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Posts posted by NickMendola

  1. ugghh...make it stop....Is it really only the second week of preseason. I feel like it should be about week 12 by now...


    Imagine if we had OTAs and had to pretend they really mattered. Bring on Week One...


    Great Scott! Are we serious?


    Why would the Broncos not trade Orton and then trade for Fitz? They have Tebow, whose potential is greater than Fitz. They have Orton, who is the same age as Fitz, has a very similar contract status AND has had three good years in the league plus a very good one last year. This is all crazy sauce!

  2. I was just writing about this exact thought. I'm into the idea. He does a lot of mature things on the field that shows he understands football. If the physical tools are there, he'll get it eventually. 4th rder. Bills have two after all, and I wouldn't be mad if they put one of them toward Pryor, so why not Tebow?

  3. Thanks for the kind words, guys. Still working on Marcell and a bunch of players. Will get Kelvin Sheppard on the phone at the very least this week. He's my favorite pick of theirs in a while (Marcus Easley also). We also have added Christian Gaddis (ex-Bills, Colts, Browns OL) to write for us from time-to-time. He's been a great guest and a good guy. Tells GREAT stories off-the-air, too: http://www.weck1230.com/cgaddis/

  4. I keep forgetting to mention this on the show because the US killed some guy in Pakistan...


    If Jasper turns out to be anything, can you imagine the goal line D or a potential four-man front of Dareus, Jasper, Kyle Williams and Troup (who I like a lot). This is before adding in Carrington, who seemed to be coming along and Spencer Johnson. Excitement.

  5. Terrence McGee isn't done. He was on the show a few weeks ago and even talked about how he misses returning kicks and wouldn't mind getting the chance again.


    I won't say anything about Florence because my views are jaded by being inside the locker room. Good-enough football player, but McKelvin is in his third year. Should be alright.


    Corner is by no means dog meat, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jairus Byrd might slide into some slot coverage if any one of the new safeties are promising enough.... at least situationally.

  6. Hey guys,


    I had both Chris White & Michael Jasper on the show today, mixed in with the Osama bin Laden talk. Both were great. People were comparing White to Chan Gailey. Jasper was tremendous, said he'll deal with wings and weck "in moderation."




    Apologies for the cheap plug, but I know we're still trying to grow as a station and not all of you would've been away from Rome/Rush,



  7. I'm obviously biased since it was on my radio show and I already wanted Fairley to fall to No. 3, but I was really impressed by Nick in the interview (the DT, not me). We had a ton of phone trouble on his end, but he answered several questions twice and even asked about my son when his agent had told him I had to haul the baby in with me to record the interview. I know this doesn't make him any better of a football player, but it encouraged me to feel better about him (even if he was surely coached on how to "come off,"). He mentioned technique and making a dominant impact as soon as possible.


    Anyone, thanks for posting the link. I had Colin McCarthy from Miami on as well and I'm in contact with a ton of other prospects' agents. Any ones in particular you want to hear from?


    Here's Colin's: http://www.nickmendola.com/draft-interview-miami-ilb-colin-mccarthy/


    Thanks for listening,


  8. I haven't liked every week, but I loved today's game plan. The Steelers have aging linebackers in coverage who are still smart enough to dominate against the run. The only way the Bills were going to be able to run on them was to have the pass be an option. If Evans or Johnson caught the ball today, it wouldn't have gotten to overtime. Evans has quit on this season like a sour man who realizes they can't win anything of consequence until next year. Probably dropped five today. Johnson did drop five and would've had 12 grabs for 150 yards if he didn't. Young man's mistakes...

  9. I am very much with this sentiment. It's amazing that at 2-8 this is the most excited I've been to go to a game as a fan in a long time. I know from working in radio that it's really easy to get negative in a hurry -- which is why I'm happy to have my own show at WECK (cheap plug) -- but that's not my gig. I've really enjoyed watching the Bills for a while and I'd rather be ticked off by how many Steelers fans are there than losing to the league's all-time franchise.

  10. Jerry Sullivan is a scumbag.


    The opposite of true. I understand he's perceived as a bitter villain-type and it's reinforced by the way he's promoted, but he's a genuine person who's had the misfortune of covering some terrible teams. Jerry was one of those rare media members willing to take my opinions into consideration the moment we met. In fact, just a few days later he brought in a Russo book I hadn't read, "The Risk Pool," because he thought I'd enjoy it.


    Here's a guy who lives in the city and would do anything to see it thrive. Have a beer at a bar with him talking anything other than sports and I'm positive your opinion will change.

  11. I know people point toward WECK as a real alternative but it isn't. Brad is Brad. What you hear is what you get and thats not very much. Lots of self-satisfied attitude and nothing of substance. Not to mention he's a real bad broadcaster technically. I listened to the new guy Nick. At least he tries to stay in context but it sounds like some college radio show. Not much personality and as a listener I really could care less what music he likes. I've heard these two utter the "I'm just a guy with a radio show" line over and over. If thats true, what compelling reason is there to listen if your just like everyone else and nothing sets you apart?


    Sportstalk is dead is most of us know it in Buffalo. For examples of how it should be done try FAN590, WFAN, and KNBR. These station actually respect the intelligence of their listeners.


    Sportstalk -- and talk radio in general -- is far from dead. Podcasts and online radio have combined with terrestrial to really solidify what the medium has always been going for.


    As for me, the "guy with a radio show" line aims to show that while we get inside info to the Bills & Sabres, and went to school for broadcasting/journalism/whatever, we aren't here to talk down to people. Anyone who does that is a joke. I don't want to put my show out there to callers as a way for them to be judged. The compelling reason is that folks have identified our opinions -- on sports, music or life -- as something worth interacting with. I don't control that, but I'm grateful for it every day.


    Cheers to discourse,


  12. Just talked to Brad and he says most folks listen to us via "Tunein" for iPhone. I've been able to access the streaming link from my DROID via the link on the top of the soon-to-be redeveloped weck1230.com


    I love talking football and while I have tons of friends at the other station I'll tell you I'm willing to subvert a music discussion if you have something you want to talk about. We thrive off listeners, and air from 7-10 p.m. EST on nights the Yankees don't play.


    Last night we talked Tim Kennedy, Aaron Schobel, the UB Bulls, Cleveland vs. Buffalo sports, living in Boston as a sports fan and popular songs that aren't very good. We mix up the music and guests (tonight I'm going to give the Buffalo Rumblings guys a try, last night we had Paul Peck).


    You have an alternative. Read my recent Bills posts at www.nickmendola.com


    Always taking advice: nickonweck@gmail.com


    Go Bills,




  13. Thanks... It's been a wild ride. As far as the suggestions, we're new here so we went with what we got. Want to be a fan-oriented team, so we want to do this all democratically. Hope you all can come out for a game.


    We're happy to answer any questions, or include anyone in any way. Email: nick@fcbuffalo.org

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