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Posts posted by billsrcursed

  1. To add to this point more, Pettine's name is on a list of NFL HC candidates, supposedly. So, teams know about him. And yet he still only got 1 interview 3 weeks into the offseason. This to me seems like the Browns doing there job and seeing what else is out there. Could they hire him? Sure, if he impresses them enough.


    I think you need to understand where this franchise(Cleveland) is. They just fired a guy after a year, fans are pissed. Even players are pissed. I know fans in Buffalo love Pettine, but take of the rose colored glasses for a second. Pettine has been under Rex's shadow for his entire NFL career, his first year out and he mildly improves a Buffalo defense. Do you really think the ownership of the Browns would be able to sell this to fans?


    Based on the owner's release yesterday basically telling fans to "calm down", i'm not so sure he is that concerned with fan feedback through this process.

  2. TJ comes to a complete STOP to look back for the ball. I don't see real NFL receivers stopping on their routes to assess the ball trajectory. That's not pro football.


    His route was "slowed" by having to turn to the outside after beating his defender and expecting an inside throw, in which he was correct.


    His route did not ever stop, watch it again.


    Also, stop making me have to defend TJ, it makes me feel dirty.

  3. I find TJ to be so bad that he makes a perfect pass appear uncatchable. Much like last weeks 4th and 3 attempt.


    I'm not going to sit here and defend TJ, but if you think that pass on 4th and 3 last Sunday was perfect, you should probably stop using a Salami Sandwhich for glasses.

  4. I am not sure if he has a strong arm, but he throws a great deep ball, if that makes sense. I fully expect the coaches to give him multiple chances to air it out,


    It makes perfect sense. It's also spot on for Tuel.


    I'm not going to put too much stock in what we saw against Cleveland. Different circumstances. I think Tuel will balance out between that game and what we saw in the pre-season from him. If our D shows up, we have a chance. I don't expect Tuel to lose this game for us.

  5. I see that this has become a discussion on mental illness. Maybe I missed something but was there any mention of mental illness in the report? Maybe he's just "as mad as hell" at some of his teammates and "not going to take it anymore." Being an athlete you could easily see how his reaction might be a little juvenile.


    I think the part about him seeking treatment, coupled with the reaction he had, is leading most to believe there MAY be a mental illness factor involved.


    I, too, commend the majority on their interactions in this thread. It reminds me why I still hang around here.

  6. Like I just said in the Shoutbox, something about this just isn't right and it is still bugging me now that I am seeing it everywhere. Hell, it was on Fox News tonight (it was on the at the gym, I wasn't choosing to watch it)...


    Who leaked the story? Did Favre decide he was so starved for attention that he did? nah.

    The Rams didn't, why would they want it out there? Same with Favres former agent. He'd want to plug his current players.

    was it more internet buzz fueled a rumor that caused someone to ask brett if he'd play for the rams that caused someone to say brett said he was retired...which means, he declined the Rams.


    I saw Brett on NFL AM the day before this story broke, and he seemed very content with what he was doing since retirement, not starved for attention at all. I think if Brett still wanted attention TV stations would be lining up to bring him in.


    My guess would be some team exec. caught wind and passed it on to a journalist type...

  7. Oh, yes. The stadium experience hostile as heck. People say the same thing about the Ralph, though. I was talking in general that Browns fans are not that awful.


    Tell more about your experience, I am curious.


    Agreed. I've been to Cleveland quite a few times, and even in some of the rougher areas (East Cleveland) the people were terrific. Very close if not exact to Buffalonians. I consider both places to be littered with fantastic folks.

  8. But the hit had nothing to do with the injury... Now if Hoyer got a concussion, I can see your argument. His right knee is torn... What does Kiko Alonso have to w/that? Actually Kiko's hit may have lessoned the injury! Without the hit, his right leg sticks even more on the awkward slide!


    Hoya got destroya'd by an old-time clean hit! Kiko even showed compassion by easing up on him!





  9. Kudos to Branch!


    I was wrong about him in preseason when I thought he might be cut. He was jogging and looked sluggish when all the young guys were flying around trying to impress the coaches and make the team. I think he just felt secure and is one of these vets that could launch into an Iverson-esque "practice" rant under the right conditions....


    I don't think you were wrong. There were many here on the board, including myself, that saw exactly what you saw and were concerned about him.


    Glad he's out there kicking butt now, and I hope it continues.

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