoughts........who cares whats the point..................experience or not the coach that gets a new head coaching position is unproven to his new team.......

  10. It brings you back to the Stadium Wall selection screen. If you are in PPP, Consumer Form, or whatever, you get thrown back to the TSW header. Along with the pleasure of thumping Willis on the noggin. <_<


    instead of clicking twobillsdrive.com in blue letters.......well its not much of a short cut but i guess there is no reason to be accurate with the mouse anymore

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