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Posts posted by TJ753

  1. I bet Marshawn was the only Bill that plays his music loud. Riiiiiiight. He might however have been the only one to get pulled over for it. Athletes, celebrities, politicians people in positions of power have been getting preferential treatment for YEARS. I'm so glad our law enforcement officers are making sure Lynch's music is not too loud while drunks and idiots are getting in fights and running people over with their vehicles a few yards away. Way to keep the peace and show that Marshawn he is not welcome.


    Way to focus on what's important! And you wonder why the guy wants out of the city. I can agree with you 100% about getting punks out of the league but lets get them ALL out. Not just the ones that coincidentally have dread locks and gold teeth and don't listen to the same music as you. Let's get all of the clean cut suburban punks who are just smarter about hiding all of the bad things they do and even hire cops to be the muscle for their illegal and morally depraved escapades.


    Cops don't like Lynch so every minor detail of anything bad he has done is not allowed to slide and is put in the news papers. Big Ben hires cops as muscle and is allowed to operate above the law for years because cops think he's cool. I don't mean to make this a rant about cops but when the law is exercised on the street it is an unfair abuse of power. Your buddy or relative gets a speeding ticket. You go talk to your fellow officer and somehow the ticket disappears. Pull over a guy for speeding who has dreads, is wearing a hoody and playing hip hop and not only does he get a ticket but you search the back seat and the trunk. Pull over a guy that looks like your golfing buddy and they get a warning. Cops have been known to FIGURATIVELY be judge, juror and executioner on the street. You let someone go because you identify with them and they are just a young guy that got into a little bind. You don't identify with them and they are a "thug". How about treat them all equally and let the actual court system and a judge make the determination of innocence or guilt.


    Ya. The loud music would have annoyed me too but pulling the guy over for it and it's somehow national news now???? COME ON!!! Seriously?

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