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Billy Basement

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Posts posted by Billy Basement

  1. Yes, I see the bolded part. What you're not highlighting is what changed in the law that previously allowed derivatives to be netted as part of the automatic stay since the '90s. The answer is that the 2005 law added derivatives that didn't exist at the time previous bankruptcy laws were passed. What your youtube videos also don't answer is what is the tie in between the 2005 bankruptcy law and the intramural squabble between Fed & FDIC.


    Could you imagine that moving the swaps to BoA NA actually reduces the risk to the taxpayers? I guess not until Billy Basement's youtube video will tell you.

    I am filming that this weekend after the dungeons and dragons tournament is over. Wish me luck because I am sitting on three alchemy spells and a contract with a stealth witch.

  2. The first article talks about the increased borrowings by banks from the fed's discount window, something that used to be frowned upon. The second says the Freddie/Fannie bail outs were aimed at foreign holders of the debt, specifically the official sources, not the private. Gee, the administration acquiesced to foreign governments for fear they'd dump the dollar? Where have I heard that before....


    Bank borrowings


    Foreign bond holders

    Technically, it is more of an implosion than a meltdown.


    The metdown-o-meter has barely moved, whereas the implode-o-meter has gone berserk.

  3. Filtered version


    What the story doesn't tell you is that it is even worser. There are actually some ghostes moving into this town and scaring people away. If the global financial implode-o-meter keeps going at this pace, it won't just be out in the middle of nowhere where the ghostes are, it will be in your very own town. Without the proper D&D spell, which not many people have, they are going to take over.

  4. What difference would it make, you have by your own admission openly stated that billy is full of chit.

    Furthermore you have never read his postings or those of the other contributers on ml-implode o-meter.


    Are you now admitting to actually doing some research and coming to your own conclusion's?


    Billy was putting up you-tube stuff for a year prior to being recruited by the implode o meter. Get a clue.


    How's indymac stock doing, I see it closed BELOW 1.00 today?


    Facts are hard to find and even harder to swallow.


    Maybe you should just listen to the regular EXPERTS on this website, you know the guys always pumping out the BOGUS line of Goebbels like propaganda straight from the hart of the crumbling financial center of the universe, WALL ST. And they actually believe the chit!!


    With the DOW closing below 11,750, well you figure it out, FOOL!!



    Why is it, ah never mind, just check the avatar!!! :thumbdown:<_<:w00t:



    How's that Dollar looking idiots?




    Thanks for having my back.


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