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Posts posted by Defender51

  1. I have not tried to stop you from enjoying the Bills wins. Enjoy them to your hearts content. Even the delusional desire a reality where "events" took place based a on a criteria of hope and "happy thoughts".



    Yeah. We just elected a President on the same basis. Might as well go whole hog and imagine the Bills are a good team, too.

  2. For the record, I live in DC. We get tourists now and again.


    But so glad to hear that watching a captive whale spit water into a crowd is still a good time for you. All that stuff you mentioned (like all the really cool fat tourists that invade your hometown year round) is evidence of an artificial and soul-less place to live. Great place to take your 9 year old kid, but to actually live there?


    If there's so many super funtastic things to do down there, why do you have to stop by here and spew all your "HATRED and VENOM"? Put on your mouse ears, leave the doublewide, and go outside and play.


    You are totally like a psycho ex-girlfriend. Keep dropping by and telling us how nice your new boyfriend treats you.


    Glad that the weak ones are being thinned from the herd.



    Yeah, you're right. My little sister lives in DC. How's the crime out that way?


    It's a free country until January 20th, anyway. I can spew whatever I want to spew, as you no doubt do, yourself.


    Are there really double wides down here? Haven't seen that.

  3. OK...a hypothetical question here....

    What happens to your newfound loyalty to the Bucs if they sink to your predefined level of mediocrity? Do you go looking for another team? Just wondering.....



    They will, eventually, just as the Bills did time and time again. The difference is that I know that eventually they will hire the right coach or pick up the right free agent or draft decently and put together a football team. Hell, this current team is overachieving as it is. But, I know that the Bucs will eventually win a Super Bowl again. I know that they will be in Tampa Bay and not Toronto, too.

  4. Wow...can't believe someone from Or-frickin-lando is talking smack about venue. Seen any good boy bands lately?


    Good luck with your anger management issues and your beloved Bucs.



    HHmmm...let's see. How cold is it there right now? I could care less about popular music, so I have no idea what you're even talking about with boy bands. Must be some weird fascination you have. If, just IF, I get bored here today, what with Disney, Universal Studios (open year round, in case you forgot) among a ton of outdoor activities, not to mention a playoff basketball team like the Magic....you know, playoffs, like your teams are destined never to see. But if I grow weary, I'm within an hour of both coasts, have gone to Miami for football games, which I did for the Bills/Dolphins game, also am going to see the Lightning trash the Sabres again in December. But, then there is the space coast and Sea World and Busch Gardens. I could go on, but I know that you have nothing better to do save for shoveling snow. BTW, I didn't catch where you live, but I'm just curious. How many tourists do YOU get?

  5. Interesting. Thanks for the update. I usually read about 95% of the posts here, but I must confess there's just been to much hatred and venom for me the last few weeks. So, I've been much more selective.


    Well, sorry you lost faith and good luck with the Bucs. :devil: Here's to proving you wrong.



    For you and the rest of the fans' sake here, I hope you DO prove me wrong, aside from the fact that I might have to eat my own underwear.


    But I cannot look at this team objectively and see them as a possible contender. The games that they have won, each of those teams is under .500 now. They are now 0-3 in their division, which is getting better as they get worse. The injuries are mounting up for them, and they weren't playing very well even with some of those guys in there. But, what it comes down to is, quite simply, the trenches. It's the old football adage, if you don't play well on the line of scrimmage, you can't succeed in the NFL. They play well on NEITHER side of the line of scrimmage...poorly, in fact.


    Coaching, too. I didn't like the Jauron hire before and I'm REALLY not liking it now. Where was the fire on Sunday? To me, it looked like the Bills went into that house and played like they expected to lose. A team takes on the personality of its coach, and from what I see, I don't like Jauron's personality.

  6. This may have been discussed elsewhere and I missed it, but why is a Bucs fan posting on a Bills board? Seriously, I don't get it.



    You missed it.


    I'm an ex Bills fan.


    Unlike the rest of you Bills fans, I cannot and will not accept mediocrity. I've given too much of my heart and money to your team to get these results. It's a free country (for now) and nothing binds me to the Bills, so I have severed my ties and repudiated them.


    I made a nasty post about Western New York in anger and shouldn't have. I publicly apologize for that right here, right now. I live in Orlando and have always liked the Bucs, anyway, so they are my "new" team.


    My aim here is to talk football with fans, but to express my HATRED and VENOM for the Buffalo Bills when necessary.

  7. Out of the woodwork he comes.... What happens when we make the playoffs this year? Will you stay away all offseason?



    Playoffs? You want to talk about playoffs? Playoffs?






    Ah Jeez! Ah...you kill me! STOP!!!!




    Look, son. Tell you what. I'm going to put my newfound hatred for the Bills and everything Western New York right here on the line for you. You have my word that no matter what happens, I'll be here posting every day. But I personally GUARANTEE that this team will not make the lol..haha...playoffs this year. GUARAN DAMN TEE it, my friend. If they do, I will change my avatar to me eating my underwear. If they don't, you have to do the same. I'll accept other offers for a bet if that's what does ya happy.

  8. I will never in my life root for Miami even though I live in Florida. And I am not a big fan of "Chuckie". I will root for the Buffalo Bills until there is no Buffalo Bills.



    Did you get that in enough?


    Too many years of Bills fandom have forever spoiled me for ever becoming a Dolphins fan. Plus, the damn "Miami Dolphins #1" song is just as gay as the "Shout" song that Buffalo has needed to change since mullets were stylish.


    GO BUCS!!

  9. I'll take my chances.


    Buh bye.


    Good luck in Florida - maybe you can swing a deal on a sweet foreclosure. I hear there's no shortage of those down there.





    Seriously, are you trying to place an insult on THIS area from YOUR area? I mean, really? Are you? And with...LOL.....THAT lame argument? The reason....lmao....that the foreclosure problem exists HERE is that people from THERE came HERE to buy houses and couldn't AFFORD them....lmao....roflmao. Oh, you're killing me, son. Hehehehehe.




    Do you know how many people from New York move HERE? I can show you THOUSANDS. How many native Floridians leave HERE to move THERE? Come on. Tell me. Seriously.

  10. You promise?



    Sure, but be careful what you wish for. My newfound hatred for the Bills would cause me to come here and talk noise every week because there are some some sure things here.


    #1. The Florida teams have promise now or can be guaranteed to have some success in the future.


    #2. The Bills are going to suck forever in Western New York. If they succeed in the future, it will be from Toronto.


    So, when I come here, it will be to GLOAT.


    Sure that's what you want?

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