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Posts posted by BillZerk

  1. My brother was murdered by his wife, then she killed herself, while their 3 year old daughter was in the next room. So where was Jesus that day? Taking a day off?


    Bottom line there is no God and Devil. There is no God that makes you do good and a devil that makes you do bad. There have been more people killed in human history over religion. Look at the 9/11 attacks, the actual attackers believed they were doing God's work. Killing innocent people for God? Sorry, but the years of blind faith with me have been long gone.

    Sorry about the tragedy man. That had to be a very painful situation. I hope the daughter is OK.

  2. I'm saying the Jesus & the whole bible is fictitious. IMO, it's just been stories that have been passed on from generation from generation.

    Hey, I know we are getting off topic and I don't want to use this board as an evangelism platform but I wanted to say I appreciate your honesty. All I am asking you to consider is this person that you call ficticious is the one that Jimbo gives credit to for making a very real change in his life. A change that his wife and others close to him can attest to. Jim is 50 something years old and was pretty set in his ways and behaviours. It takes something pretty real to enable/inspire/allow you to make a radical life change.

  3. Jesus has transformed my life as well, & I am eternally grateful to Him for that, along with my salvation. Yet, I do not feel the need to inform people of the details of my wretchedness before that day I dropped to my knees. My past sins are between myself & God. I feel I can be a better witness to others by letting my light shine on who I am today, without shining a light on my dirty past. I just feel as if Kelly could have alluded to falling short as a human being before Jesus, minus the sordid details. Do people really need to know how he ripped Jill's heart out?

    I hear what you are saying. I feel it doesn't have to be either or. You can be transparent about your past and what Jesus saved you from while being a witness through your transformed life in the present. I don't think Jim goes into sordid details other than there were acts of infidelity. There is a guy out there who is going to connect with Jim's (and Jill's) story because it was a little specific. A drug addict in the throes of his/her addiction is going to be reached by someone whom they feel they can relate to...who has been where they are. I think that is the power of transparency, it helps you connect with people who can relate specifically to your story and offers them hope.

  4. Seems most people find God after getting caught doing something horrible. Where was his faith while he was cheating on his wife?

    That is kinda the point isn't it. We talk about the Bills record before and after Kelly and the role Kelly played in the Bills glory days. It is easy to see Jim was a major factor in the Bills success of the 90's. Now look at Jim's personal record before and after Jesus. Before Jesus, a womanizer, unfaithful to his wife, denial about his secret behavior. I assume he felt guilt and shame. After Jesus, humble, forgiven, changed, committed, faithful and unburdened from guilt and shame. It is the transforming work of Jesus in the heart of Jim Kelly that brought this change.


    I am more proud of Jim for being transparent about his life than I am of his performance on the field. What he did on the field was exciting for the day. His personal witness could affect somebodies life for eternity!

  5. hey Lori: this is the greatest thread ever.


    exclamation point. period.




    I live near his hometown (Columbus, TX) His parents operate a restaurant. On Mar 19th we stopped there at lunch time and guess who was behind the counter making himself a plate from the buffet line. Aaron and his brother Matt. My son was wearing his Aaron Schobel jersey at the time. We talked to him for a minute and he signed my son's jersey. Took a group picture..... I wanted to ask him about his retirement decision but didn't want to bug him. He said something about being out of shape so that may be indicative of his passion.

  6. Amongst all of the bashing of Trent and Jauron which in my opinion is veiled Trent apologist support, something occurred to me. Many were complaining about some of the calls as far as when we decided to punt. Not going for it on a 4th and 1 etc.


    Perhaps, just perhaps Jauron isn't a stupid as some thing and he knows he has a QB with a confidence crisis on his hands.


    Perhaps he did give up on the game and took no risk as he didn't want to risk further damage to and the embaressment of Edwards and to an extent perhaps the o-line?


    Hangartner couldn't snap the ball in the second half well. Wasn't he injured and limited in practice all week? Perhaps Jauron just knew we weren't up to the task and wanted to get us out of there?



    Who knows? Just something to think about I guess.


    IEatCrayonz, is that you?

  7. So bc we assume poz "vouched" for Maybin and he hasnt signed like a few others drafted ahead of him havent, Poz cant lead our defense?


    Does this mean all those other teams are full of guys who cant lead bc they "vouched".


    Are you really trying to say that the Bills drafted a guy in the first round based mostly on what one guy who played with him for a year said?? I mean it couldnt have anything to do with his on field ability? ?


    So if Trent Edwards doesnt work out i think we should take Marv off the wall of fame. He probably vouched for him and certainly praised him.


    Bill Walsh too.

  8. Exactly what I thought when he was hired: he's a guy who can take a bad team and make them respectable (i.e. approximately .500 winning record), and maybe back into the playoffs occasionally. But not the guy to take a team to the next level.


    But the reason for that I see is less emotion than passivity. Jauron simply does not believe as a matter of coaching philosophy in taking control of a game. He worries less about taking a lead than he does about being in a position to take a lead at some future time. Review every game he's coached, and the overwelmingly common characteristic they all have is that his teams allow opponents to dictate the pace of play, which is fine with him as long as he can "remain competitive" and "be in a position to win in the final two minutes."


    Contrast that to, say, the 2007 Patriots (or Landry's Cowboys, or Lombardi's Packers, or Vermeil's Rams, or Ditka's Bears), who played to win in the FIRST two minutes, not the last two.


    And what is the trickle down effect of that to the players. You heard Jim Kelly, you can't distinguish a loss from a win Monday in the locker room. The players seem content to be competitive.

  9. For every 1 Bill Belicheat who started his career off slowly and then began winning at a remarkable rate, there are 20 rich kotites who continued losing. Dick Jauron is simply another rich kotite. The guy has been in the league 8 seasons and has never showed even glimpses of being able to achieve anything that can closely resemble consistent winning.


    I'll never understand why lots of posters cannot seem to distinguish between the exception and the rule.


    I think Jauron is good at taking a 4 & 12 team and getting them to 8 + 8. He has enough intelligence and game planning to do that. But much of the game is about emotion and momentum and I just don't see him being able to stoke those fires at the opportune times that translates into an extra win or too. Also, you have to be creative and get out of the box once in a while or make a decision based on gut feel or intuition. I don't see him being able to do that. he is too dependent on game plan and strategy. He is a smart guy and the players like him but I think the players need to fear him a little or be inspired by him rather than just relaxed all the time.

  10. I think playing NE first game is our best scenario.


    First it will be Brady's first live game in a year. His conditioning and timing will only improve through the season. Also, it takes a while to get over the psychological impact of being injured. Second, Belicheat won't have 09 season game film (except for what he secretly filmed during training camp) to game plan against our new no huddle.


    From the Bills perspective, Jauron seems adequate when he has time to prepare and analyze all the imperical evidence etc. He doesn't do as well making geme time and mid season adjustments when things have heated up and you have to rely on gut feel and intuition. (Fast start --> Slow fade)


    I just think facing NE first game presents the best opportunity to beat them. A win would be very significant because it will set the tone for the season, give the team confidence they can compete and win against the best, and break the psychological hold NE has over Buffalo due to dominating us the last 10 years.

  11. First of all there fake, Secondly they aren't dating just friends. Apparently this broad is the grand daughter of Bill France, Founder of NASCAR, yeeee hawww. None the less she is spectacular. Tebow as god fearing as he is makes me absolutely sick

    and I am not just saying this as a NOLE fan. The guy is a great football player, not a QB. See Alex Smith, great career thus far.


    I am not hating on the kid for being religious and praising the lord everytime he farts but I have a problem with a college kid who's vast experience has been a visit to the phillipines and home schooled. What gives him the right to go to prisons and tell the people there they need to find god. How the hell does he know what they have been through. And I am not advocating crime but this kid has been coddled his entire life. Get off your pedestal you play on a team absolutely loaded from top to bottom.


    We have seen allot of great athletes got caught up in the trappings of being adored as a high profile athlete, get a big head, act like their above the law, focus on the money, fame, materialism etc. It takes a strong person to stay above that, see through the materialism and selfishness and have big picture priorities that focuses on serving rather than being served. I think that qualifies him more for telling people how to find God rather than someone who is in or has been to prison.

  12. I'm not so sure after watching the video. He seems like he's got nice elusivity like Roscoe Parrish but I've also heard he might not have the football temperament that is needed to be successful at the next level. Last thing we need is a front runner who'll dance around defenders when we're winning and come up with some phantom injury in the 4th quarter of a close game.


    Maybe if he's there in the 2nd round.


    He has a high motor though

  13. Ok Ok... He deserves criticism... He held out of camp, demanding higher money (advice from his agent) and he had an off year.... But enough of the BS the guy is our best offensive player on our team, and all you morons want to get rid of him. Bad move!!! It is very difficult trying to find a Player of his caliber at the blind side tackle and now you want to get rid of him so we can draft another bust like Mike Williams. Thanks but no thanks. Pay the man his money, that's what the NFL is, you pay to play and we need to pay this man. Once we pay him, he will come into camp, be in shape, and dominate the way we expect him to.

    Unfortunately, I think Magox is right. His agent is yelling in his ear, "you only have a few prime time years. Your worth 8MM and they are paying you 3MM, in your prime." The hold out was stupid, he could have not held out, maintained his level of play from 2007 and have a much more compelling case case now for a raise than he accomplished via holding out. At this point though pay the man, make him happy so he makes us happy so everyone is happy.

  14. OJ's inclusion on the wall and in the HOF is based on his on field game and not on anything else.



    I know were just talking about football heroes but heroes that you honor and put on a pedastal should be more than just good players. I am not saying they have to be saints but murderer (we all know he did it) and armed robbery are enough to disgrace him from hero status. To me its a package deal. I don't want to honor a thug or see my kid admire a murderer no matter how good a football player he was.

  15. Now that he is a convicted felon, should his name be removed from the Wall of Fame?


    Do you want to honor a murder and now convicted armed robber. Should he be admired an esteemed the same way as the others on the wall. No way. I loved watching the Juice growing up but no way should he be enshrined on the Wall of Fame. IMO, it comprises the value of the honor afforded to all the others enshrined on the wall if a thug like OJ is included.

  16. Agreed...


    There's something to it...I'm not sure what it is either...But I do think that it all starts with the HC...The HC's We have had since Marv have not exactly been...well...good...Wade was the best of them but those Teams had a ton of talent...especially on Defense...The rest well...Good Coordinators maybe?...Maybe not...


    We have yet to bring in a REAL top notch Football mind who can also inspire a Team to greater heights...I'll say it till I'm blue in the face...Talent is no longer the main problem on this Team...It's The Coaching and the Leadership...Miami has the same Record as the Bills now with half the talent...And they have 2 Divisional wins...Jauron is a loser...His Record is what it is...I don't think He accepts losing, I just don't think He is capable of conveying His distain to the Players on this team in order to get the best possible performance out of them...He keeps telling them, and anyone who will listen, what a great bunch of Guys they are and what hard workers they are...I think this breeds an accepting attitude amongst the Players that they are doing the right things but darn it all bad things just seem to happen to them all the time...It's just another way of accept mediocrity...Hard working mediocrity...


    I'm just guessing...But I think that's the problem...You can see it on the faces of The players...They don't know what the F is happening to them...I think in turn they start doubting what they are doing then it all goes to crap fast...Jauron just feeds that garbage with His personality...He can't help it...He can't change it...It is what it is and what it's going to be always with a Dick Jauron Coached Team...The ultimate tease...Hard working losers... :wallbash:


    Wow, good post. Makes you think. I agree that there is a powerful psychological or momentum thing at play. You see it in all sports, tennis, golf, hockey. An edge a team/player has when they are playing well and expect too. Your leaders are the guys who inspire that mindset by their play if they are players or words if they are coaches. I saw nobody on Sunday's team, from the coaches to the players inspiring the team. Everybody seems to adopt the low key, zero emotion attitude of the coach. The closest thing that came to changing the momentum was the kick off return at the end of the game. We followed that up with a touchdown pass but too little too late. Its just sad that the rookie already labled a bust by some, had to be the player to break the fung with his play. I like Jauron's demeanor most of the time. You want the coach to be a calming influence. But right now it seems to be a lulling influence that gives the players an excuse to accept mediocrity. Wouldn't it shake things up to see Jauron step out of character and light a fire under the Oline's @ss for example. On the personnell side, it seems we confuse high character with vanilla personalities. Thurman Thomas, Darryl Talley, Bruce Smith, Jim Kelly, they had personality. They could be grating. They would call somebody out. They were vocal leaders as well as impact players. We need that fire on our team.

  17. well, we have Hardy, who makes a few good plays each game so far, but then disappears for long stretches---not rare for a rookie...


    we have Parrish who SHOULD be a much better WR option than he is....the guy is probably the quickest player in the NFL and SHOULD be uncoverable in the slot...he makes some nice plays, but not enough of them for a player who has the speed and quickness that he does, especially since he is going up against a nickel CB or safety most plays...he should be dominating his man like the way Stokely did...the fact he doesn't leaves me shaking my head as to why...


    we have Steve Johnson, who hasn't played much, but was a fairly good player at Kentucky...probably in the same boat as Hardy---just not ready yet to contribute much...


    Reed is much more reliable than these 3 players. The guy has developed into a major 3rd down weapon, and virtually all of his 3rd down catches result in a first down. He also has had one of the highest catch rates in the NFL for a WR over the past 3 years, which means any time Edwards throws him the ball, it is being caught, and is almost always resulting in a firt down on 3rd down....Reed had 16 first down catches in the previous 6 games, and was tied with Evans for the team lead in receptions with 24...Edwards clearly is comfortable with and trusts Reed tremendously...


    I am not going to say that Reed being out 4 weeks will cost us a playoff berth, but I will say our offense will be noticeably affected and likely not as effective as it has been....I would bet we average 5-7 points per game less with Reed out...


    The more Reed is out, the more dependent we are on the tide ends for production and we all saw where that left us.

  18. A shove in a crowd is not a basis for assault. If it was, there would be thousands and thousands of charges at any event where there is a crowd.


    And the fact is, if you touch a child in any way these days, even to save it - you touched a child and so your life is ruined.


    This summer in Cincinnati, a kid got into a car parked on the street. The owner went to his car, saw the kid roasting, and instead of opening the door and removing the child, he called the police. He knew well, had he opened the car door and removed that child, he was setting himself up for molestation charges.


    That seems like an extreme view. If a kid is trapped in a car, open the car door. You don't even have to touch the kid. Now if he was a pedophile with a criminal record and opened the door and removed the kids clothes to help him 'cool off', well than he deserves to be charged with molestation but that is a totally different scenario.

  19. Somewhere 'round '63 or '64 - used to watch the Sun. nite games at my uncle's house 'cause he had 'color-TV'. (He had a colour-TV set with a remote that 'tripped' some sort of electro-mechanical relay and caused the VHF channel dial (Ch. 2-13) to rotate! :lol: )


    My brother and I had the kid-sized full 'replica' uniforms...not just jerseys - helmets, shoulder pads, pants with the removable thigh pads...ridiculous.


    Anyway, my most vivid early memory was when the team appeared at the old Thruway Plaza to greet the fans after the '64 championship - they were giving out those small souvenir footballs and I nearly got crushed by the mob 'til my dad hoisted me on his shoulders. Got my souvenir football though! :lol:


    Those were the days...


    18 and 1 baby!!! B-)


    GO BILLSSS!!!!


    PosLUSZny!!!!! :lol:


    I live in Houston now but lived in Arcade till I was 17. I was fortunate to be able to go to a couple games at the Ralph. I remember standing by the tunnel and being so elated when several of the Bills Players gave me a high five. At half time me and my brother would run down the concourse as fast as we could through traffic, bobbing and weeving like we were running backs cutting through the line of scrimmage and getting to the second level. Annoying behavior to adults but much fun as kids. Good times!!


    Me and my brother would watch the games on TV and at half time go out and play tackle football we were so pumped up. Of course, these were the old days before TIVO and the Direct TV NFL package.

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