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Posts posted by mot_the_Hoople

  1. The families are an issue in that it gives an indication of how the candidate thinks. I question the thinking of a women who volunteers to go back to work 3 days after giving birth, and a disabled child at that, and has 4 other kids at home. Has her duties as governor, and potentially VP, caused her oldest daughter to have to take over the role of mother? Is the daughter's pregnancy a cry for attention, or thinking that if she has to play the mother role, she might as well be one? And knowing the daughter is pregnant, is it the best idea for the family to put them in the national spotlight? What about spending time with the daughter during this traumatic time in her life?


    It's a fact that most mothers are the primary caregivers in families, especially with babies. Their job is tougher than most fathers in that respect. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. Most women would cherish the opportunity to spend time with their newborn baby if given the chance. I've spoken with women who feel the same way and question how she could do an effective job being both VP and mother. This isn't a 8 to 5 job with sick days and personal days to attend to family business. A VP has to be ready for duty 24/7. One woman interviewed in a group on tv said, "If she wants to take away time from her family for political office, that's her business. But if she has to take away time from political office for her family, that's our business.".

    Will Obama be able to give his children all the time they need? I ask because some have brought up that point.

  2. Hello all,


    I took the time to read most of the posts in your forum today and I must say it is refreshing to read such political takes from you. You are lucky to have the race that you do with candidates that you can rally around and truly believe in what they are saying.


    In Canada we have an election coming up in October and I can distinguish one leader from the next, all mumbly, sleep-inspiring, slightly left-of-center or right-of-center milquetoast leaders.


    I only wish we had the race you do.

    The race is over here

  3. Ok, that's good point, but is that part of what they believe as a platform as a main tenet or is it just a nutcase saying that? Should Obama now shun the Catholic Church and alienate voters because of Phelgler's statements?

    he needs to come out and distance herself from this languange and the church that invited the person to speak. That isn't just stupid talk its hate speech

  4. What did I miss? What's wrong with Jews for Jesus and how is that wrong? How can you compare a group that tries to convert people to what they think is salvific and does no harm and cause no bigotry to a church in Chicago which believes whites are devils unless they believe whites should be in subjection to blacks?


    Again, what did I miss?

    did you read the article? Its very bad stuff

  5. Brickner also described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity.


    "Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. It's very real. When [brickner's son] was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment — you can't miss it."


    Is this enough? I would hope she comes out and says something about this. This is way over the top for her to be anything part of.

  6. What were she and her husband doing associating with these people that wanted to break up the nation? Obama took a lot of heat for that nut Wright that I think Palin should come out and explain her association with these separitists. I hope the news media is fair and gives this person a platform to explain his views. Wright was on all the news shows, I hope these seperatist come out of their cave and expalin why Palin and them hate the government she wants to lead. Obama took a lot of heat for his flag pin and these guys have spit on the flag. And before some of you go off and tell me I don't kown what I'm talking about just look at my links or just sit down and be quiet. McCain has to dump this cancer.







  7. Since when do people who run governments suddenly know what they're doing? And how are you defining "executive"?


    "Operations" experience is a LOT more important than executive. Executives can give the orders but its the operational groups who either make it work, or push back on the executive to get a grip. Governors don't have absolute power. They have responsibility to work with the various operational groups to meet certain requirements.


    Most governorships these days are quite weak. There are a few things, like executin and ribbon cuttin, that are theirs alone, but more often the power is distributed throughout the staff and the various other functional agencies.

    she is the most popular governor in America

  8. He's 18 and his MySpace page is plastered all over the place. He'd better change his profile because while it does say he's in a relationship, it also clearly stated this morniing that he doesn't want kids.



    Does not seem like the nicest of young men from what he puts on his website. Something tells me this is just the beginning with this family. If all this has come out in four days, what will happen in four weeks?

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